Squished (Bebe Tatter x OC)

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A/N: This was a request by my dear Patreon vxyhye. Thank you for the request and for the support and I hope you like it.

Fell free to either comment here or on my Patreon for requests: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=71862817&fan_landing=true&view_as=public


Jahoon: Great... another day of school... When is this going to end?!

Bada: In a few years! And you better hurry up or I will eat all of Mom's pancakes before you get one!

Jahoon: Hey! Don't you dare! You know that those are my favorites!

I quickly jumped out of bed and to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and changing into my school uniform before running downstairs to see Bada unnie already munching away more than half of the stack of pancakes.

Jahoon: Hey! Save some for me as well!

I quickly ran to the table and grabbed a few pieces before Bada unnie could eat even more of them.

Mom: Don't worry girls, I have made enough for the both of you so you can eat slowly.

Dad: People would think that we are starving you guys by the way you are eating right now.

Our dad shook his head as Mom just chuckled. A few moments later someone rang our doorbell.

Jahoon: That must be Tatter! I gotta go now. See you later!

I ate the last bite of my pancakes and grabbed my bag and walked out to Tatter but not before giving my parents and Bada unnie a kiss on the cheek. I opened the door to see Tatter waiting with a smile on her face.

Tatter: There you are! How can you still manage to look this beautiful in our school uniform? Come on let's go before I melt down with your beauty.

Tatter acted like she was going to faint just by looking at me. I shook my head at her with a small smile and lightly slapped her arm. Sometimes she can just be too much. I wrapped an arm around her neck and began walking with her to school. Even though she is silly and pretty much a prankster, I was still glad to have her as my friend. We made our way to school, joking the whole way there, when we bumped into our other best friend Seoyoung, or as we call her Lusher. The three of us were known as the musketeers in the school. If you saw one of us then you for sure knew that the other two would be there.

Lusher: Jahoon! Tatter! There you are, my girls!

Lusher ran straight to us and wrapped her arms around us in a big hug. Every time that I see her smile, she reminds me of a kitten. Tatter and Lusher hooked their arms with mine, making me stand in the middle of the group. I don't know if it just was my own imagination but it was like the both of them tried to pull me closer to themselves. Was there something between the two of them that I didn't know of? Anyway, it was all subtle so it went over my mind as quickly as it came. We just continued to get to our classroom and continued talking with our other friends when the teacher came inside and began teaching. Lusher walked away to her desk as she was sitting around the front part of the middle section with our friend Kyma meanwhile Tatter where my seat mate and we were sitting in the back of the classroom.

Teacher: Alright class! Today you will be assigned a project that will make up 20% of your final grades. This is a really important assignment that you will need to be paired up with each other two and two. I will allow you guys to discuss among yourself for a few minutes and choose your partners. Remember this is an important assignment so choose your partner wisely.

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