Chapter 28.

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Read!: I know that Cybertron does not have water BUT what if there were some alternative liquids? So I decided that there was one and it was something even less powerful than low grad and suited for primitive or some developed organisms of the planet. A Cybetronian mech/femme could use it but he/she would need something extra. So they preferred Energon as a more effective resource, which has more ways of use.

Thanks for all, who wrote comments! I so much appresiate it.

P.S. This chapter has not been checked by any beta.


Soundwave's secret (Transformers)

Chapter 28.

Cybertron's wild wells had once been upstaged by bots but still supporting Cybertron's fauna. Energon crystals were named to be the main source of all kinds of energy physical and technical, as its capacity was on a greater level. Cyberton's leading race always went for more and basic wells of their unique nature were usually underestimated. Fortunately, Soundwave had a chance to come across these simple yet life-giving gifts more than once and, of course, the streaks of washing liquid were not similar to rills. However, she could be glad for it too.

The streaks run down her armor and some parts of protoform underneath it, while waves of cool and warm washed her white faceplate. Soundwave slightly opened her sharply edged optics to look at the laughing pair of twins and Ratbat covered by a mass of bubbles. It was amusing how a simple combination of chemicals and air could bring someone so much fun.

"Don't you, three little, dare-" Lazerbeak warned, promising a regret, catching their playful gazes on him and causing younglings to start laughing again.

Soundwave smiled at the sight, Ravage made another step away from the fuzzy ones, while Buzzsaw shook his head and dived under the shower giving a joyful shiver from the change of temperature.

"All done, all clean. Now, can we leave already?" the red-opticed flyer asked hurrying, his look flinching to the door and returning back to the group revealing his impatience.

"Ah, come on, 'Beak..."

"Yeh, let us enjoy the time."

Bird's narrowed gaze was ignored by twins and he look at Soundwave, "Lazerbeak, have no worry. Calm and relax."

"No thanks. Did so outside. No fun in Autobot base- Oh, even you, brother?!" He glanced at Buzzsaw under the streaks of water almost melting from relaxation, "A twin you are... Ravage, I wash my servos of."

They had found a perfect place to spend their day and would most likely return there in the future. It was in a short distance from Iacon, deeper in Autobot territories, yet hidden from the owners of the land due to its location. The Prime, as promised, had not questioned their leave, so Ironhide showed the way out, thankfully, avoiding busy corridors and the main exit of the base. That was one more delay before the soon and compulsory entrance in the surrounding of Autobots. Tomorrow, they would have to receive their energon ration in alongside with 'Bots... But that was tomorrow.

"You don't have servos, Lazah- Ah! Watch the ears!" Ratbat jumped in the air away from the bubble mess, the ones shining on her the same click sliding down at younglings. Kids they were, that making impossible to ignore a chance to make some trouble. With regards to Soundwave's high position, they used to have a personal washing rank. A real luck. Now, however, their small crowd stood in female washing ranks of Autobot base. Except Moonracer, no Autobot femme was present. They made sure that the medic had already left for today, so the space of washing ranks was all under their use and the twins, once again returning to the joyful childhood, wondered how many bubbles would be required to fulfill that place...

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