|•CHAPTER 80•|✔️

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The silence after something very chaotic? That was how this particular room felt after a very long tiring day.

Kiki, Aditi, Riya and Aishwarya sat in Aditi's Room on her bed silently watching each other's faces like that will give answers to all their questions.

Kiki looked at her wedding band on her fingers and played with it unable to handle the heat of their glares.

"Look at you! Said you hated him and now you have his band around your fingers! Well done my child well done" Aishwarya said dramatically clapping her hands

"Chup! Young lady, I repeat still I never loved him back then!" Kiki said

"But you're married now? How will you marry someone you don't love?" Asked Aditi

"Like you gone do next week!" Fired Kiki back making Aditi go silent

"Ahhh! We are dealing with everyone individually! We have half a decade of life updates so everyone co-operates" said Riya and the girls did turn silent.

"Okay! Years back we were not dating at least not him! He wanted to kill me and I wanted to burn him but then...Remember when I met Ashok outside a pub once? Arjun..and I kissed" Kiki said and watched three pairs of eyes go wife.

"I...I mean it just happened in a nick of a time and we were not leaving it right there then went on to have a Relationship which has no name, which had no love involved ever so...." she said and Aishwarya was in the verge of fainting

"Friends with benefits?" Asked Riya

"Enemies with benefits " Kiki corrected

"But...later I found myself doing something shitty! Example falling for this guy but then I fo...."Kiki stopped midway and looked at her girls
She couldn't get herself to tell them what she found in his wallet when Aditi had mentioned there was no Tara in it. His life.

First, she had to get it clear who Tara was without ruining her relationship with Arjun.

"And then things happened Aditi found out, Aravind found out! We broke up and then after years  our parents asked and we said yes again" Kiki finished

Aditi pulled Kiki into a hug!
"I am sorry! I didn't know much and reacted at that time" she said and Kiki patted her back.

"That's okay! What you did was understandable "

On the side, they heard a heavy sigh from Aishwarya! Who laid flat the bed?

"I met Vikram in Delhi!" She said kiki immediately rolled over her and looked at her ins shock?

"Vikram? As in your Romeo?" She asked blinking

"Yes! But then the Juliet in me died long ago" said Aishwarya

"If Juliet died then you won't be sharing this information here Aishu!" said Aditi

"What did he say tho?" Asked Riya

"Nothing! I chased him away with my sandals! I won't dare to let anyone hurt my heart anymore "Aishwarya said

The room fell into silence as Aishwarya took a deep breath!

"Those 10 seconds I stood rooted to my place when I saw him! I couldn't move nor could I hide! I wanted to run! I wanted to run to him and also run from him it was so messed up I felt like throwing up whatever I ate that day with anxiety in my tummy My eyes refused to move so did my legs! I hated how my hands still wanted to embrace him in a hug but this time I listened to my brain and chased him away!"Aishwarya said recalling that day

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