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{Tap To Continue}

"Hey! Hey! It 10:00 already. Let's hurry up" Wizard shouted out

"Already on that" Carrot exclaimed from the side, as she cleaning the floor with Blackberry.

"Let's put that there. NO! There" Alchemist instruction the decoration team.

The decoration team include:

Stawberry, Gingerbrave, Wizard, Ninja, Muscle, Beet, Gumball, Angel, Devil, Moon Rabbit, Chili Pepper and Rye. All decorate the main banquet together.

The kid seeing play with each other, talk with their friends or their gruadian or help out the adult. Then two of the kid run toward Princess

"Is the food ready? I hungy" Custard and Pancake complained to Princess "No it not done yet. You can hold on until the New Year right, Custard? Pancake" she reassurance both of them. "Yes ma'am" both child cookie frown but they still nodded.

"Can you ask Beta done cooking" Princess turn to her knight and order him "Yes my princess" Knight replied and walk away.

He exit the room, walk down the big hall. He stop at a certain door, with a knife and folk icon on it indicate the castle's kitchen. The moment he open the door, he immediately slap on the face with flavorful smell. The kitchen is quite large with normal cookie but with Beta it perfect.

"Oh Knight! You need help or anything" Beta asked the cookie, as he slowly stir the mixer. "Um... Um... The-e prin-princess ask the fo-od is done yet" Knight stuttered. "Oh! It not done yet but you can give this mixer a taste" Beta immediately put a spoon of the mixer in the knight mouth after he said that.

His body stiff as he taste the mizer. It so delicious, like divine by itself. The strong pleasure shoot through him cause him let out a cute moan. The cookie hold tight on the spoon, lick his tongue acoss the spoon for more of the mixer.

Beta take the spoon out his mouth, Knight shook his head and snap out of it. Now out of it, he begin to feel embarrassing about his action and hurry running out but not before say "Please don't tell the Princess about this".

Beta laugh at his cute reaction.


Pure Vanilla direct all the kid to clean the banquet, prepare for New Year. And with the help of vanila guard that had been reprogram by Stawberry Crepe, it hopefully will speed everything up. Meanwhile Black Raisin order her cow to place ribbon on the hight and difficult place, while move around cleaning and same time watch all the kid if there are accident.

After done assign all the kid with cleaning and decoration. Pure Vanilla enter the kitchen, he the only one capable of cooking above average. All the kid in the village can cook but only a little for the sake of surviving, Black Raisin is no better, Stawberry Crepe only been surviving with berry and reserve food for the kingdom storage ever since they wake up. All of them can just eat roasted jelly and bread but this a special day and he want to cook somethings delicious for them. Now new found determination, Pure Vanilla begin to cook with all ingredients has been prepare by the kid in the moring. Let's hope his long day of cooking in the BYA (Blueberry Yogurl Academy) hasn't rusty. Begin with spooky muffin, srawberry cake, hot jelly stew then make glazed donuts, hearty rye, fluffy castella ending with party cake, fluffy omurice with addiction of milk for the kid and wine for the adult.

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