2|| Captive in Asgard

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Word count: 1,193

Soft silk cloth was wrapped around Nova, caressing her the visible skin of her arms and legs. The bed felt like it was a cloud, and the room was bathed in the soft morning light. Nova felt like she was in heaven, until she felt a sharp pinching and throbbing at her wrists.

She shot up from bed, the events from last night catching up to her. She stared at the tight metal cuffs which were so tight it felt like her bones were going to break from the pressure. Maybe she could melt them off. If she could just summon her powers...

She tried once.


The third time, however, a faint, golden glow formed around her forearms, only to immediately be absorbed by the cuffs.


Her hands ran through her thick, black hair and pulled lightly at the roots.

Shit, shit, shit.

Her heart raced with a thousand thoughts.

She was in another world.

No one knew where she was.

And she had an insane kidnapper- not to say that all kidnappers are sane, of course.

She her fingers wrapped around her hair and tugged harder.

Okay, she needed to calm down. There is no escaping here if she can't calm down.

She took in a few deep breaths, noticing how the Asgardian air smelled like something sweet, and felt... soft, if air can be physically described.

She let go of her hair and touched the smooth silk covers on her lap, taking in her surrounding now that it was day.

The room was far more majestic in the morning light. Her semi-oval bed rested on a circular white platform, with the rest of the floor being a white marble. White pillars stood tall in the corners of the room with lines of gold painted on its ridges. A dresser lay across from the bed. It was light colored but shiny wood that almost resembled gold. White flowers rested in an equally goldish pot atop the dresser. Rectangles of gold paint covered the white stone walls. Two semi-oval windows with a large circle window centered above the two windows had the open golden drapes on each side, a pillar separated that set of windows from the same pattern. A nightstand beside the bed had a reading lamp.

Her eyes landed on something strange. She walked to the dresser and picked up the note atop of a white box with a silk ribbon. It read: For your stay.

She tentatively pulled at the end of the ribbon, unsure if this was just one of Loki's tricks. The ribbon came loose, no trickery there. All there was left to do was open the box and pray that nothing ...unwanted was within.

Her fingers hooked underneath the edge of the boxes cover, and she slowly lifted it up.

Inside, lay a dress. It was floor-lengthen and cream-colored silk with a bodice. The bodice had light gold accents and embroidery. Around the midsection is corset-like armor with gold detailing, which follows the contours of her waist.

It's beautiful.

If Nova was Loki's prisoner, why would he give her all these luxuries?

"Do you like it much?" A voice asked from the opposite side of the lavish bedroom.

Nova slightly jumped, putting her hand over her pounding heart.

"Loki!" She yelled, "Dammit, don't scare me like that."

"I must admit, I was hoping for a warmer welcome, especially with that gift I've left for you there."

Nova rolled her eyes and turned back towards the box, feeling the light, thin, material.

"Why?" She asked quietly, her voice just barely above a whisper.

"Speak up," Loki ordered, "You speak as quietly as a little bird chirps."

"Why?" She repeated, her fingers clenching the fabric in anger.

She turned around suddenly, her long, black hair hit her face momentarily, her using her free hand to push it out of her face while the other remained in a fist, squeezing the dress.

"Why the fancy room, the dress?" She yelled, the sound echoing. "Why me?" Tears threatened to spill; she could already feel her eyes stinging. She shook her head, as if it could shake out her feelings of worry and anger. It didn't work. "Loud enough?" She tried to snap back, wiping an escaped tear with the back of her hand.

This kidnaping was too much. Oh, how she wished she had listened to Natasha. Nova had tried to push herself to the limits in her training, but her limits were never enough to make a change. But maybe she should have pushed past her limits. Maybe she would have been able to fight off those two Chituari soldiers yesterday. Maybe she wouldn't be in this whole kidnaping mess again.

Nova wasn't always Nova. For the first ten years of her life, she was Sam.

"Naomi! Look what I found!" Sam yelled, holding up a dead fish. It was black and yellow, bigger than the ten-year-olds hand.

Naomi, her brother, and Sam's brother all looked at her with a look of disgust.

Sam rolled her eyes and put the fish back in the water, watching as the sunlight shone through the tiny waves of the lake water and made beautiful patterns on the sand.

She reached out her hand to touch the light's patterns, knowing fully well that she couldn't grasp onto light.

But she did.

She had the light of the run in the palm of her hand and could manipulate it.

Sam called out for Naomi and the brothers to get their attention. She wanted them to see her newfound ability to manipulate light and set tiny parts of grass on fire.

What she didn't know, though, was that she had caught the attention of someone else, as well.

"Why the fancy room, you ask?" Loki replied, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Well, it wouldn't do for my esteemed guest to stay in squalor, now would it? As for the dress, I can't have my guest dressed as a peasant, can I?" Loki retorted with a sly smile, his eyes glinting mischievously. "And as for why you... well, you're the youngest, the least trained. You won't quite know what you're doing, and that's precisely why I chose you."

Nova took in a deep breath- one that smelled like the sweet Asgardian air and stung her lungs like hell- to calm herself down.

"I'm not going to help you, you know that. When are you ever planning on releasing me?"

Loki smirked mischievously- ugh, did this guy ever smile properly- and he took another step closer to her. "You will help me; I have my ways. As you get to know me, you'll find that i'm quite convincing. And as to telling you when your stay will end, where's the fun in that, my dear Karma?" He said her superhero name with a teasing emphasis. "All in good time. For now, why don't you get dressed? I have a feeling this day will be quite eventful."

With that, Loki turned and headed for the door, leaving Nova to grapple with her confusion and anxiety. As he stepped out of the room, he couldn't help but mutter to himself with a hint of amusement, "Oh, the games we'll play."


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