"A Night In The Bar"

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Y/N was sitting in her seat in her class when Ari came up to her and asked"Y/N do you want to come to the bar with me?"."The bar?!"said Y/N, and some of her classmates looked at her even Niki."Sorry,"said Y/N and whispered,"Are you crazy?!We're only 18!"."So?Some 18 year old students can't have fun in a bar?"said Ari and Y/N stayed silent said"I ain't going, you go by yourself"."Pleaseeeeee I'm your bestie pleaseeeee" begged Ari.Y/N thought for a moment and said"Fine but only because your my bestie"."I'm only coming"said Niki in a cold tone.Y/N and Ari looked at Niki and said"You sure?".Niki then nodded and Ari said"Yay I'm not going alone now."

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