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Georgia always goes big for birthdays. Even when we were dead broke she'd find a way to make it festive. Georgia would even go through the trouble of throwing two parties to satisfy the very different interests and aesthetics of the twins. On their 8th birthday, Ginny wanted a strawberry shortcake party and Aspen wanted a party based off of the hulk, Georgia executed both ideas perfectly. For their 12th birthday she dropped a stink bomb so the twins could have the movie theater to themselves and sing Moana as loudly as they wanted. That's what Georgia does. She puts a big, glittering bow on everything, and pretends like nothing's wrong.

Aspen looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. The big 16. She was basically an adult. Sort of. Aspen didn't really enjoy dressing so she just put on some baggy blue jeans with a golden carabiner. She had on a cropped tapestry hoodie and some lucky green clover Jordan 3s. Her curly hair was left out in a diffused look and she had some fresh new tooth gems in. Putting on a few pumps of perfume and shea butter, Aspen was set to go. She grabbed her bag and keys and practically jumped downstairs, encountering her sister and mother in the kitchen.

"Morning fam." Aspen said before pulling out a chair to sit down in.

"Good morning birthday girls." Georgia exclaimed looking at the twins. Aspen being more smiley than Ginny.

"Yeah morning." Ginny replied dejectedly.

"Your hair." Georgia pointed out looking towards Ginny. "It's short."

"Yea what's going on with that?" Aspen said looking at her twin. Somehow Ginny with straight hair had made them look less well, twinish.

"I wanted a change." Ginny said, flipping her healthy hair back. "New, older me."

"But I love your natural hair." Georgia said.

"Aww. Then you wear it." Ginny said sarcastically. At that Aspen involuntarily let out a snicker. She couldn't help but admit the interaction was kind of funny.

"What're you laughing at?" Georgia said looking towards Aspen. "Young lady when did you get tooth gems? I never heard of this."

"Relax mom it's not permanent." Aspen said, smiling so that her gold tooth gems would be on display. "Plus, it's my birthday you can't get mad at me today."

"I guess I'll let it slide, for now." Georgia said. Georgia moved towards the twins while holding the cake with a wide smile on her face. She finished putting on the finishing touches and sprinkles before she started to sing. "Happy birthday to you" she started.

"It's 7 am, nobody wants cake." Ginny said, not very impressed with her mother.

"Shit I do." Aspen quickly said. "I'm not included in her claim."

Georgia rolled her eyes and continued singing, "Happy birthday dear Ginny and Aspen.."

"Must you sing the whole song?" Ginny asked interrupting Georgia once again.

"It's never going to end if you keep butting in." Aspen gritted towards her sister. Ginny rolled her eyes and gestured to Georgia to continue her singing.

"-Happy birthday to you!" Georgia finished with an irritated smile on her face. After Georgia finished the song, Ginny blew out one of the candles and Aspen blew out the other. There was an awkward silence among the three, no doubt from the events that had happened in the house a few days ago.

With a sigh and reluctant attitude, Georgia handed the twins two separate envelopes. "Came from Zions parents."

"They're open." Aspen said while looking at the gift envelope that her grandparents had sent her. "Who pre opens gifts?"

LIGHTS PLEASE, Abby LittmanWhere stories live. Discover now