chapter nine

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Toni phone rang just as she was helping Hariel to set the table, Angela call her
"Hey suga" Toni answers her friend,
Eddie took at her believing it's her husband
"Back in Manhattan as yet? My family coming down for the holidays this year, my husband and I are having both our family together so I won't be in Manhattan this Christmas"
"Oh really that's nice I'm still in Texas girl haven't left as yet" Toni said
"Your husband came?" Angela asked
"He's busy a lot he says, he barely made it home at nighs and truth is he probably work on Christmas day" Toni said
"Are you kidding me work on Christmas oh please" Angela said
"Yeah that was said" Toni said
"So you going to stay in Texas?" Angela asked
"I might just do that" Toni said
"If you do I can come for a day"
"That sounds interesting" Toni laugh
"So two days after the Christmas holiday I'll see you"
"We got a plan"
"It's a guarantee" Toni said
"I'll keep in touch"
"Love you like that" Toni said
"Like wise"
They hang up Toni smile to herself
",Was that your sister?" Hariel asked
,"Hariel" both Eddie and Dorothy called to her
"Stop being nosy" Dorothy said
Toni smile "that's my best friend her name is Angela we grew up together in Manhattan but she's living in Colorado now for she's married and have a family there her husband and two girls almost as big as as pretty she's a family counselor over there"
"My mother is a guidance counselor, at my old school in las Vegas she said that she made a lot of money" Hariel said
"Isn't that wonderful" Toni said
"Maybe" Hariel said
Toni smile,
The dinner was brought to the table, they sat to eat Eddie brought out a bottle of Italian red wine for dinner it wasn't much alcohol so Hariel got a small amount she grin on receiving it
"You like it?" Toni ask
"My dad said that red wine are for special occasions"
"This is a special occasions I guess" Toni said "I feel so welcome thanks for inviting me over"
"It is nothing child" Dorothy said
Eddie smile
"What does your mother do?" Hariel asked
"My mother isn't a live now both my mom and dad died I have no other family it's just me and my husband but he's very busy busy most of the time"
"He work on Christmas too?" Hariel asked
"This year he might" Toni said
"so is it that you're going to stay in Texas for Christmas?" Dorothy ask
"I don't know I have to work I only took two weeks off so I might have to go home soon"
"But Toni won't you be spending Christmas a lone?" She asked with open mouth. "Nana said that no one should be a lone on Christmas"
Toni smile and rub her cheeks
"If you decide to stay the doors are open" Dorothy said
Eddie look at Toni
she was smiling she nod, "I'll keep that into consideration" she said
They finished dinner and Toni help with the cleaning up, she spent a little time with Hariel and she show her the house they went into Eddie's room and Toni admire the setting, "it's marvelous" she said from the bed to every furniture in the room even the shirtless photo of him hanging on the wall, he was showing off his abs and muscle it seemed it was a off guard photo but he still looks pretty amazing,
My dad did it himself" Hariel said
"He did?"
Hariel nods
"He can?"
Hariel nods
"Wow he is pretty good, your dad is very special, it's the same passion he puts in to help me out at home" Toni said
"When can I come see your home?" Hariel asked
"Tomorrow" Toni said
Hariel remember that although school isn't in session she has to go for they will practice for the upcoming school pageant, "I have practice tomorrow" Hariel said letting her shoulders fall
Toni lift them straighten her up, she smile down at her, "we have enough time" she said
Hariel smirk
"Christmas is next week Wednesday isn't that so?" Toni said
"Hariel nods "but won't you be leaving soon?"
"If I'll leaving it's not before you see my home"
Hariel grin
They share a hug Toni got up to leave it was drawing closer to night fall she bid Dorothy good bye Eddie walk with her to her van,
"What you doing tomorrow?" Toni asked
"I have no plans for tomorrow only apart from what I do every day, help my grandma" Eddie said
"Maybe then you could come paint the gate for me" Toni said
Eddie nod,
"Then I'll see you tomorrow"
Eddie nod
Toni turn to leave
"What time should I come?" Eddie asked
"What ever time suits you" Toni reply
Eddie nod
Toni smile she got in the van and left him there,
"Because it was coming close to the Christmas holiday today is already the fifteenth day in December stores were open at a later hours Toni decided to stop at the flower shop and bought the plants she wanted she got the soil to purchase as well with the jumbo pots she needs for the gate plants she want it pave and she stop to get some cement hoping Eddie find the time to do it for her, after this she'll have nothing to do on the house more than to relax and enjoy the other few days she have left here,
The Christmas sale was on too so she got a nice set of porch furniture for a reasonable amount she load up the van and drove home slowly,
To the time Toni left Eddie was expecting to hear from her it was getting late and she didn't call, Just when he picks the phone up to call her it rings at a few minutes to eleven pm
"Toni you just getting home?" Eddie asked
"I stop to pickup a few things on my way you know the season is fast approaching and the stores are open late I got some good deals"
Eddie chuckle he can see she love to shop she has great shopping skills too,
"What?" Toni asked when she heard him
,"It's nothing" Eddie said
"Ok so I'll see you tomorrow"
"Yes mam"
"Is Hariel off to bed?" Toni ask
"For a while now she was waiting to hear from you"
,"Apologize for me tell her I'm ok, don't worry I'll call you for her in the morning,"
"Ok sure, goodnight" Eddie said
"Goodnight Eddie" Toni said"By the way Eddie I don't know if you can help be by the gateway"
"Of course I can"
"Thanks Eddie" Toni said
"Ma'am" he said
They ended he call
Toni smile to herself
Eddie sighs he rub his face looking in the mirror an image of Toni came up behind him looking sweetly he could almost felt her touch him he turn his head but she vanish he shook himself back moving away from the mirror he climb ito bed his sleep comes easy but it was the dreams that haunted him he sat up in bed quarter to five sweating his heart racing as if he was caught off guard in some cross fire, he sigh got up and wash his face then went down he made some coffee went to the barn a head of time come back wash himself and fix breakfast
Dorothy walk in the kitchen with a smile "you couldn't sleep?" She asked
"Just wake up a little too early"
"You're fixing breakfast" Dorothy said
Eddie nod
"Is it Christmas morning?" Hariel asked coming in the kitchen
"Yes and someone is late for it they even miss Santa Claus" Eddie said tickling her,
Hariel laugh as her father tickles her
"Alright daddy please" she said
Eddie back away leaving her after a little while she was calm no hard breathing no giggles
Eddie made at her again "no dad" she screams running behind her great grandmother
"Leave the child" Dorothy said flopping a dish cloth at Eddie
They each giggles
They sat for breakfast soon as they were finished with breakfast Eddie's phone rang he widen his eyes for he didn't expect her to really call he just hand his daughter the phone,
"Toni" Hariel said
"I call early before you leave" Toni said
"I was waiting to hear you call last night" Hariel said
"Girl on my way over I found that almost every store I wanted to shop was opened at that hour I got carried away so I got home late"
"You really love to shop don't you?" Hariel asked
"Yeah I can't help it"
"I would really love to see your house"
"You will so you're leaving now?" Toni asked
On that word her friend Melissa from across the street  came with her mother to give her a ride to school,
,"I'm leaving now later bye" she said Hariel hug and bid goodbye to her dad and nana "love you" she told each of them,
"love you sugar plum" Eddie said hugging her kissing her cheek
"Love you my child" Dorothy kiss her forehead,
she left with them,
Eddie got dress in some work clothes and went down stairs where his grandma waits on him, she noticed his attire and know right away he wasn't going to the lounge, "you're helping Toni with something today?" Dorothy ask
Eddie nod
"She's painting her gate and paving her gateway"
"Noah and jack helping you?"
"It's just me it's not much"
"Ok" Dorothy said
They got to the lounge and he help her open and freshen up before going over to Toni,
She was busy in her garden although the sun was up she was working on the jumbo pots for the gate way
"Morning" Eddie said
"Hey you" Toni said she got off her knees to go to him
"Thanks for coming" Toni said
"You needed my help, so should we get started"
Toni point him to the van park right in front of the garage she had backed it out this morning that's where the things were she had got in last night and she having take down anything except for her pots and plants as she had started to fix them  since the ones for the bolcony and the ones for the porch those she needs for the gate way four jumbo pots and some beautiful palm tree looking ones to fit by the gate,
Eddie took down the set of porch furniture and bring them onto the porch what he was going to need he leave in the front yard
He started working on the pavement and help her to fix the pots then he painted the gates in nice red color,
"Let me fix you a cool drink" Toni offer and maybe you'll want to freshen up a bit" she said
,"You got a cold beer?" Eddie asked
"You bet I do" she said
They went in and he freshen up in one of the bathroom downstairs, Toni gave him an ice cold beer with a slice of cheese cake,
"Christmas is only ten days away" Toni said
"I've been keeping track myself" Eddie said smiling at her
Toni smile back at him "Ok so I'm thinking that I might just stay for Christmas since I have you guys and your grandma said that I can always come the doors are open I rather stay than go home to spend the festive season a lone"
"I'm sure she won't change her mind" Eddie said
"I hope she doesn't"
They both grin
Toni moved over to be next to Eddie "I know you told your daughter no dogs but can I get her a pup for Christmas there's this really cute pup in the pet store and she really loves it" Toni said putting her hand on his shoulder "what you think?" She asked
Eddie sat staring at her "I'm thinking how I want you" he said leaning in to kiss her he pulled away, "I'm sorry yes yes go a head" he said he got up and Toni watch him
"Eddie wait" she said getting up to face him, she puts her arms around his neck for a much deeper kiss, they step back creating space between them,
"I should go" Eddie said
Toni nod,
He walked away
"It's a secret you're not to tell ok" Toni said
Eddie wanted to believe it was about the kiss but it's not the first kiss and he haven't said anything he has no intention of doing so, he nodded
"Don't tell Hariel about the pup it's a surprise" Toni said
Eddie nod with a smile one Toni return,
He left and Toni went to the kitchen to fix up she took a swim later a shower then into bed,
The suits Chris wore to work ran out on him Emma haven done the laundry in two weeks he got up on Monday and went by his house the one share with Toni to the time he got there he was expecting to either see his wife in bed or doing some outdoor work as she would in the morning,
But she wasn't there he call her using the home line she was just coming in from doing her gardening when the phone rang Toni picked it up, "you're home I thought you didn't get the chance to go home" Toni said
"I thought you would come home" Chris said
"Why should I come home to spend Christmas alone?" Toni asked
"You're trying to make it look as if I'm selfish" Chris said
"Not really trying for if we're married and you're not trying to be home for Christmas what to think, you didn't have Thanksgiving with me so I figured you just avoiding Christmas as well"
"I have to do my job Toni and we both agreed that I would spend Thanksgiving with my family and you go to your friend"
"We agreed you told me that your mother invited you to be there for thanksgiving and you said since I'm going to be at Angela's you're going alone, what else was I to you your mind was already made up"
The doorbell rang and Toni went to get it, on opening up the door she saw Eddie with a huge Christmas three "oh my that's lovely is it for me
"Yes mam I thought you will need it since you'll be here for Christmas"
Toni laugh"thank you it's starting to feel like Christmas, bring it on in" she said
"Who's that, where are you by the way?" Chris asked
"I've just gotten the prettiest Christmas three ever I'm going to add a little decorations now I'll talk to you later have a good day at work"
Toni where are you?" Chris asked
Toni hang up going to Eddie who was standing next to the tree she grin at him grin at the tree, "I don't have decorations"
Eddie didn't say anything he went back out and come back in with a whole large box of Christmas trinkets for decorating the Christmas tree he lay them on the floor "what?" Toni asked she was grinning hard with excitement
"Should we?" Eddie asked
"I'll get some coco for me and a beer for you, how about some cookies?" She asked
Eddie nod
Toni went off to the kitchen she was excited about the tree she came back fifteenth minutes later bringing some nice cookies she hand Eddie the beer and rest her coco on the coffee table, she held the pan of cookies before him
"You bake?" Eddie asked
"Yes I bake but these cookies I bought at the store" Toni said
Eddie look at her
She smile "you don't believe me?" She asked
Eddie smile he took one for sample and found it to be mighty good,
"My these are pretty tasty as they look, who ever bake these is a pretty good baker" he said
Toni laugh
"I'm serious did you try any?" He asked
"Actually" she was saying but pause to the look in his eyes, he pulled her in holding the back of her neck and kiss her he rest the beer down and got closer bringing her body to his, his lips trail down her neck to the top of her robe, "oh" Toni said breathlessly, she held his head as he caresses her down he pull back "I'm sor sorry"
Toni put her finger on his lips to silent him, she kiss his lips take his hand leading up to the bedroom they enter and she let what she was wearing falls to the ground
She step to close the cap between them,
"Are you sure?" He asked
Toni nod
Eddie got naked and lay her in bed, he climb about her but he didn't enter her he caresses her body allover every inch of it his hands and lips gracefully possess her body bringing heat, the hardness of his nine inch penis rub about her making her grew more heated and wanted to beg him to put it inside of her she wanted to feel him he turned her from her belly to her back and what she was waiting for happened he pushed into her his hardness forcing to settle inside her belly he was strong but it felt so good "oh Eddie" she called running her fingers down his body, they made heated love she screams his name once more as she felt her love coming down she wrapped herself around him and came to a climax,
"Baby you feel so good!" Eddie said coming shortly after sinking into her the enticing way she felt when they go another round and he roll away she rolled over on him taking him in for another round, she sucks on his nipples for they felt so firm in her mouth,
"Yes baby" he said "mmmh I love that keep doing it aah yes" he held her hair as she played gentleman on his hard nipples she could romance him for the day the entire day, she climax another time loving him for him to she later pulled away and they lay together he kiss her forehead sniffles "you know the tree can't decorate it's self" Eddie said
"I have an idea it won't" she grin at him she got out of bed went to the bathroom Eddie watch her naked body to the bathroom door once inside he got up put his underwear and pants on and left the room, Toni came from the shower to find him gone from the bedroom she got dress and went down to see him trying to sort the decorations out she went up behind him running her palm over his back around to his belly feeling his skin "you're a mazing" she whispered
Eddie turn and they kiss she left him to go to the kitchen she got some of the wine out a glass for them each,
They decorate the tree and what was left Eddie did the porch,
He plugged the lights in and Toni jumped with excitement Eddie join her on the lawn to admire it,
"I imagine how this is going to look beautiful later" Toni said "thanks again" she said hugging him kissing him she pulled back to grin at him
Eddie nod
"For everything" she whispered
Eddie smirk, "so that's it we're done working here?" He asked
"I thought you were just getting started" Toni tease "I don't mind if you put in a little bit of overtime" she took his hand to rest on her breast
Eddie smirk "I'm sure we can pick up where we left off, another time, soon, but i got to go"
"Ah" Toni said with a frown
"I'll see you later" Eddie said
She nodded "Call me ok" she said
Eddie nod he got in his van and Toni watch him leave before closing the gate the one that didn't work aromatically, she drove the van back to the garage going to the living room to clean up and relax she was grinning the entire time remembering the sweet love share between herself and Eddie it was so magnificent she was on the sofa for a while embarking on memories she later clean the bed room wash the spreads and got some fresh ones,
"Who you're texting your wife?" Emma asked she walked in to Chris office to see him on the phone,
"I'm not texting" Chris told her,
"What them?" Emma asked
"She's still out" Chris said
"You said she would come on Saturday"
"She said that"
"And you're worried because she didn't come home, you think she kill herself?"
"What for?"
"The one thing her husband want she can't give, she must felt pretty bad" Emma said "I'm glad I could, so when you going to tell her about your daughter?"
"I'll talk to her soon, maybe when she gets back"
"About the trip are you as excited as I am?" Emma grin at Chris
"I'm just as excited it's Texas why wouldn't I be?" Chris asked
"What could be wrong with that?" Emma giggle  "Nellie and I are going so you shouldn't be worried"
"I'm not worried" Chris said
"So you're ready to go home?" Emma asked
"I'm ready" he said
Emma took the lead and they left office at six thirty,
Around six thirty Eddie got to the lounge Dorothy widen her eyes with a suspicious look the way he was beaming the look of fulfillment on his face,
"Daddy!" Hariel screams running to him he pick her up kissing her cheek, "how was audition?" He asked
"It went wonderful" she said lifting both hands well practice again tomorrow on Wednesday and Thursday we will fix up for the pageant" Hariel said
"Ok so are we ready to go home?" He asked his daughter he look at his grandmother as he got close to her,
Dorothy nods she widen her eyes again he was close enough now she could pick up the aroma that came from him, the smell of sex and perfume mixed and linger around him she knew it has to be Toni he didn't say this morning he was going there but she knew it has to be she beg him not to let it go thus far, she wanted to give him a lecture but the way he seems to be endorsing in the moment she didn't bother him,
They locked up by eight for some people were coming in and they didn't want to close on them so they allow them to shop and do what they have to before leaving,
"Dad did you see Toni today?" Hariel asked
But her father's thoughts were going wild as he have a look back at the love encounter with Toni
"Dad" Hariel called
"What?" Eddie asked
"Did you see Toni today?" She asked
Eddie though about it before he answers "not today" he told a lie in which his grandmother knew,
Toni sleep like a baby she woke up feeling rather energetic she gave water to her plants before the sun comes up and for the first time since she got married in all of six years she felt like going out running so she  she went for a run around the block viewing the surrounding that she found nice
"Hey" a male voice call Toni turn to see a good looking guy he was running himself she stop and introduce himself saying where he lives he has a wife and two children two girls he welcome her and exchanged number they went their way, Toni got back and do some gardening as she had only gave them water she got through with that went inside to fix something to eat and call Eddie to talk with Hariel, she was going into town today to look about that pup for her she wondered if they got the service here like in new york she could pay for it and then it can be delivered on Christmas morning she didn't want to cage it on she don't want Hariel knowing, she asked about the pageant audition before saying goodbye she shower and went on the road a road she grew familiar with each day and some how she's starting to feel as if she belongs in this town.

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