chapter fourteen

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Emma grumble as she watch him hissing angrily
"Dick" she said
"You don't get a long?" Chris asked
Emma shook her head
"I almost believe with the conversation you were best friends"
"We live in the same town and attend the same high school"
Chris said nothing
Eddie got in his van and look to see Emma looking at him,
He drove away looking in the rear view mirror at her he didn't know she would come back to visit this town he swear she cursed this town and every one in it he heard that she was a real estate agent back in Manhattan since she wasn't looking bad he figured it's working for her, or maybe it's that guy she had introduce as the father of her daughter, he had the feeling that she got caught and didn't know what else to do, Emma was just a wild child and maybe that little girl is to get a quick money he sigh he told his grandmother that he ran into her Dorothy was surprised she haven't heard anything about her in a while
but it was good to know that she's doing alright and came to visit her family,
"Weee!" Angela said running to Toni they share a hug a tight one
"Aren't you looking good" Angela said
"New town I suppose" Toni said
"Well.... Keep up the appearance dah!" Angela said
"Dah" Toni said
They grin,
"I can't wait to see your home, and that secret incefecant other" Angela said
"Incefecant other?" Toni laugh
"You know the one"
"Are you thinking of getting me in to trouble?" Toni laugh
"It depends when I meet him and judge him then I'll see"
Toni laugh she haven't told Angela anything that took place with her and Eddie Angela was just assuming but since it happened and she won't lie she just let her talk on,
"I need your approval of something" Toni said
"What's that?" Angela asked
"Get in I'll show you" Toni said she had called Mildred on her way to the airport and she gave her and address and she was going by
They drove down to where she said she would be to find her waiting
Angela got out with Toni they both walk to Mildred she greet them both
"This is Mildred,  Mildred my best friend Angela, Mildred knew my parents my god mother did all her design"
"Ok nice" Angela smile
"I'll show you inside" Mildred said leading the way
It was a two floor building with a spacious parking lot and big enough rooms
"What you think?" Toni asked Angela they were standing out in the lobby in the motel,
"It's nice and what ever you plan on doing it will work"
Angela said
"I'll take it" Toni said
"We didn't even talk about the price" Mildred said
"No need to just do the paperwork, if it is you want cash cheque or you want me to wired the money to your account let me know"
Mildred smile I have an account and I won't charge that regular price here is the key we'll settle the paperwork after the holidays, you'll be in Stafford that long won't you!"
"Toni nod, "just save that number and give me a call"
Mildred nod, "Then I'll leave you to have another look around" she said
They said goodbye and she left them,
"So you thinking of a floral boutique?" Angela asked
"It's for a friend" Toni said
Angela widen her eyes "you kept it from your husband for six years that you were rich and now you want to buy a place for a man you only met three weeks?" Angela asked
Toni nod, "he is trying he's pretty good and he don't have a job his grandmother is old and still running a coffee and grocery lounge and I'm sure that after this business get up he can pay someone to care for the place and his family as well"
"What about his wife?"
"He's divorce"
"Oh" Angela said
"Don't say oh" Toni said poking her
Angela laugh
"And it doesn't need any fixing"
"Yeah it's a nice place, so what does he do?"
"Electrician, a pretty good electrician"
"He must be pretty good at that thing too ah"
Toni poke her and grin, "let's go home,
"Yes mam" Angela said
They lock up and left, after forty-five minutes of driving they got to Toni's for she didn't bother to stop in town, the pulled up in front the house and Angela look around
"Wow! Toni this is marvelous, you said it was a home away from home but girl this is home, I love it" Angela said
"Yes" Toni grin "I love it too, you are to see the pool, come, come see the pool, he took a day to fix it with the help of his friends"
Toni drag her Angela around the house they didn't even bother to go into the garage,
"A day to do this? That's a lie" Angela said
"You know me and the truth my second best friend"
Angela grin,
"He's good like that"
"You keep complementing him what's his name, did you say,?"
"Eddie Baldwin and I'm sure I've said it"
"Do I get to meet him?"
"You'll meet him"
Angela nod "Girl I'm taking a swim this minute"
"Let's take a swim later ok let's settle and I'll even get you a drink"
"Sounds better" Angela said
They went back around and Toni drove into the garage they enter into the living room and Angela got to view the place "your Godmother did love you"
"She did" Toni said she hand her a gift bag she took from under the Christmas tree,
"Wow a gift nice"
"Open it and see" Toni urged her to
Angela quickly do so and jump for joy at her gift
"Thank you so much" she said hugging Toni,
She has received a new hp laptop she'd been experiencing some trouble with her old one and was planning on getting one she had mentioned it to her friend never expecting her to buy her one but she was greatful for it
"You so deserve it honey" Toni said
Angela hug her again grinning
"I got these in my collection and I'm giving you one choose the one you love" Toni held out the necklaces she found in the safe,
Angela look them over they look so nice with a dazzling gleam she need not asked if they were hundred percent gold, "but they are all fine looking"
Toni laugh "you talk as if you talk about a man"
"Your man?" Angela grin
"What man?"
"Eddie not Chris if you notice I didn't say husband"
Toni laugh she sigh and took a seat, Angela sat next to her, "you know how much I love Chris and I don't want anything coming between us, but we're going through something and it's a difficult time it is as if he doesn't want to be around me anymore, since of late Angela my husband haven't been in support of me,  it's unlike me to just keep someone else but Eddie charms me since the minute I met him"
"You and Chris could just decided to adopt and build a family since he knows the situation I don't know why Toni but I think Chris is blowing this out of proportion"
",He said that isn't going to work it won't be a family"
"So what he wants you to do then get water from the moon?" Angela hissed
"I don't know what to do again"
"So Eddie know you can't have kids?"
Toni nod, "he have his daughter I'm sure it's not going to bother him and why should it he's just mowing the lawn for someone else owns it so it won't affect him at all"
Angela laugh
"I wish you could stay for more than two days" Toni said
"Me too but I promise we'll meet up again soon, when are you going home?"
"I don't know maybe next Saturday after the new year"
"Just let me know what you decide"
Toni nod "so one necklace is for you and the other two for your daughters"
"You're going to give all of them away?" Angela asked
"I don't want to keep anything bundle up on me I'm not going to have children I might not even have a husband so who's going to get it?"
"So you meant to say Chris couldn't take a time out and come for a day?" Angela asked
"I don't know from our last visit to the doctor he's been distance even more distance for since he learn I might not have children he's upset" Toni said
Angela sigh she took Toni's hand, "it's not your fault Toni"
"I just wish I could get pregnant and seeing the way Eddie is with his daughter I've become envious"
Angela held her to her,
"I wish my husband was a little more supportive"
Angela wish too for it's as if he thinks she made herself it's not her fault,
Toni's phone rang she ease away to see who it was, she answered for it was Eddie,
"You ok I haven't heard from you" he said
,"Did you forget I told you I was going to have company?"
"So does that mean you couldn't call?"
Angela lean near,
"I was going to later, what you up to?"
"Nothing just at the lounge helping grams"
"Ok we'll talk later ok babes"
"Babes!" Eddie thought he thought that was when they have sex and she gets emotional,
"Right" Toni said
"Yes" Eddie answer "later" he said being the first one to hang up,
"You lover boy want to come over?"
Toni smile "let me show you to your room" she got up taking Angela's bag "you can have a look around change and go for a swim either that or you go for a swim then look around"
"Later I swim" Angela said
Toni show her to her room where she rest the bag down,
They then look around the house, Angela can't believe it's so nice "I'm glad you decided to come out Toni this house would just go to waste and look how nice it is"
Toni open the dressing room door and they went in, it was nicely back together she had Hariel had Played some dressing up the other night but it was nice again
"This is the life girl" Angela said looking through the clothes,
"I'm glad I came out I met Eddie his daughter and his grandmother and I fell in love with them"
"I can see that"
"Tomorrow we are going into town so you'll meet them"
Toni pull Angela from the dressing room back to the bedroom"change we're going swimming"
"Oltight" Angela said running to get change,
They went down Toni got some champagne with ice then went to the pool the rest of evening they spend there, talking and laughing, they cuddle on the couch watch television before saying goodnight
Toni was in the garden doing her gardening when Angela woke and went outside
"Your garden is nice"
"Thanks I'm working on it"
"Good for it's looking good"
Toni smile
"Let's go shopping, I can't come to Texas and not do some shopping"
"Of course we're going into town and we're going to"
"Meet Eddie?"
Toni got off her knees she stood looking up at Angela she smile, "go shopping was what I was going to say but of course if he's around we can meet him"
"Good I'll go shower" Angela said
"Take your time the town opens fully by nine"
Angela smile flag at her and left her there,
By Toni finish in the garden Angela was done with her shower and was fixing breakfast,
A nice plate of hamlet with some pancakes and coffee,
Toni smile, "how nice"
"Pull up a chair"
Toni sat
Angela bring the breakfast over she sat across from her,
"You were in the garden so I figured it would be nice to fix breakfast"
"If I act not to appreciate it pinch me ok" Toni said making Angela giggle
"Thanks girl" Toni smile
Angela nod, "anytime"
Toni nod,
They remain silent as they eat, "So on a scale of one to ten how loyal do you rate Mr Baldwin?" Angela said
Toni laugh"Angela did you know you're pretty scary, he's nice for sure but how can I rate him now?"
"Let's test him" Angela said with a cunning smile
"What you planning?" Toni asked
Angela lean close to whisper,
Toni laugh, "you're joking please don't"
"It's just a game"
"One I don't want to play"
"Come on girl" Angela said
Angela wants to see if he'll accept her if she made a move on him to test him Toni wasn't sure but Angela insist,
"Let's catch a ride to town" Angela said she wish now she had drove down but she was too anxious to get here,
"Then what?"
"What I say I'll go in pretend I'm a lone try to get his attention and act to be checking him out to see if he'll fall for me"
Toni shook her head she didn't want to but agreed to she want to see if he cares for her too, not that she's going to blame him if he find someone else attractive for she's a married woman,
After breakfast they clean up Toni fresh up herself and they went into town by cab,
Toni sat in Godfrey's restaurant and told Angela where to go, they talked on the phone until Angela entered Dorothy's lounge going into the coffee area Dorothy was in with her grandson and his daughter as usual, there were people buying coffee and other things, but the minute Angela walks in she could tell that the guy standing around the counter was the one and only Eddie, from where she was the guy look handsome,
Eddie saw when she walked in but show no interest not like when Toni had the day, he haven't seen her around before but he didn't give it a second thought,
"Not bad" Angela whispered
Toni didn't reply,
"Hey" Angela said when she walk up to the counter where Eddie stood,
Hariel look at the woman then turned away not giving much attention
Dorothy didn't take much notice herself but she gave a listening ear,
"Coffee to go or will you be having?" Eddie asked
"No, no coffee I was hoping you can help me" Angela said biting her nails with a lustful smirk
"Are you lost or something?" Eddie inquire
"Not really"
"Then what kind of help do you need?"
"I saw you from the window" she said
"Oh ok" Eddie said
"I'm looking for a man"
"What's his name?"
"You tell me" she said
"You're looking for a man and I'm to tell you his name" Eddie said frowning,
"I saw you and you look just like the type of man who's  able to service me, you see I'm a widow my husband died leaving me a fortune but I can't find the right man to share it with"
"I'm not interested I don't do those type of service" Eddie said
Angela have to fight not to grin when she heard Toni giggling through her earplugs
"Oh too bad I actually like you I think you're cute are you seeing anyone?"
"He nod at first
Toni wonder if he wasn't answering
"You can say that I am"
"You're in love?"
"That sure is what it felt like"
Dorothy look at him
"Does she love you, for if she doesn't it's a waste of time"
"I'll take my chances" Eddie said, "I don't intend on being rude but if you would excuse me mam I have other engagement better engagement" he said turning his back to the woman,
"What's your name?" Angela asked
"What does it matter?" Eddie asked he didn't even look around,
Angela widen her eyes
"Can I get your number Incase I ran into any difficulties"
"The police station isn't very far" Eddie said
"Alright I'm coming around" Toni said seeing her friend wasn't getting her way, she got up and walk to Dorothy's lounge, just as Eddie was coming towards the door to leave she walk in, bumping into hm, Eddie smile pretty at her,
Angela didn't miss that look,
"Toni" Hariel said running to her,
Toni hug her to her smoothing her hair, "hi Dorothy" Toni said
"Hello Toni how you been dear?"
"I'm alright, was just doing a little shopping and was showing my friend around, Hariel meet your new aunt her name is Angela, Angela this is my new found daughter Hariel, go a head say hi to your aunt"
"Hi aunt Angela" Hariel said giggling
"Hey" Angela said "come give me a hug"
Hariel smile and went to her,
"Dorothy and Eddie" Toni said
"Hello" Dorothy, so nice to meet you"
"Hello nice to meet you" Dorothy said
Eddie look at the woman who wave at him, "hi Eddie" she said he didn't reply instead of answering he turned to look at Toni" he had forgotten she was having a friend over, "you know each other?"
"She's my best best friend" Angela said
He narrow his eyes picking up on what had happened he shook his head, "you decided to play a game on me?" Eddie asked Toni
"What you talking about?" Toni asked
"Her little skit"
Toni cringe, "it's nothing, testing you"
"What for to see if I would fall for her what if I did aren't you still married?" He hisses and left them standing there,
"Eddie I'm sorry"Toni said
Eddie just left them staring after him,
Dorothy shook her head
Angela laugh
"It's not funny " Toni said "let's go shop around" she said turning to Hariel "helping me?"
Hariel nods running off with them,
"Let me get a coffee please" Angela said to Toni
"I'll have a coffee too"
They order and Dorothy serve them
By they were done with shopping and get themselves another coffee, Eddie comes back in he was going by Toni when she pulled him to a stop, "come help please"
"I'm to take take these to the van?"
"I didn't drive down we're catching a cab"
Eddie shook his head
"I'll drop you" Eddie said
"That's very kind of you" Angela said
Eddie look at her with a smirk shook his head and walk away Angela smile "he's a hunk" she said
Dorothy look at her
"Let's go" Eddie told them "I'll be back shortly" he said to his grandmother and his daughter
"Ok dad"
Yes dear"
"See you tomorrow Hariel" Toni said, "Dorothy"
"Have a good evening"
"Nice to see you Dorothy and Hariel bye see you again soon"
They said goodbye to Angela
"Maybe you can come by for a sleep over tomorrow"
Hariel grinned,"yes" she said
Toni hug her kissing her fore head,
The drive to the house was quiet apart from Eddie's stereo playing carols, the ride was smooth Toni relax as she watch him,
"What?" He asked catching a glimpse of her from the corner of his eyes, he look at her and she shook her head, but she remain looking at him, she watch his muscles as he turns the wheel he look so sexy she couldn't held the need she felt as if she could use his love
"Stop looking at me like that it's very creepy" Eddie said without looking at her,
Toni smile she turned her head but it was only for a while she was back to looking at him,
"Cool ride" Angela said shouting from the back seat
"Thanks" Eddie said
"What year?"
"96" Eddie said
"Really and it's still so cool"
"I try my best to maintain it, my best relationship yet"
Angela laugh
Toni look at him,
He simple smile and bounce her,
He made her feel so much heat she really wants him if it wasn't that her best friend was here,
"These vans really are made to fit sexy guys" Angela said
Eddie smile he wondered if she is saying he's sexy o she's saying he's not for the van didn't fit him,
"I think you fit the van best" she said
Toni look at her,
Angela smile,
They got to Toni's house and Eddie turn and backup into the garage parking next to Toni's van,
"Thanks" both Toni and Angela said
"You're welcome" Eddie said
He was still sitting in the van with the engine running,
"You're leaving?" Angela said
Toni nod
"I thought you would come on in and we enjoy a little three some something something"
Toni look at Eddie, he widen his eyes, "what is she talking about?"
Toni laugh
"I should go" Eddie said
"You don't have to I was just teasing you I'm going in I'm going to clean up and Toni I'll fix us some lasagna"
"Sure I'll be in shortly"
"Nice meeting you Eddie" she grin wave at him,
Eddie nod at her, "nice meeting you Angela the pleasure was all mine"
"Yeah I know just a pity you don't offer service to rich widows or stuff like that"
Eddie laugh and shook his head, "just a pity" he said
Angela patted his shoulder she went in and left them there,
Soon as she close the door to the living room Eddie got down from the van facing Toni, Toni instantly grew fearful as he stepped towards her, and without touching her he backed her against the van her heart started racing as he was getting closer,
Eddie step up to her only to hear her moan a load,
"What?" He asked
She shook her head
"Are you sure?" Eddie asked with a smile,
Toni nod taking a deep breath,
Eddie lean in to kiss her tauntingly playing on her bottom lip, her breathing because raspy she held him to her, she was getting more heated, "make love to me" she echo, she move to pull him to the bedroom but Eddie brought her back to him leaning her against his van and in their heat they shared a weakening moment standing next to the van holding tightly to each other.

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