A Symphony of Storms(Mannequeen Funky_y x OC)

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I woke up to the delicious smell of freshly made breakfast. I put on my slippers and went down to the kitchen to see my lovely girlfriend Eunji making breakfast for the two of us. Suddenly I felt a little mischievous and sneaked up behind her before wrapping my arms around her waist which made her jump up in surprise.

Eunji: Jahoon! You scared me!

Eunji turned around and pouted at me. I chuckled at her and pinched her cheeks lightly as she was too cute not to do it.

Jahoon: I'm sorry~ I didn't mean to surprise you like that but your reactions are too cute not to. Do you need some help, honey?

Eunji: You can help me set up the table?

Jahoon: Yes ma'am!

I saluted her and stood straight like a soldier which made her laugh at me. She slapped me on my arm and kissed me on my lips before waving me off. I helped her by setting the table and a little while later we sat down to eat breakfast together. It was one of the rare times that we managed to spend some time together as the both of us were busy with work and especially now, since Eunji's participation in the hit show "Street Woman Fighter 2". Even though she and her team only managed to place 4th (even though I thought that they should have been placed higher), I was still proud of their achievements. It is not easy to place that high!

Eunji: It has been a long time since we have been on a date together and I have the day off today, so do you want to go on one with me today?

Eunji reached over to lay a hand on top of mine which was already resting on the table. I was about to open my mouth and say yes when I remembered that I had an important meeting today.

Jahoon: I really would love to spend the whole day with you today but I have an important meeting that I have to attend. But I promise you that it is only going to take a couple of hours and as soon as I'm finished, I will run over to you as fast as I can so that it won't feel like I have even been gone in the first place.

I watched as Eunji's face turned into slight disappointment. She knew if I could have avoided it I would not as the CEO there were some things that I couldn't really push for other days and this was one of the things. I grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it to make her smile a little.

Jahoon: I promise I will run over to you as soon as possible.

Eunji: Fine, I trust you. Also, it is not like you can avoid it. But please hold your promise.

Jahoon: Don't worry, I always keep my promise. When have I ever broken my promise to you?

I smiled at her once again and kissed the back of her hand. Eunji just looked at me before we continued to eat. I helped her clean up the table and went to our bedroom to change my clothes. I walked out and placed a kiss on Eunji's forehead and lips and then went to the meeting at my company.

I was so focused on the meeting that before I knew it, it was already beginning to get late and the sun was about to go down. Wait! I promised Eunji I was going on a date with her after the meeting and here I am just sitting in my office and working!

Jahoon: Shit.

I cursed at myself for forgetting and quickly packed my stuff and threw on my jacket before running down to the parking lot and to my car, driving as fast as I could to the café. We had promised that as soon as I was done, we would meet each other at our favorite café and get some drink before enjoying the rest of the day. It was the café where we first met each other and have ever since then been there. Even after our marriage, we still visited it. I had already prepared myself not to see Eunji sitting at our usual table since it was already getting much later than I had promised her, so it did come as a surprise to still see her sitting and waiting for me. I ran over to her and sat on the seat opposite to her with an apologetic look but the look in her eyes was just blank. Understandable since I had let her down.

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