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Abby, Norah, Max, and Ginny all sat in Maxes bedroom analyzing a porn video on a laptop. Their faces where in the screen, a mixture of disgust, shock, and interest between them.

"Ok ok ok, please turn it down!" Maxine said in reaction to the women on the screen yelling out in pleasure.

"Oh my god" Norah giggled out as max struggled and kept yelling to turn down the volume of the adult video.

"Nothings happening" Ginny said boredly. "I mean, a lot's happening, but theres no plot"

"It's so slimy!" Abby exclaimed. "Like, why are they so...wet?"

"That's not an attractive pose. She's just splayed." Ginny said adding onto the criticism of the video. The commentary just kept coming as they video played in the background.

"She has a really nice body though." Abby said as she stared mainly at the women in the video, finally saying something positive about it.

"This was definitely written and directed by men." Maxine said in disgust.

"Oh yeah and there's like no foreplay whatsoever!" Norah exclaimed pointing towards the video. "Its just like..." Norah said before making aggressive noises and hand movements to demonstrate how the video was.


Marcus and Aspen were in his room playing Call of Duty black ops 3 with a comfortable silence surrounding them. Georgia practically forced Aspen to go over to Maxes since ginny would be there and she didn't want Aspen to stay at home by herself.

Aspen wasn't that close to Marcus, as she only really talked to him at school but she also didn't want to hang out with Ginny and her friends.

"Hows Wellsbury been treating you?" Marcus asked trying to make a little conversation.

"It's not bad, just navigating and trying to catch up with everyone." Aspen replied while reloading her clips in the game. "What about you?"

"Boring." Marcus replied dryly. "Anyone you're interested in?"

"Whats it to you?" Aspen replied.

"I've been hearing about you and Abby around. Marcus replied while camping in the enemy's base. "Mostly from you're sister ranting about you trying to
get with her friends and infiltrate MANG."

"Thats bullshit, Ginnys completely delusional." Aspen replied while rolling her eyes. "Also why is Ginny ranting to you out of all people, something going on that I should know about?"

"Nope." Marcus said realizing that he might of said too much. "I sort of have to see her everyday since shes best friends with my sister so.."

"Whatever, I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." Aspen said, placing down the play station controller and making her way upstairs.

As she walked upstairs she heard really exaggerated and loud moaning from Maxs room. Curiosity got the best of her and she decided to listen in on their conversation.

"Oh God, Is sex supposed to be that fast?!" Abby
asked shocked.

"I mean..you would know...." Aspen responded internally in her head before snapping out of her thoughts.

"If you hate orgasms, yeah." Norah replied.

At that Aspen quirked a brow, she thought back to that night with Abby. She definitely didn't have to worry about not being good.

"Oh Norah.."

"Slut!" Max yelled out jokingly.

"Jordan and I waited two years before we had sex!" Norah exclaimed.

LIGHTS PLEASE, Abby LittmanWhere stories live. Discover now