A sea far away (Bebe Bada x OC)

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I have always loved to dance ever since I was born. It has always been a dream of mine to get on a big stage and show it to many other people, and today, I was finally going to do it.

Minji: Are you alright, unnie? You do kind of look nervous right now.

Minji, my crew mate, appeared from behind me, kind of shocking me since I was in my own world.

Jahoon: Me? Nervous? Never~ I'm born for this.

I smiled at her with a confident smile, trying very hard not to shake. Minji looked at me with a raised eyebrow before clapping me on my shoulder and left to look at the other girls. I sighed and stared at my reflection for the last time before entering the studio at the cue of the staff. As we entered, I looked around and saw a familiar figure already in the arena. Bada. Bada Lee of Bebe. Bada and I have known each other since we were little and up until high school. Bada has always known that I liked her more than a friend, but it seemed like she had despite me for that. Ever since the day that I told her, we have been growing more and more distant until we lost contact with each other.

Lina: It is so quiet here. The atmosphere is so tense.

We got down to our seats, and the VCR of the other crews' opinions about us were played, but I couldn't keep my focus. It felt like someone was staring at me, but it could just be me. I glanced over to Bada from time to time, but it really seemed like she had forgotten about me. Well, I could care less about her as well. The reason I'm here is for the win.

Jahoon: I will just go to the toilet for a moment. I will be back.

The girls in my crew nodded and continued to practice while I quickly made my way to the toilet since I didn't want to miss a lot of the practice now that we are in the chance of an elimination. I walked inside and did my business and was about to walk out when Bada walked inside and locked the door after her. I was about to open my mouth to ask her what she was doing when she suddenly walked closer to me and reached behind me for my mic. I watched her turn both mine and hers off.

Jahoon: What do you want?

I almost sneered at her. I could see her crumble down a bit, but as always, she tried to show off her strong side.

Bada: I just want to ask how you were doing? It has been so long since we talked together after you cut contact with me. I always tried to find a way to contact you, but you wouldn't answer. I really missed you.

I huffed at her once again. Me? Cutting contact off with her?

Jahoon: Me? Cutting off the contact with you? That is the greatest joke that I have ever heard in my whole life. You got it all wrong. You were the one who cut contact with me! I tried every possible way to contact you. I went to your house but then I found out you moved away. I even tried to visit you at the academy! I waited for you every hour of the day every day for more than 3 months! But you wouldn't even meet me like you were avoiding me!

I yelled at her. I felt bad for doing it, but my emotions took the better part of me, and I couldn't control it. Bada opened her mouth to say something but closed it again. I just shook my head at her and returned back to my crew to practice. They all looked at me with worry since I was gone for a while, but I reassured them that everything was fine even when it wasn't...

We were finally done with our practice. You couldn't even see what was outside of it had it not been for the few lights out there. I walked over to pack my stuff slowly since I was sore all over my body. I took my phone and scrolled around social media when all of a sudden, Bada popped up on my screen. That is when I remembered. I should apologize to her for yelling at her. I really wanted to get closer to her again. Hopefully, I didn't push her too far away?

I quickly packed my stuff and hugged the girls goodbye, and went over to where Bebe was practising. I was just about to open the door when I saw Bada walking away from a far. I ran closer to her and was about to call out for her when I saw a male figure approaching her. There was something in me that told me to stop, but my mind told me to go. In the end, I just stood and watched from afar as Bada threw her arms around the boy. It was as if something broke loudly inside of me. I have always hated her much of my life, but all of a sudden, it was like she was my most precious thing and that I couldn't lose her. But I stopped in my tracks once again when I saw how the boy kissed her and the way that Bada smiled widely.  I knew that my chance was gone.

Minji: Unnie? You still here? I thought that you were already gone home.

Minji appeared from behind and placed a hand on my shoulder, taking me out of the trance that I was currently in.

Jahoon: I was, but then I got caught in a talk with the dancers, but since you haven't gone home yet, do you want to go out drinking with me?

Minji: Why not?

Minji shrugged and wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we began walking further from the SWF2 building and further away from Bada. I looked over my shoulder and watched Bada and the boy walking the other way with their hands clasped together. Well...it seemed like we were never meant to be.

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