"His Ex is Back"

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Niki was studying in class when someone came and said"Good morning Babe".Niki turned around and saw Y/N.Y/N then smiled at him and Niki got flustered he's ears turned red again,Y/N then laughed and said"You look cute when your ears red." Niki then looked at Y/N and shaked his head and went back to studying.Ari then came and said"Why is niki's ears red?".It's nothing it's probably because of the weather"said Y/N and Niki looked at Her and she winked at niki and went to studying.

Niki's mind:Did she just winked at me?Kim Y/N you make me go crazy over you even though I don't show my feelings much.You don't know how much I want to kiss you again but I can't.I'm crazy over you Kim Y/N.

At class

"Ok yall listen we have another new student coming!"said Rubble.(I guess there's so many students who likes this school that's why there's alot new student coming lol)"Treat her good"said Rubble and the girl entered the class.

Shin Yuna~

(18 years old,niki's ex girlfriend)

"Hi guys my name is shin Yuna and I hope I can make great friends!"said Yuna and she saw niki and smiled at him.Niki saw Yuna and put a emotionless face.Y/N saw Yuna looking at Niki and Niki looking back at Yuna which made her feel a little hurt."Ok you can sit next to Ari, Ari raise up your head."said Mr Rubble and Ari raised her hear and Yuna went to sit next to Ari.

At the cafeteria

Y/N, Ari and Niki were eating lunch when Yuna came to the table and said"Can I sit with you guys?""Sure"said Y/N and Yuna sat next to Niki who stood up and sat next to Y/N.Yuna got hurt and looked at Niki and said"I'll just eat somewhere else".She then stood up and left their table."Why didn't you sit next to her?"Asked Y/N and Niki said"She's my ex girlfriend." Y/N realized and nodded and continued eating her lunch.

Weeks passed

3 weeks has passed and Yuna always tried to be close to Niki while Niki ignored her.Until one time, Yuna saw niki in a empty classroom cleaning so she went up to Niki and said"Why won't u love me back?!"."I moved on I like someone else now leave me alone."said Niki."I love you though."said Yuna being desperate for Niki."I don't"said Niki in a cold tone.Yuna then pulled Niki and kissed him.

With Y/N and Ari

"Should I confess my feelings for him?" "OFC I am 100% sure he likes you back trust me!"said Ari and Y/N nodded and said"I'll confess today,but I don't where he is right now?" "I heard that he's cleaning in the empty class since Mr Rubble told him to." "Ok let's go there."said Y/N and They both went to the empty classroom.And when they went to the empty classroom, both of them saw Yuna and Niki kissing which broke
Y/N's heart into pieces.Niki saw Y/N and pushed Yuna."Y/N it's not what you th-" but he got cut off by Y/N and she said"You don't even need to explain".Y/N then ran away.Ari stand being angry at niki and she said"I can't believe that you would do that to her." Ari then ran to Y/N.Niki was about to go get Y/N but Yuna stopped him and she said"But Niki you have me I love you!"."I don't love you.You already ruined my life now leave me alone forever!"said Niki being angry and he ran to find Y/N.

To be continued~

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