Family (Lady Bounce x OC)

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This is a request from @MiJeongMoJi  Thank you very much for the request and I hope that you like it.


Being in a dance crew, you most likely will become your own little family. You spend most of your time with them and sometimes even more time with them than with your own family, if you have an upcoming competition. That is why being the youngest would also make you be treated as one.

Nob: Jahoon! Come and take a break! I have brought your favorite food that we could enjoy!

Jahoon: You don't have to tell me twice!

I quickly ran over to join them making the rest of the girls laugh at me. I didn't really care since I knew they didn't mean anything bad with it, also my eyes were only on the food at the moment. As soon as I sat down, Capri unnie gave me a pair of chopsticks which I gladly took and began to eat. At first, I wasn't really feeling hungry and was more focused on practicing but now that I'm sitting down eating, I feel more hunger than I have ever felt before in my life.

Biggy: Yo! Jahoon! Take a breath! You are going to choke if you keep on stuffing your face like that!

Naro: Don't worry, we ordered enough for everyone to go into a food coma. Also, you missed a spot.

Naro unnie grabbed a tissue and wiped the corner of my mouth. I could feel my cheeks heating up as I became a little embarrassed of myself and looked down in embarrassment. All of the girls began laughing and teasing me but in a playful manner before stopping. We were like everyone's extended family, knowing when to stop before we hit each other's limit. Being a family you can't escape teasing but we would still care for each other. No matter what happens.

Vessi: Jahoon be careful! Don't run or you are going to end up slipping and hurting yourself!

And like a small child, I have never really listened to Vessi unnie. Not that I don't listen to what she tells me but sometimes I end up having too much fun so whatever they are saying ends up in one ear and out the other ear. Today we were at the pool with the rest of the crews that were in the show. I ran to the edge of the pool and tried to stop making a jump into the pool but unfortunately, I had too much speed so I slipped into the pool head first. I came back to the surface and smiled sheepishly at the girls as they were now looking at me with crossed arms and with disbelief on their faces.

Jahoon: It is already! I'm fine!

Capri: I'm going in the water with you or else I won't be able to rest in peace today.

Capri unnie shook her head and got into the pool with me. Suddenly a naughty feeling fell over me. I waited a bit for Capri unnie to feel comfortable in the water before I began splashing at her. She froze for a second before firing right back at me but since my splashes were stronger than hers, she had to flee.

Capri: Help! She is too strong! I need help to win over her!

Vessi: Don't worry! We will help you!

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