chapter sixteen

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Toni rang her husband's phone a bit longer before giving up she hang up with a sigh, and decided not to try again she rest back on the sofa relaxing herself as she turns the television on, she decided to call it a night and spend it on the couch just watching some tv tomorrow she's going out with Eddie she was looking forward to it, wondering what it's going to be like, well she will definitely find out later on, she didn't took much more time before going off to sleep,
"So she is still calling none stop even though you're not answering?" Emma asked
Chris look at her,
"I think it's full time you told her about the baby, Nellie, our daughter, for I'm tired of us coming second place in your life" Emma said
"Second place ah! How can either of you come second place I'm here with you both now"
" That's because I'm forcing you I gave you what she couldn't,  I'm expecting you to be grateful and appreciate me more, appreciate us"
"I said I'm going to tell her" Chris said
Emma look at him then walk away going down the hall to join the family in the living room,
Chris waited a while before going down behind her Nellie ran from her mother and went to him he took her lifting her as he sat he rest her on his lap, ,
"You seems to be having a good time over in Houston why you're not back as yet" Nicky said,
"Girl I'm loving it here but don't worry I know you must be missing me but I'll be home soon" Toni laugh
"I am missing you" Nicky said it was true she missed her even though they didn't see each other all that often but they did have there time that they spent together "so your husband has join you now"
"My husband will not find that time" Toni said
"He's too caught up with his job"
"I haven't seen him around so I figured he's in Texas"
Toni though about when she call him and got an area code close to hers she didn't think he was here looking for her for he would take her  call she's been calling three days now,
"No he's not here"
"I thought so"
,So what you doing girl you're getting ready for the new year ball?"
It was twelve ten in the afternoon on Tuesday, it was new years eve Toni was busy trying to find a dress fancy enough to go out later with Eddie while she share conversation with Nicky, she wants something rather nice for she was going to put some effort in to looking good and sexy for him as for herself, she found a light blue color flair tail dress that hang at her upper thighs and it blows in the win she chose a v cut panty to wear underneath with hope it will expose some of her while he watch her,
Much as Toni's husband came up in the conversation Nicky didn't mention seeing him with Emma she haven't heard of them involved and yes she knows they work together most of the time, Toni know she's his assistant too so maybe saying it ain't relevant"
After hanging up from Nicky she call Franky to see how he and the family she talk to Vincent by she got through that call it was late evening and she cooked some food having some and leaving for later,
Eddie said by eight he would pick her up but by seven he was there he park in the walk way and rang the doorbell, she was dressed and ready but she wasn't expecting him before eight as he said
"Hey you're early" Toni said
"Who said I am?" Eddie asked
"Look at the time it's only three minutes after seven" Toni said turning to face the clock,
"I know the time but I'm saying who said I'm early, I can be late depending on what I'm to accomplish" he said from behind her,
Toni turned into him got caught in his chest, she grasped and let out a harsh breath,
Eddie pull her into him
They stood focused on each other,
"What's this you're wearing anyway?" He asked lifting it to grab her butt cheeks
"Should I changed?" Toni asked with a sharp breathe
"Mhm don't change it" he said in a sexy whispered leaning down to kiss her Toni hug his neck,
It wasn't long before he backed her up on the back of the couch loving her with deep estascy Toni felt him deep and try to ease him away he grab her palm  bounding her in away she couldn't release herself "don't push me away I want to share apart of me with you I haven't try sharing before, Toni moan beneath her breath when he push on her pushing at the sweetness that came down from her she grip him tightly"ohh ahh! Toni oh Christ Toni baby you feel so good" he push her legs back some more pushing deeper inside of her moaning as he climax holding her close to  him holding her tightly as he vibrates in her the jerking of his hardness hurt her she had to eased him away and slide over to lay on the couch, she touch herself and felt the moistness from his love stinky around her, she haven't experienced him like that not that she didn't enjoy it but it hurts,
Eddie came around to lay next to her, lifting her hair from her face, "feeling ok?" He asked
"I'm ok" Toni said
"Yeah so am I pretty" he said kissing her forehead he smile thinking this must be the best time he shared with her that climax hurt,
Toni pulled at his hair turned his face to her "I've not have a climax that hurts before"
"You felt that too?" Eddie laughed he eased up to look at her, "that's my best one with you baby and to think all the others were so good"
Toni giggle
He kisses her and she hug his neck they lay cuddled for a while
"We're still going out right?" Eddie asked
"Are we?" Toni asked
"I'm still up to it if you're, are you?"
Toni sat up and climb over him to stand up
Eddie got up and pull on his shirt he lean in on her kissing her forehead "you're a beautiful woman Toni" he whispered she lift her head and smile at him,
He hug her tightly and for a few minutes he hold her to his chest,
They went to the fair getting there about ten, Toni stop to get some snow cones for her and Eddie just then they saw Peggy she come up to the snow cone vender, look at her then to Eddie she didn't say anything but gave Eddie a hard look she was sure to let him see her walking to a man who's hand she took and walked away, Toni look at him watching them he look at her and shook his head, she wondered what he's thinking to himself but wasn't about to inquire, she hand him the snow cone,
"Thank you" he said and started eating it,
They haven't gone very far when someone grabbed Eddie he was turned around so quickly that he was caught off guard he nearly spill his snow cone,
"Evelyn" he said
Toni knew right away this got to be Hariel's mom,
"Evelyn you said it as if you're surprised to see me" the woman said she was holding on to a little girl and a man with her
"Surprised!" Eddie chuckle "for what?"
"For what for what?" Evelyn hissed "who's she?" She asked turning up your face
"That's your daughter Hariel don't tell me you don't recognize her"
"You think I'm stupid Eddie, I must know my own daughter"
"Oh so if she's not your daughter then it has nothing to do with you who she is"
"I'm Toni, you must be Hariel's mom" Toni said with a smile she extended an arm and Evelyn gladly took it she shook with a smile,
One that surprised Eddie the Evelyn he knew wasn't this polite
"I'm Hariel's mom of crouse"
"Really now when was the last time you saw her better yet when was the last time you called?"
Evelyn look from Eddie to look at Toni, "I'm not a bad mother as he's making me to be"
"You're no mother at all" Eddie said
"Don't say that you're just painting a bad image of your ex wife in front your girlfriend"
Toni look at Eddie then back to Evelyn, "I'm sure he's not trying to do that" she said"that's not it right, right Eddie?"
"I don't need to paint it just brighten it for it was you who paint that image of yourself" he address his ex-wife, "she's a bad mom our daughter can tell you, you haven't met her for long and you actually spend more time around her and when you not seeing her you call, Toni I don't know if you got the to waste but i definitely don't" Eddie said he make to walk away but Toni held his hand, "I don't want to get involved I don't know you well or do I hear a lot of things about you but for Hariel's sake I think she needs both parents wether together or not, from what I've seen it won't be the case where you live together from this point you've moved on" Toni said "hey" she said to the man standing next to Evelyn  and she greet the little girl smiling and waving,
"Hello" the man said
Toni smile
Evelyn look at her man,
Eddie frowned
"He has move on but Hariel need to spend time with parents some people dying to have children and can't you can't abandoned the one that you got show some remorse she the first and I'm sure she's happy for she and her dad have a wonderful relationship, and I for one love her with my whole heart but a mother can not be replaced"
"That's the thing I know, I love my daughter but it was hard keeping up with my husband it's like they forget about me most of the time because they love each other so much, she barely goes a day without whining so that's why  I took her to live with him" she pointed at Eddie
Eddie hissed "that's it that's the reason you gave her away too?"
Toni look at him, she still held his hand squeezing it when he spoke trying to calm him down she remembered Hariel saying she was living with her mom's mom one of the time because her stepdad said she whines a lot,
"you do remember that you gave her away don't you?"
"Eddie calm down, shhhh" Toni said
Eddie frowned at her "don't try to shhhh me you're on her side you think she's nice?" He asked Toni angrily trying to pull her hand away, Toni was shocked at his angriness,
"I didn't gave her away" Evelyn said
"Of crouse you couldn't bother for she was bothering your man you think she didn't tell me?" Eddie said
"Eddie" Toni said he look at her then he turned back  to Evelyn you do know her grand Nana's address don't you?" Toni asked
"Yes I do" Evelyn said
"What and you're visiting and not even a call, you're crazy woman, you came here and it's Christmas and you know where your daughter is and you, you, oh shit" he shook his head and point a finger at her, he took his hand from Toni and walked away
"Eddie wait up" Toni said but he didn't stop
"I'm sorry he's angry I've never seen him like that  you should definitely go visit it's new years" Toni look at the time "eve" she said for it wasn't yet midnight
Evelyn nod
Toni said goodbye to them all and left to go catch up with Eddie Evelyn watch them go before turning to leave,
Toni walk to catch him up  but he was some distance away from her when a woman stop him, the woman look familiar to her from where she was she stop to watch she couldn't hear the conversation the woman finally comes to view and Toni was surprised to see it was Emma her husband's assistant she was here in Texas she thought about the area code she picked up when she call her husband and she wondered if they are here together since she knew they worked together, she didn't let her see her and waited for her to walk away before catching up with Eddie, "you know that woman?"she asked
"What woman?" Eddie asked
"The one you were talking to"
"Oh that's Emma she's from around her family lives here but she's from Manhattan"
"Oh she's from Texas,?"
"You know her?" Eddie asked
"Yes I didn't know she was a Texas girl"
"Yes she's visiting with her husband and child her man for I'm not sure she's married"
"Toni didn't know Emma has a child she didn't know
"What do you know about her
"That she's my husband's assistant"
"Oh I see" Eddie said and he was push to think on the man with her the one she said is her man if he could be Toni's husband, he didn't want to believe it to be so he stop think it,
"She was your girl friend?"
"No no way not at all, I chose my girlfriends carefully" he said
"But not wisely" Toni said taking his upper arm
He look at her
They both giggle
"This is so nice thanks for inviting me"
"I hope you enjoy for my night has already been ruined"
"Toni laugh, "too bad mine has just started you should take me dancing"
"Oh dancing I thought we already dance" Eddie said
Toni held her tummy as if to feel the effects of his hurt but the thought of the sweetness was what make her smile, "we can never dance enough" she said
They both smile,
"I'm considering going home on Saturday" Toni said
Eddie nod
Toni pinch him
"Ouch!" He said he stop dancing but held her still, "what?" He questioned
"You just nodded as if you can't wait to see me leave"
Eddie laugh, "baby girl it's not like that I know you have to for someone is waiting I'm just trying to be understanding for I don't want to see you go I'll miss all of this" he slide his hand beneath the dress to grab her naked butt cheeks Toni wasn't expecting that jumped "Eddie!" She slapped him and they giggle he held her back at the waist lean in and kiss her,
Toni smile pound her fist slightly in his chest, "And don't baby girl me I'm not your daughter"
"But I love you just the same" he said
Toni look in his eyes and could almost see the truth of his love there make her heart melt she rest her head in is chest keeping it there and for the time she stood holding him it was as thought nothing else matters.
"Happy new year" Eddie whispered bringing back his head to do so in her ear he was in the kitchen fixing some pancakes and scrambled eggs for their breakfast they had came from the party and after another hard love they stay the night into each other's arms
"Merry New year" Toni said
"Oh ok" he said smiling they share a smacking kiss
"If I weren't with you last night I would have sworn you gave me drunk love" Toni said sliding her hand down to grip him squeezing his balls slightly
"Mm" Eddie said kissing her once more,
"I could of sworn I heard you screaming to me don't stop"
Toni giggle "come back to bed will you?" She said pulling at him
"You're not hungry?" He asked
"For more drunken love, can't we eat later?"
Eddie chuckle he turned to her lifting her to him he made his way out the kitchen but instead of climbing the stairs he took her into one of the guest room they love like a million times before both becoming tired
Toni giggle "I must have used the same energy when your daughter sleeps over I see where she got the energy from"
Toni grin
"So you're now complementing me on my energy ah"
"You deserve it" she whispered kissing him softly she lay awhile on his chest embarking on the time she has around him Eddie hold her close feeling the warmth of her in a few days she'll be leaving him and he might not see her again but still he knew at some point he'll have to let go get up and leave for still his daughter and grandmother awaits him and he have to be there for them
The doorbell rang and Dorothy got up to go open it Hariel was right next to her and grasped when she saw her mother "Hariel" Evelyn said
"Mom" Hariel  said in surprised "you came to see me" she asked sge wasn't exactly to see her mither anytime soon and her step dad was with her, " "Well of crouse i came to see you why come an give me a hug"
Hariel shyly went to her hugging her she wasn't sure what make her came but she somehow felt happy to see her she only hope she wasn't here to take her from her dad and Toni for she never want to go leave her dad she didn't think he'll let her go away to live anyway,
Dorothy sigh she really wonder when this little girl would see her mother much as she broke her grandson's heart she didn't want to see her grand daughter without a mother,
"Sister" Hariel said hugging the little girl who giggle with her she was much happier to see her sister than anyone she embrace her and laughed happily she greet her step dad
Evelyn introduced her man to Dorothy who never met him before
"Hi" the man said with a smiles he and Dorothy shook hands "Don't just stand there please come in I was just about to serve lunch how about a smack even for the baby"
Evelyn nod, "thank you Dorothy" she said they followed inside,  Hariel introduce her little sister to her pet dog pups even to her robot they play together and have fun,
Every now and then she built up the courage to ran to her mother to have a conversation either to tell her something or to ask a question,
This pleases Dorothy so much
"I ran into your step mom last night at the fair very nice woman" Evelyn said
Dorothy look at her she has the believe it was Peggy but she remembered her grandson was going out with Toni she figured he's with her until this hour she sigh wondering what they're doing,
Toni giggle as she touches Eddie's cheeks "you're so handsome" she said
"You like handsome men?" Eddie smile
"I like you" Toni said
Eddie ease over his face close to her's "you like what I give you?"
"Mm... Well I love it" she shrugged
Eddie chuckle
"I bet you can't take no more"
She laugh "I'm satisfied lover boy"
"Ah I received a title now too great" he kiss her and they both grin
"I've got to go" Eddie said
"Mmmh" Toni said kissing him "mhm I'll miss you"
"Hmm mhm so will I" he said getting up from next to her she watch him to the door before getting up to follow him he was about to walk out when she pull at him turned him to face her hug his neck and kissed him another long kiss, After getting her satisfaction she no longer stop him  from leaving she knows he has his Hariel and his Nana to go to so she said good bye waved to him at the door,  when he left she went for a swim to cool the heat between her thighs Eddie has left her a little sore but his love is worth all the little blisters and hurt he was unconditionally sweet she wish she didn't have to go back to Manhattan and leave them but she will come back soon,
"You met Toni?" Hariel said
"I've met Toni I think she's sweet"
"Yes I love her and she love me a lot, she's nice to me" Hariel said
"It seems your father loves her very much"
Hariel smile
Dorothy wasn't sure what their relationship is but she was more than sure it was not going to work out,Toni is a married woman she didn't say a word
Eddie got to the house at a quarter to two he notices the car but didn't take much of it he push the door in his daughter ran to him he lift her kissing  and tickling her into laughter
Evelyn frowned it was the thing she always felt left out of her daughter's life when it comes to her father and the affection he shows it was as if she will never live to compare to him with their daughter,
"Merry Chrisman sugar plum" he said
"Christmas daddy?" Hariel grinned
Eddie smile and kiss her "happy new year my baby"
Hariel grin at him "happy new year daddy, I love you"
Eddie nod at her,
"Dad his is grace my little sister" Hariel said when her father set her down
Grace look up at him shaking and smiling
"Hi grace welcome" Eddie said he took her little arm for a shake it makes her smile he greets the man went by Evelyn to hug his grandmother kissing her "Happy new year grams" Eddie said kissing her another time
Dorothy could smell Toni allover him "Happy new year I was wondering what happened to you" she said
"I'm ok grandma" Eddie smile he pour some juice and drank
"You're hungry didn't you eat?"
"Yes I've eaten I'm alright" he answers he was trying to fix breakfast this morning for himself and Toni but she was feeling the heat so he pause on breakfast to give her what she wants she later fix him something to eat some real food for all the work he had put in on her his full everywhere, he sat down and both girls sat on him he cuddled them both, he love children and plan on treating none wrong if he can love his own daughter he's able to love any child, he consider toni who's not able to have children remembering her words about some who want to give birth and can't it must have reach Evelyn for here she is visiting her daughter it seems she's glad to have her and hope that she's going to do better this time around,
Eddie's phone rang and he answered it Toni was calling the minute that he said hello Toni asked for Hariel Eddie handed his daughter the phone, she haven't gotten to wish her happy new year and call now to do so,
"Happy new year honey bun"
" Happy new year Toni I was waiting to hear from you but because daddy wasn't here"
"He wasn't how comes?" Toni asked
Hariel had the feeling he was with her so she giggle
Toni laugh "wish grand nana happy new year for me"
"Nana Toni said to say happy new year"
"Oh wish her the same" Dorothy said smiling she did love Toni for she's a caring person but she only wish for her not to lead on her grandson break his heart and leave him
"My sister is hear her name is grace"
"Oh grace is her name well nice I've met grace, grace is a sweet girl she's almost as sweet as you"
Hariel giggle
"So if your sister is there,  it also means that your mom is there so I'll leave you to catch up and I'll talk to you later ok honey"
"I love you Toni" Hariel said
"I love you too suga" Toni said
They both know the love they felt for each other much as she isn't her birth mother Hariel knew she loves her and she too love her always with or without her mother around,
Toni might not have gotten the chance to gave birth but she love this little girl unconditionally and nothing is going to change that not even when she's miles away for here in her heart she'll forever be there.

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