Chapter twenty two

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Toni came around to Eddie standing in the mirror he was getting ready for work she slide her finger a cross his lips trailing it down his chest to the waist of his pants Eddie look at her she grin lean in to kiss him he had noticed her reaction last night when they make love much as she didn't cry like the last time he could tell she was feeling the pain, she pull him out and he watch her, she kiss him bringing him closer to her so he could enter her Eddie chuckle "shouldn't you be getting ready to go see the doctor?" He asked he came to settle inside of her and saw her bite her lips
He pulled back"maybe we should not do anything now" he said
"No don't stop" she said
Eddie make love to her it was the same but Toni didn't let Eddie see her face reaction she rest on his shoulder and wipe the tears she smirks at him when Eddie pulled her off to face him and question if she was alright
They finished loving and Toni crawl in bed
"You ok"
"Wooh I'm tired that was tiring" she said laying with the pain
Eddie dress for work he lean over her "well get some rest"
"You coming later?" She asked
Eddie nod
"You could bring Hariel for the weekend if she's not going to her mother"
"She haven't call so I don't think she's going"
"Ok" Toni said
Eddie left so Toni alone mope over her pain now it seems worst,
"Toni it's not wise to ignore it plus you're having sex and you don't even know what's the cause of the pain" Angela said worriedly when Toni call her up and while talking she share it with her
"I'll be alright" Toni said
Angela sigh she didn't know why Toni was so stubborn,
It was Saturday Toni was with Hariel and pups by the pool while she was talking with Angela
Eddie had stayed a little last night but left for he didn't want to leave his grandmother alone so he went home Toni was unable to have as much fun with Hariel as like before they couldn't run and jump and skip she felt heavy in her tummy and any brisk movement gave her pain,
"Sorry I wasn't much fun this weekend" Toni said Eddie had came to pick her up Sunday evening
Hariel giggle "being here with you is fun" she said
"I love you"
Toni hug and kiss her "later" she said
Eddie came up to the porch to take Hariel's bag "I'll call you later" he said kissing Toni to the side of her mouth
"They didn't hide from Hariel anymore although they haven't told her that they were in a relationship the way they been around each other she could tell
"You not coming back" Toni asked
"I didn't plan to"
"But I don't want to be a lone" Toni said
Eddie nod"I'll see what I can do"
Toni nod, she wasn't thinking he would come back but she accepted it as he said she called the girls talking for an hour Nicky inquired about her feeling
"I'm doing ok" she wasn't really but it was the quickest and most efficient way to end the conversation
"I'm glad" Angela said
"Yeah everything is fine but I need a car I can't get around freely"
"Then get a car" Nicky said
"I'm hoping Eddie find the time one day to take me"
"You know he'll fine the time" Angela said
"Yes" Nicky agree
"Yes he will, so when you taking the children down?" Toni asked
"We'll come for the Easter holidays that way we get a longer stay" Angela said
Nicky agree
"Good I'm looking forward" Toni said
This year Easter break will begin on Wednesday April the sixteen and most likely continue until the twenty fifth school will reopen on the twenty eight the first week of March had ended today marks the eight day
"I'll be here" Toni said
"So we'll talk, say hi to Eddie and the guys and to Dorothy and Hariel" Nicky said
"I sure will" Toni said
"Bye girl" Angela said
"Ok" Nicky said hanging up,
Angela talk to Toni a while longer when the van came in the driveway she said goodbye she got up and went to the door Eddie came up the porch he came and kiss her "hey" he said
Toni shrugged she noticed he was very skeptical about his touch make her smile
He fall on the couch she sat between his thighs he relaxed and turn the TV on
"You need anything?" Toni asked
"Just come and relax next to me" he said Toni lay next to him he took her hand and rub his face but he didn't have nothing to say they lay there just like that,
"I think something is wrong with Toni" Hariel said she was with her Nana as she was climbing in bed
"What make you say that?"
"She wasn't walking around strange and we didn't do much fun things"
"Maybe she's tired
"She walk around like this" Hariel came out the bed to show her great grandmother walking with one hand under her belly bottom and walking slowly,
Dorothy remember hearing her grandson asked about pain but she didn't said that to her great granddaughter, she hope it's nothing serious
"You ok?" Toni asked when he was quiet
"I'm alright" he said "you?"
"Better than ever"
"Did you get a divorce?" He asked for they didn't talk on it,
"We did that's why I'm here"
"Want to marry me or is it too soon?"
Toni look at him and smile "you want to marry me?" She asked
"But of course if you're my woman why can't I marry you?" He asked
"For I can't give you children"
"Well you and I can get married then we can adopted" he said
"You want that?" She asked
"Anything to keep you"
Toni smile and kiss him "yes I'll marry you"
Eddie smile he kiss her and held her close
They went silent again watching the television
It was just the stations that was provided freely so it wasn't much
"I would like the Internet at home, how can I sign up for it?, then I can get the Netflix for the children are coming for Easter break hopefully Hariel will be here she gets to meet her cousins"
Eddie laugh"I'll let her mom know you need her for that time"
"You can't just tell her that"
"Don't worry I think you said something to her that change her heart"
"What did she say?"
"I'm to keep you you suits me"
"Was it in a nice way?" Toni asked
"For once she didn't sound bitter and look at it she's having time with Hariel"
"What's right" Toni said
Eddie kisses her
"Tomorrow I'll call about the Internet for you" Eddie said
"Thanks I'll be glad"
" I'll asked about the Netflix"
"Great then" she said turning into him hugging him at the neck her leg swung across his hips and she took his hand to rest on her naked bottom she wasn't wearing any underwear he knew what she wanted but he avoided it much as he could himself
They later falls a sleep Toni was up before him she tried to brace on her elbow to watch him sleep but the pain came up she ignored it and get up "why you getting up?" Eddie ask taking her hand "I'm going to the bathroom" she said
"Hurry back" he said
Toni though they would have sex for she wants it her hormones were racing, fast, he made love to her them stop at some point for he wouldn't let her pull him out he left for work but came back in the evening for the rest of the week he did that Friday Hariel went to her mother so Eddie didn't stay with her he went home to stay with this grand mother but he leaves her with a little love that left her feeling sore, Saturday it was the same and she was peeing often in which she wasn't used to she didn't tell Eddie when he call and she didn't call Angela today,
She was growing weary with the pain and for days it kept coming at her but she try to hide it when ever Eddie was there she act to be all fine, she was glad when Eddie came and didn't show any interest in sex even though she was heating up for it,
Thursday night Eddie came by wanting her they made love having a little sex as well Toni felt the pressure especially when it was over she almost pee on herself the pain has started to make her trimble with fear Eddie notice how she was shivering and it wasn't even a cold night he wrapped the blanket around her and hug her but nothing changed he turn the heat up a bit but she felt as if she was going to burn up
"Toni I'm taking you to the hospital" he said
This time she agrees she nods for she was afraid of what was happening to her,
Eddie got up "get dressed he said he helped her wrapped the blanket around her and take her to the garage he went out and back his van in for her not to go outside, "he was eager to get help for her and was going fast "you can slow down I'm not dying" she said with a trimmer but Eddie didn't know what was happening so he wasn't sure if that would be involved
He hurry her to emergency and beg to see a doctor a nice lady came to assist invited them into a room and take some information she look at the information then look at her, "you sure you are not pregnant miss Cameron?" She asked with a smile
"I'm sure about it" Toni said
Eddie look at her he wondered if it embarrassed her to explain that she can't get pregnant
"Well we're going to run some test in order for that we'll need to keep you to see what the problems are for miss Cameron if you're not pregnant we are going to need to recommend further investigation on to what could be causing this problem" she got up to go get her a room Toni sigh Eddie took her hand, they both knew pregnant wasn't it so they now become worried Toni was so scared thinking this was why she couldn't have children,
She was put in a room and was given some IV fluids hopefully it will keep her relaxed since Eddie couldn't see her for the night he went home he was told to bring a few things like night dresses towels and all those things Eddie didn't go back to her house he went home it was late hours in the three bells Dorothy heard the door and peek out to listen she wasn't sure who it was as it could be someone breaking in Eddie have not left the house and came in at this late hour she heard the keys and call out to him, "Eddie is that you?" She asked
"Yes grandma it's me sorry to wake you, everything is fine go back to bed"
He sounded sad so she went down he was sitting on the sofa with his face in his palm she touch him and sat next to him, "you alright?" She asked she was wondering if he and Toni had a fight he left to go see her he would have stay the night
"It's Toni" he said Dorothy heart fall,
"She's in the hospital"
"Toni is in the hospital what happened?"
"She'd been experiencing some sort of on and off belly cramps but it got worse, the doctor said since she can't get pregnant something bad must be happening grandma I don't want to loose her I love her" he said
Dorothy hug him to comfort him
"I'm sure it's nothing to let you loose her" Dorothy said
"I already asked her to marry me"
"Marry you?" Dorothy ask in shock "isn't she married?"
"She got a divorce she came to be with me"
Dorothy smile thinking she must have love him after all, "come get some rest there will be great news don't worry"
Eddie nod he got off the couch and took the stairs with his grandma matching her steps he stopped in to look at his daughter she was sleeping soundly he kiss her "I love you he whispered
He lay on his back but he couldn't sleep he got up and leave early before his grandma' and his daughter got up he went to Toni's to get few things for her he stop to get some juice at the store to take a long he pray that she's ok and he didn't want to get any bad news
Toni turn when he walk in she was with the doctor "oh Mr Baldwin come on in did you take things for her?" The doctor asked
Eddie show the bag
"Good miss Cameron you take a shower and then I'll be ready for you" she walk out the room Eddie went over and kiss her softly
Toni cuff his cheeks
"Where are they taking you?"
"For examining" Toni said "they'll take some blood samples and so she let me do a pregnancy test" Toni frown
"You know they have to go through every process" Eddie said
"I know" Toni kiss him "I'll be soon" she said
He nod she went and take a shower but before she gets to spend a little time with Eddie she was taken away for examining Eddie sat to wait it had took some time but he waited he call to let them know he would be late, Toni was tired when she came back she barely get in a good word before falling a sleep so he left
Angela call Toni but she didn't let her know she was in the hospital she talk like normal she didn't let nicky know the same it was Friday and Toni had to wait another few days for her results so they were going to keep her until Toni only hope that she gets home before Thursday the guys will be here Thursday afternoon and she wants to make the place fresh,
Saturday was Hariel's birthday today she turns nine and Eddie didn't make any plans since toni was in the hospital he thought of just taking her to the park or something, Eddie was in the kitchen with his grandmother in the morning talking about it, she figured he would have to consult her before making this decision,
Eddie nod
Dorothy opened his palm and put something in he look to see a wedding band
"That belonged to your mother" she said Eddie look at her,
"You said you have asked Toni to marry you"
"Did she say yes?" Hariel asked
Dorothy and Eddie look at her they didn't even hear her come in,
"Hariel darling happy birthday" Dorothy said "Thank you Nana" Hariel said hugging her,
"Happy birthday my baby girl, I love you so much" Eddie said
"Thanks daddy I love you" she hug and kiss him she grin"so did Toni said yes?" She asked
He sat down and took her on his lap "yes she said yes she wants to marry me" Eddie said to Hariel,
She giggle and cover her face
"You want that?" Eddie asked
Hariel nod
Dorothy smile
"You're going to give her the ring"
"I want to but Toni isn't feeling too good right now she's in the hospital" he explained
"I knew she was sick" she told her dad telling him and showing him what she had her great grandmother, Eddie watch her and smile,
"Can I go see her?" Hariel asked
"But it's your birthday don't you want to go somewhere special?" Eddie asked
"Spending it with Toni is special"
Dorothy look at her and smirk
"Ok dear we can go see her your dad is going to take us I'm going to cook for her want to help?"
Hariel got excited got down from her dad's lap and went to the counter Eddie left them
Dorothy boil a pot of soup to take for Toni they were ready when Eddie got back from the barn to check on things,
Toni sat up when they walked in Hariel ran to the bedside Toni grin at her "My big birthday girl" Toni said Hariel grin she wonder if she could hug her felt afraid for she was in the hospital "Happy birthday to you.... l get no hug?" Toni asked
"I can hug you?" Hariel asked
Toni grin she opened her arms wrapped it around Hariel hugging her tightly "I'll be ok I won't break" she said kissing her forehead
Dorothy gave her a hug and sat by her bed to give her soup
Toni smile "thank you grandma" she said she drank and was satisfied so Hariel had what was left she sat at the foot of her bed and Toni talk with her, "so you're not going out for your birthday?" She asked
"I'm staying here" Hariel said
Toni smile,
Eddie came close seeking some of her time for all of it was on his daughter when he came she reach out to take his hand "you ok?" She asked
"I'm fine" he said
Toni smile "I miss home" she said she pull him in to whisper "I need to have sex"
Dorothy heard smile inside
"When you're sick?" Eddie asked
"I just have a craving for it" she frowned "I'm not sick ok" she grumble
"Craving for what?" Hariel asked
"Milkshake" Toni said she smile up at Eddie
"I want milk shake too, for my birthday" Hariel said
Toni smile up at Eddie again turned to Hariel "your dad will take you for milk shake" she told Hariel "right honey" she confirmed with Eddie
"I'll do just that on our way home.
Eddie took her hand and slide the ring on Toni look at it and giggle, "this is nice you bought this?"
"It was his mother's" Dorothy said
"It really is nice" she said to Dorothy"come here" she said to Eddie pulled him down cuffing his face she kiss him smackingly
Hariel giggle
Dorothy smile
The doctor walk in while they were together she smile "hello miss Cameron Mr Baldwin" she said
"Morning" Eddie and Toni answers
"Hello" she greet Dorothy and Hariel, Hariel wave
"Hello" Dorothy said
"Your daughter?" She asked Toni
"Step daughter" Toni said
"My daughter" Eddie said
They answered same time
She nods "so Mr Baldwin miss Cameron how you both feeling today?" She asked
"I'm alright"Eddie said
"I want to go home, I want my man" Toni said
The doctor smile "he's right there"
Toni look at Eddie and made a face
"Don't worry we're just going through your test results I can assure you miss Cameron you'll get to go home and be free to do whatever you want"
"Will that be later today?"
"Have some patiences" the doctor said "I'm just going to check on you" she said
Toni nod
She check her ears, eyes, nose mouth heart beat her breathing feeling her breast and belly from the expression she knew they were tender she gave her new IV fluids then excuse herself Noah and jack stop by to see her they left when Eddie they were leaving.
Emma turn to see Nicky looking at her she hissed took her daughter hand and went over to Chris it seems she said something for he look her way Nicky turn her back to them,
They were gone when she look around again but
she saw them in the parking lot
"Bitch" Emma grumble as they drive off she was furious the entire ride home,
Nicky told Angela about it trying to explain that she only look Angela laugh thinking she has to get nervous,
"So that's it" Toni said she had told Eddie the entire story of her relationship with her husband Eddie didn't know he had the believe the man with Emma was Toni's husband and it turns it is so, "I'm glad Toni that you get to be with me, I really love you"
"I really love you" Toni said
"We are going to make perfect couple" Eddie said
Toni giggle
He pulled her in to kiss her,
They discussed a little about home the Internet was done installed plus she got her Netflix service she had asked him to put a little television in the den and two little bean bags for the children, since he didn't know when Toni would be coming he had asked the lady to clean she came today while he was there working,
"You must be disappointed" Toni said
"Why?" Eddie asked
"You barely get your business off the ground and already I'm taking you from it"
Eddie chuckle, business is going great, besides if I want you it means i want your problems"
Toni giggle she lean in and kiss him,
The doctor came in and they shifted apart
She smile "sorry to interrupt you must think I'm doing in on purpose"
"And it's always when we get to the better part" Toni said
The doctor laugh"don't worry miss Cameron you soon won't have me to interrupt"
"Thank God" Toni said
"Mm" the doctor said with a smile, "just checking I can see you're doing great so far hopefully tomorrow you can go home, right miss Cameron"
"Ok doctor"
"Have a goodnight" she said
"I'm going to go" Eddie said
"What time will you come tomorrow?"
"I have a few lighting fixtures to install at this home say around eleven"
"Can't some one else do it?" Toni asked
Eddie look at her
"Alright I understand"
He bend to kiss her and left with the doctor Toni slide into bed and started thinking what could be it that is wrong with her for the doctor wasn't acting as if it's anything serious or maybe she wasn't telling her to make her worry she sigh wishing Eddie haven't left yet it was only two minutes after nine PM but she tried to get some rest, jack and Noah had call to asked about her saying Alexis and DeAndrea send her good wishes
Toni close her eyes hoping to get some sleep but her phone rang some minutes to ten, franky calls for he was passing by her work place today and noticed that she had upgraded her business but she wasn't at work, and only to hear she wouldn't be coming back. he went by her house and find Emma there with Chris for Toni had move out
Toni explained what had happened Franky was in shock he didn't know Emma was in to something with Chris, he apologized for such happening
But Toni didn't feel bothered maybe she would have gone crazy if she hadn't come to Texas and met Eddie maybe this was what God wanted for her for she see it as a good thing she's happy not well but happy.
"Heyyyy" Toni said when Eddie walks in the room "Hey" he said coming to lean over her he kiss her and felt his body hake he was kinda in the mood and felt himself getting hard, he kiss her neck and caresses her a little sucking on her nipples the tenderness make it felt extra sweet she moans delightfully Eddie slide his hand down between her thighs Toni buried her head into his collar gripping his shirt as her entire body trimble from need as he touches her clitteros playing on it with his finger tip she moans and widen her leg " have sex with me please Eddie" she beg
"Maybe later" he said but he continues to play gently with her soft spot kissing her, just then the door open and the doctor walk in, Eddie sit on the chair and toni sat up in bed, the doctor didn't bother to apologize for maybe they've both gotten tired of hearing it, she pulled the next chair and sat close to them,
"Well Mr Baldwin it's good that you're here" the doctor said
Eddie nods
,"Miss Cameron how are you?" She asked
Toni frowned
The doctor smile, "After all the examinations it turns out you have a clean build of health there's nothing wrong with you except for those discomfort due to early pregnancy"
"What?" Toni asked
"You're thirteen weeks long"
"That can't be true doctor, doctor already said that I can't become pregnant"
"Well doctor have to check again for you are and it's a pretty healthy pregnancy" Toni look at Eddie
"It shows that you got your last period in December since then you haven't reproduce any ripe eggs so your period haven't came in the last four months, you haven't noticed miss Cameron that you haven't had period in over three months"if you were on pills that would be different but you haven't been on pills"
"I don't really take pills" Toni said she was a little confused
"We're going to send you home but before you go we just want to check the baby heart beat just to know it's as healthy as you are, ok"
Toni nod
"Mr Baldwin" the doctor said she got up and left the room, Toni sat staring out of space "she can't be right I've been seeing doctors for years maybe she gets my file all wrong mix up with someone else" she said
Eddie wasn't sure what so he just sat as shocked as she was
It wasn't long before the doctor came pushing in a ultrasound machine "ok lay down lift your garment" Toni did as told the doctor puts the cream on her belly it was cold like ice she rest it on her belly and in no time a fast beat came in Toni could see the little thing moving in her belly and she couldn't believe it
Eddie got to his feet looking closely he look at Toni in disbelief "so on your next check up we'll see things better but for now block that little cramp from your mind it may be distracting but in case you can't run walk slowly instead in a matter of months you'll be back to your old self, well that's it just want to wish you both the best if there's any problem between your next visit don't be afraid to call, this is your appointment book and my number is right there"
"Thank you" Eddie said
Toni smile, she still can't believe this was happening she nods, "we'll surely call, thank you"
The doctor shook hands with them and left them they got ready and check out the hospital Toni remained silent as they drove home,
"You should be excited" Eddie said
Toni look at him
He smiles
"I'm shock I'm trying not to have a heart attack that's what" she smirk
Eddie smile he took her hand and kiss it holding it against his face as he drove them slowly home.

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