Soul Kitty Part 2 (Mannequeen Cera X OC)

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A/N: This was a request by my dear Patreon vxyhye. Thank you for the request and for the support and I hope you like it.

Fell free to either comment here or on my Patreon for requests:


Living with Cera for the past month has proven to be one of the best decisions that I have ever made in my life. It has always been quiet and lonely living alone. Whenever I got home, I would always arrive at an empty house but now every time I open the door, I would always be greeted by Cera standing at the entrance with a big smile on her face. She would always run to me and wrap her arms around me in a big greeting hug. I would always try everything to stay outside for as long as possible but now as soon as I finish working, I return back home right away.

Jahoon: I promised you that we would go out to buy you some clothes since you don't have any. Do you want to go out with me today to find you some?

Cera: I would love to! But I don't mind staying in your clothes for a little while longer. They smell like you and it's like I have you with me when I get lonely here at home sometimes.

Jahoon: Lonely? You could just have told me! I can work from home and stay with you more so you don't get lonely. I can even take you with me to work if you want to stay by my side.

Cera: I can't do that or let you do that. You have already done so much for me by letting me stay in your house for free and feeding and dressing me. This is already much. I shouldn't be bothering you more than this.

Cera pouted as she hung her head down. Even in the human form she was and looked like a kitty. I chuckled lightly at her and walked around the table to hug her. I pulled away so I could see her but still kept her in my arms. Cera stared into my eyes but the pout was still evident on her lips.

Jahoon: Don't think like that. If it really would have bothered me then I wouldn't have let you stay here for so long, right? Love having you here and you can stay with me as long as you want but if you want to move out and have your own place that's also fine with me. As long as you are happy.

I placed a kiss on her forehead, making her smile. Suddenly someone rang on the door, making the both of us turn our heads in the direction. Who could it be?

Jahoon: Don't worry, I will go and see who it is.

I pulled away from her and walked over to open the door to see Ling standing behind it. I quickly slammed the door in her face by surprise. What is she doing here?! She can't know about Cera. What would she think? That I have become crazy and just thrown the kitten out for a woman?! There is no way that I could tell her the truth. She wouldn't believe me. I opened the door slightly just enough for me to see her.

Jahoon: What are you doing here so unannounced? You woke me up surprised from my slumber.

Ling: I was just visiting to see how you and your new kitten are doing. Unannounced? Normally you don't have a problem with me- wait... don't tell me that you have someone with you right now?~ You cheeky woman~

Jahoon: Uhm... yeah! That's right! That's why you should leave before she wakes up!

Ling: Right...

Ling turned around and was about to walk away when she suddenly turned back around and burst right past me and to my bedroom. She is really unbelievable sometimes. I quickly closed the door and ran after her, sighing a little bit with relief that she didn't see Cera but now she is going to ask me about the kitten!

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