Chapter 15.

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Back again! Hi, everyone. So long waiting and here is the 15th chapter. Sorry, I didn't expect it to take so long:( it's not long, but the next one will be sooner.

KiviCat, surry, I couldn't wait for you answer, as I was too excited to finally pass the chapter. But I am still waiting for you responses)

Soundwave's secret (Transformers)

Chapter 15.

The flight... Arrival... The walk throught cold, gray corridirs of the Decepticon baze... Surprisingly, everything went without any incidents, and just Megatron got several report from The Drones, but these were not important...

And now, here Soundwave was... Shockwave's personal lab.

The public surrounding her was the same, adding scientist and KnockOut, who had managed to make up a reason for himself to appear in the lab even before their arrival (of course, it had been Breakdown, who unnoticeable, using their comlink, managed to inform his friend about the newfound fact...). Why wasn't Soundwave surprised?

Shall we have a look at how did it happen? Let us imagine Knockout's med bay some time earlier...

"W-WHAT?!" the gasp could be heard from the corridor, as the sertain bot fell from his sit, and a crash followed his word... Knockout jumped back on his ped and, almost hitting the table, leaned his servos on it and turned on the comlink again.

"How in the world-?! You're joking, right?!" he snapped raising his oticbrow.

-I'm tellin' you, Knockout! A femme for 100%!-

"B-but, but, but, but... That CAN'T be possible... I've got to see myself!"

-Good luck with that... She ain't taking visor soon, but... We're goin' to Shockwave, you snick in lab and might get a chance... I've gat t' go... BreakDown's out-

Knockout stood still for several cklicks. A female 'Con... Bot! A female Soundwave! How hadn't they noticed that before?! Forget about others. How hadn't he noticed that?! Well, Knockout had to admit: Soundwave was not in a worrior class, so almost never visited the med bay, but still... The medic straightened and used several cklicks to decide his following actions, and a satisfied grin appeared on his faceplate. He stretched his servos with joy and started making his way out. "I haven't been annoying our Syclop for a while... And, if I come to the lab, it's not like my company will bother Megatron. I'm the only cheerful bot arround here, am I not?"

And somehow Megatron did ignored medic's presence by giving him a short look only. As for Shockwave, he had also been informed, but by getting a message from Megatron, and, unlike the red armored 'Con, who with a grin was now standing by his Wrecker fellow's side, scientist's attention was fully directed at the screens of his computer.

As they arrived Shockwave hadn't finished some colculations, so Hook used this time to unlock Communication Officer's programmings and her imbedded tentacles. Soundwave was now already lying on the special berth her visor not moving but her optics not leaving their attention from Shockwave. She was not afraid, still nervousness slightly existed in her.

Well, why not? They were going to see her memories.

"Scanning of memories is a very difficult process, the mechanism needs to process a huge amount of information in a very short time. But I have managed to add some corrections, so we will be able to watch what Soundwave had see and heard since the attack of the mine," the scientist started turning to the group. They, not counting Breakdown and Knockout, were all the members of Decepticons' elita, if it appeared that The First Communication Offcer hadn't managed to keep some information safe, it would be the must for them to be awaired about that fact. As for BreakDown and Knockout... These two did not have such a high position arround Decepticons, but was it their unusual personalities or their skills but something was making others' behavior as they were equal.

Shockwave looked at laying 'Con with his slightly narrowed optic,"As for security viruses, they have been programed to recognize the coding of my mechanism and turn on the passive mode, so these will not be a problem. "

"Very well, Shockwave. Let us begine." Megatron ordered, and the scientist turned to the control panel and pressed several bottomns.

Soundwave breaved out and felt how the berth she was lying on started slightly vibrating. Then thin cables transformed from under the berth and made their way to her helm, as a specia panel, which was highly over her, lowered. Scanners, situated in it,lightened and a then horizontal light blue lazer started scanning the work of Soundwave's systems, when the cables connected themselves to her processor. Breakdown shivered at the scene. There was no way he would ever let these things to connect to his processor, let alone read his memories...

Soundwave felt the slight cold in her helm. Her visor started blurring, it was like the room became darker as different stars and colourfull figures were flying arround making it difficult to focuse her optics, while sounds became less noticiable. It could be called similar to dreaming, while being online. 'I should have read the instructions...' femme jocked to herself. It wasn't usual for Shockwave to use his mashine and she also hoped this was the first and the last time scientist used it on her. She waited with patience, they were already watching her memories...

Not knowing how much time has passed, she suddenly heard ringing in her helm, as the darkness started disappearing, and now not coldness but heat was felt in her processor. Soundwave heard Thrust's voice from behind,"At least that explains the amount of simbiots. Heh, femmes..." But she didn't even mouve. Of all things the flyer could said, he chose that comment to begine with. Topical Thrust that was. "Thank you, Soundwave. We got everything we needed." She slightly lifted her helm and noded in responce to 'her' leader, being thankful that at least others decided to keep silent for a while. She knew some of them had been hoping to see not what they got, to see something they could use against her. But they did not get it. The questions would arrise, that was for sure. For example: 'why did she make of the base, having no chances to reach Decepticons', but the answer was obviouse, as no simbiots were arround for a while. What is more, femme did make of the secured Autobot base and managed to keep the information safe for all these time. As much as they didn't want to admit, this was impressive. Yes, Autobots' finding about her being a femme in some way helped Soundwave and that was the only thing Decepticons could use to explain her succes: it was all pathetic Autobots who were too weak to face a femme. But Soundwave was ready, she had all answers and explanations, in addition to that, she keep the information and brought some more details about Autobot base in Iacon. She was ready to face them, she hoped so with all her spark.

Soundwave started lifting herself, when for a sudden her servos were automaticly chained not letting her to stand up. What?! Femme straightened herself as much as she could and glanced at Shockwave for explanation. And, for her surprise, so did the others.

"Shockwave, what does this mean?" Megatron asked his scientist with unpleasant in his voice.

"My Lord, I apologies for my unexpected actions, but there is something that should get your attention..."

I know, I know! Cliffhanger again! Sorry! :))

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