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Ginny and Aspen sat in the car waiting for their Mom and little brother to come back from the school. Apparently Austin had stabbed another kid in the hand and the school was not letting him off lightly.

"Welp, How'd it go?" Ginny asked as her mom and Austin entered the car hastily.

"I'm not gonna lie. It was-" Georgia started

"You're not gonna lie? That's weird." Ginny said cutting her mom off mid sentence. Ginny was still extremely upset at her mom for keeping her relatives a secret from her, so she's been in a mood the whole day.

"Can you guys stop and let Austin tell us how it went." Aspen said tired of the constant arguing between her mom and Ginny lately. She wasn't in the mood for a second argument between them.

"How'd it go then?" Ginny said turning back to Austin, anticipating an answer.

"I'm suspended, and I have to do therapy." Austin said angrily. "Mom said she was worried."

"Baby, I'm not worried." Georgia replied looking back at Austin sympathetically. "There is nothing wrong with you, and you don't need to go to therapy. That Zach kid had it coming."

Ginny scoffed and whipped her head towards her mom is disbelief. "I'm sorry. Are you suggesting the nine-year-old deserved to be stabbed through the hand with a pencil." Ginny said incredibly annoyed.

"Well yea." Aspen jokingly said from the backseat but instantly shutting up when Ginny turned to glare at her. "Sorry."

"I'm sorry but you've got a lot of opinions today and I don't remember anyone popping out of your birth canal." Georgia exclaimed. "Can it."

"He needs to see someone mom! Clearly he's not handling things well with your whole secret family surprise." Ginny said.

"Does use that as a weapon against Austins behavior, he needs help because he stabbed a kid not cause of our weird family." Aspen said annoyed at Ginnys fixation on their newfound relatives. Sure, Georgia was wrong for lying to them but Aspen didn't like how Ginny kept barking at their mom.

"I like Caleb!" Austin yelled at Ginny. "And I don't need help!" He added glaring at Aspen.

"I didn't tell you about them for good reason. Maddie is trouble!" Georgia said feeling the need to defend herself from Ginny's accusations. "You can't trust anything she says."

Ginny chuckled and turned towards her mom. "Oh, that's rich. Please lecture me more about who I can trust!"

"I don't wanna go to therapy." Austin said sadly.

"Don't worry. You're not going." Georgia said quickly. "I'm not paying, for some twenty-nothing, latte-drinking, tweed-wearing hypocrite who thinks they have any idea about my life!"

"Austins life!" Ginny exclaimed. "You mean Austin's life!"

Aspen got tired of the bickering and put in her AirPods. She couldn't understand why Georgia was so against therapy, it was what was best for Austin and she also couldn't understand why Ginny was so angry at their mom. Whatever was going on wasn't going to wash over quick, and Aspen couldn't deny that. Georgia lived in flight after all. If something went South then her family was going West.


On the other hand, Abby laid sprawled out on her bed thinking. As soon as she got home from the costume party a few days ago, she rushed to the bathroom to throw up all of the contents in her stomach. Truth is, that's what she originally went to the bathroom to do before Aspen followed her in. The idea of food sitting in her stomach made her sick.

LIGHTS PLEASE, Abby LittmanWhere stories live. Discover now