Change (Jam Republic Ling x OC)

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Mom: Jahoon! Wake up for school! You are gonna be late!

Jahoon: I don't want to! Just let me sleep! 

I rolled around in my bed and made myself comfortable, preparing to return back to my lovely dream but it all fell apart when mom came up to my room and threw the duvet off me before she began to spank me with a spatula and drag me out of my bed.

Mom: I said wake up!

Jahoon: Alright alright! I'm up now! Jesus woman, what happened to making a change for the new year?

Mom: Move it young lady if you still have your life dearly.

Mom took another swing at me but I quickly avoided her and ran to the bathroom, preparing for school. As much as I hated school, I still was wiser to test my mom more than I already did. I changed into my uniform, packed my bag, and went down to the kitchen where my dad was already sitting reading the newspaper.

Dad: Good morning to you sleepy head. While you are eating, your mother and I have something that we want to talk to you about. You have to behave in school and actually learn something. We can't have you misbehave anymore. You know that you are already on your last straw with the school.

I just nodded while eating. To be honest, I didn't really care anymore about school. There was nothing really interesting there at all and all of the teachers didn't really care about me at all. Also, I already have my future planned out and it doesn't revolve around anything to do with school, so there is no reason for me to actually focus and behave in school. I just listened to their rambles and finally escaped when it was time for me to go to school. The only reason I went there every day was so that I could escape their never-ending scoldings. I went to the first class of the day and sat at the back of the end like always. I laid my head on the desk and just took a nap. It was only when the classroom became quieter since the teacher was here that I returned back to my senses, though I was still napping.

Teacher: Quiet everyone. Today we have a new student who is going to be joining us. Please welcome her with open arms.

I heard the door open and everyone gasping, assuming that the new student had entered the room. Normally I wouldn't care but this time there was something inside of me that told me to raise my head. I looked up to see a beautiful girl standing beside the teacher. 

Ling: Hello everyone, my name is Ling. Nice to meet you all. I hope that we can all be friends.

Ling bowed as everyone cheered once again. I could hear the boys talking amongst themselves about who was going to get her first, meanwhile, some of the girls were talking about how they were better than her and some were talking about requiring her to be in their group. How disgusting they all were. I scuffed at them and laid my head back down to rest.

Teacher: Welcome Ling. Unfortunately, the only seat that we have left right now is beside Jahoon in the back. You can sit there for now. 

Why the heck does she need to sit beside me? I heard people mumbling and then the seat beside me getting pulled out. 

Ling: Hey there seatmate! My name is Ling. Let's be friends.

I opened one eye slightly to see Ling reaching her hand out to me with a smile. I closed my eyes and turned my head to the other side. I don't even bother anymore. She is just going to be like everyone else. There is no point in even trying. 

Teacher: I can't even anymore... What is wrong with you? You are always getting into trouble! Can you be just a normal kid like all the others? Why do you have to talk back every time and always get into fights? Your parents must be really disappointed in you. I would if you were my child. I would even give you up for adoption if you haven't changed after I had given you a chance to. Why are you not saying anything?

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