I Won't Survive The Second Time

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I had barely settled down for breakfast when a familiar voice excitedly exclaimed, "TIAAAAANNNNN!!!" Instantly, everyone's attention turned to witness an exuberant Longtae bounding towards Tian, who eagerly welcomed him with open arms.

My heart skipped a beat at the beautiful sight of Longtae's joyful exuberance. I had to force myself to shift focus and attend to my breakfast.

Amidst their hugs and lively exchange, a fond Phupha, usually stoic, queried, "Is Tian the only one here, Tae?"

Longtae, overflowing with affection, then approached Phupha, who affectionately patted his head. Quick greetings followed with the other forest rangers and Doc Nam.

Tian inquired, "When did you come back?"

"Yesterday," Longtae replied.

"And you're only seeing me now?" Tian playfully protested.

"I fell asleep from exhaustion after the trip, Tian. I'm sorry na... But look, I woke up bright and early just to see you," Longtae responded, enveloping Tian in another hug, causing giggles.

Privately, I smiled, fairly certain that Longtae hadn't been asleep when he trudged to Pha Phun Dao Cliff last night.

Rang, seated in front of me, called out, "Tae! Over here! Ignoring me already because you've seen a lot of handsome city boys?"

Longtae rushed to Rang, putting his arm around him, "Phi, how could I ever ignore you? No city boy in Bangkok matches your handsomeness!" He bestowed a sweet smile upon a blushing Rang.

Clearly close, Rang reciprocated by placing his arm around Longtae and suggested, "How long are you back for? Let's visit the new sunflower farm in the other village. You'll enjoy capturing beautiful pictures."

"I'd love to, and don't worry, P' Rang, I'm not leaving anytime soon," Longtae reassured, though a momentary pause betrayed something in those twinkling eyes.

Then, turning his bright smile towards me, Longtae greeted, "Hi Sand! Hope you're having a good morning."

"Hello, Longtae. I am, thank you. Did you sleep well last night?" I responded, smiling back.

"Wait... how do you know Sand?" Tian asked suspiciously. "You only got back yesterday, didn't see me, and met Sand?"

"It's a long story, Tian. Stop pouting. I'm spending the whole day with my best friend whom I missed so much," Longtae affectionately moved back to Tian.

Amidst the cheerful chatter of Tian, Longtae, Phupha, and Doc Nam, I noticed Rang, usually talkative, gazing at Longtae with what seemed like adoration. Could this forest ranger be in love with Longtae?

Doc Nam eventually bid everyone goodbye, signaling my cue to depart. With a wave, I followed suit.

As I carried out the usual supply inventory, Doc Nam casually initiated a conversation.

"So, you've met Longtae, huh?" he asked.

"Yes," I replied with a smile, returning to my task.

"In Bangkok?" he prodded further, clearly fishing for something.

"No, at Pha Pun Dao cliff, last night," I replied casually, hoping to steer the conversation away. But the Doctor seemed persistent.

"Just the two of you, on the cliff, last night?" His tone hinted at curiosity or mere gossip.

"Hmm... I was there first. He arrived later," I dismissed.

"Longtae is quite charming, isn't he? Such a cute and sweet boy," Doc Nam teased.

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