Meet the crunchy creatures

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In a room there are 2 figure run around wildly, surround them are variety of baking items and before them are a large furnace bigger than 2 of them. "Are you sure about this? White Lily Cookie" one of them ask. "I pretty sure of it, Pure Vanilla" White Lily reassure them, put a jar of suger in the mixer "I just scare about this life create thing. What if somethings gone wrong?" Pure Vanilla comment worry, but still continue with the process. "Well? It will be risky but we put alot of work into this already. We can't just stop now" she reassured him. "I know..." he whisper to himself.

"The preparation is done" White Lily step away from the furnace "now the spell. Ready Pure Vanilla" "I ready" White Lily and Pure Vanilla grab their own spells book and begin to chanting spell.

A magic circle apear beneath the burning furnace. It start spinning and glowing as they continue chanting. Then the circle expand outward, add 2 ring around the furnace. Looklike everything work well as the inside of furnace start to glow brightly and violencely. Suddenly out of nowhere, the air around the furnace crack, interupting the process. In with make the whole thing go...


The explosion knock both of them back push them again the glass. Knock all the item down the shelf, breaking it. When two of them recovered from the sudden explosion, White Lily and Pure Vanilla turn to where the furnace is. Only see a huge smoke come from it. Pure Vanilla worry look at all the item on the floor while White Lily look at it frowning think how it not work if not for a cough interupt her. After hear the cough, both of them turn toward the source of the sound. It from the smoke! Is the spell working? Did we create life? That all the quesions currently running through their head. 

White Lily run toward with hope, and once close enough she saw a tall wolf like figure in the smoke tower over her.

Beta get up from the crash, wash away the smoke around with his hands. He notice a creature stand before him, stare blankly at him. Then another join they and they look worry for the first one. But all of that drop one the creature lay their eyes on him.

 But all of that drop one the creature lay their eyes on him

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(чячя from joyreactor)

"Hi-" Beta greet they want to ask where are here. But that when he pick up a sweet sense, then he take a closer look at them. He saw a cookie texture on their skin and combie two things together.

Which mean he in some foods type world. Now he notice it, he also feel diffrent, move his hand up to his face, and he surprise at what he found. He discover him also make of foods, his whole hands are make out of candy cane, while he has blue cake for legs, his fur are replace with cotton candy with the same color, his tail are some types of solf candy, and his ears completely make of big ice cream corn have part of it broke off, fill with candy cotten. After inspect himself, Bete turn to see two sweet being, to see them argument with each other. 

Chaotic adventure (male OC x Anthroropomorphic fandom harems)Where stories live. Discover now