Bully (Deep n Dap Locker Zee x OC)

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For some people, their work life is their dream since they get to work with what they love but for most people, it is just a menace and something they have to do to be able to pay their bills monthly. But for me... it is basically a living hell. More than what everyone experiences.

Jahoon: You just have to endure it Jahoon. You just have to endure it. You need to pay your bills and it isn't easy anymore to find a job. You just have to endure it.

I sighed as I got out of the car and went up with the elevator to my floor. I knew that as soon as I walked through the door to my level all hell would break loose and that is exactly what happened.

Co-worker: Well well well. Look at who has finally decided to arrive! Now that you are here, would you be a dear and work on this workload?

The girl looked at me with a smirk on her face. Ever since I got into this company, I have always done other people's work while they just sat around and did nothing. I reached my hand out to grab the papers from her but before I could grab them, she let go of the papers and walked away while laughing. I sighed and bent down to pick them up. There was no point in fighting back. If I did it would only make the whole thing worse than it already is. I couldn't go to the management since they basically were just like the others and would always put the blame on me, gaslighting me to believe that I was the one at fault and that I was the one who should get punished. I picked everything up and went to my seat to begin working. I quickly finished mine and began working on my co-workers' papers but the pile only became bigger than smaller since they would always come and add more to it when they noticed that the pile was getting smaller. At one point I had to go to the bathroom and was shoved against the wall, hurting my back badly.

Co-worker: What do you think you are doing? Who allowed such a dirty dog like you to come here and use this toilet?! A dog like you should go outside and piss like a true dog.

Jahoon: Please let me use it this time. I really need to use it. I promise that I will clean up after myself so that it is spotless! I will even do it with all of the other toilets as well!

Co-worker: Well then you better start with this one!

I was grabbed at the back of my head by the hair and dragged to one of the toilet stalls. I was forced down on my knees and my face was pushed dangerously close to the toilet.

Co-worker: Come on! Lick it clean! You said that you will clean every toilet so begin to lick it clean like the dog you are!

The girls that were with her were just around us and laughed at the whole situation. All of them were just ridiculing me like always. There was no way that I could escape this situation, there was no way that they were going to help me. The only thing I could do was lick the toilet for them to let me go.

????: What the hell are you guys doing?!

I heard someone yell, making all of the girls stop in their tracks for a moment. I have never heard that voice before. She must be new. She shouldn't be meddling with this if she knows what is best for her. Now it will only end badly for her.

Co-worker: And who do we have here? I see you are new here so I will spare this one time while I have fun with this one. You better leave now if you know what is best for yourself. Now where were we?

I was grabbed tighter by my hair but before my face could get too close to the toilet, I could feel my head being pulled back a bit before my hair was being released. I turned back to look with surprise to see an unfamiliar girl yanking my co-worker away from me and twisting her arm in pain. The other girls looked at the two of them surprised as neither me nor them have ever experienced any of this before.

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