Uncovered secret (Jam Republic Audrey x OC)

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A/N: Another request by @KellahSpectre Sorry for the long wait but I hope that you like this one. Thank you for the wait. (P.S I just realized that you asked for the OC to be a part of Lady Bounce. Sorry for that)


Mostly you would think it would only be big celebrities like actors or idols who would have to keep their relationship a secret but that is not always the case. Normal people also sometimes have to keep their relationships a secret from other people. Not because they wanted to but more because they had to.

Kirsten: What are you guys going to be wearing at the pool party? I can't decide whether to pick this bikini or this one. What do you guys think?

Latrice: To be honest Bonny, you look amazing in anything so you don't need to worry about it at all.

I chuckled a bit as I sat down on the sofa beside Audrey. We watched Latrice and Kirsten discussing and arguing about which outfit would be better and about the fact that they both would look good in anything, even though they still remain arguably with it. Their friendship is really something admirable considering that they just met for this competition.

Jahoon: They are really something special between those two.

Audrey: They really are. I'm just glad that they have found each other. Like a pair of long-lost sisters. By the way, which one do you think that I should wear to the pool? This one or this one?

Audrey poked me in the side and made me turn around to face her. Just like the scene in front of us, Audrey made me choose which outfit she should be wearing to the pool party. I shook my head and chuckled at her.

Jahoon: This feels just like a deja vu but honestly my dear, you look good in anything so you don't have to worry about what others might think or say. There is no right or wrong outfit as long as you are comfortable in it.

Audrey: I know~ but you know that your opinion matters more to me.

Audrey leaned her head against my shoulder and looked up at me with kind of puppy eyes. I glanced over to the other girls to make sure that they weren't looking at us and quickly placed a kiss on her forehead and lips. Both Audrey and I knew each other for quite some time before joining Jam Republic. It has also been some time since we decided to become girlfriends but haven't told any of the girls yet about it. We both agreed it would be better for the competition and the dynamics of the team to keep it a secret for now. We all decided on an outfit to wear according to the team that we had picked beforehand.

Kirsten: Look how amazing we all are looking right now! If there was an award for the best-dressed crew here today then we would be the one to win that for sure!

We all laughed with each other at her confidence and began making our way to the pool after we were told so by the staff. Every crew has worked hard to advance to this stage and we all had to go through heartbreak by saying goodbye to Tsubakill, so this party today is like a reward to all of us. A chance for us to rest comfortably before having to work again.

Jahoon: The last one at the pool is going to buy everyone dinner!

I quickly ran beforehand while yelling back to the girls. I could hear them yelling that it was unfair and that I was a cheater to run first but that is how life is. Sometimes life isn't going to be fair to you. But that wasn't what is mattering right now, right now the only thing that is mattering is playtime. I'm going to wreck everyone. I'm going to be the queen of the pool!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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