A Good Change

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Sean's POV

I was a little nervous, but we had done this before. Mark was just taking me out to dinner tonight. We had been on dates before, but it's been a while since our last one. Maybe that's why I was feeling a bit nervous.

Mark suggested that we needed to go out again soon, and I agreed with him. It felt nice to be able to go get some dinner together, but we would have to keep our distance. That part always sucked.

We had always kept our distance on our previous dates so no one got suspicious of our relationship. I guess we didn't want anybody out in public to know, yet. But by the way Mark was acting before we left had me scared for what was going to happen tonight.

I had been sitting on the couch watching TV when Mark ran up behind the couch and kissed me lightly on the cheek.

"Are you ready for tonight?" he asked excitedly. I smiled shyly and looked up at him.

"Yes, I'm ready for tonight, Mark." I said more calmly than him. He smiled widely and kissed me on the cheek again.

"I'm so excited, Sean! It's been so long since our last date." he giggled, and then he ran off. It startled me, the way he was acting. Usually he was calm and collected on the night of one of our dates. I just brushed it off, though, because I didn't think too much of it.

- very time, much skip -

I was just finishing getting ready in the bathroom when Mark called out to me from downstairs.

"Sean, honey, are you ready?" I heard him shout. I sighed and quietly laughed to myself.

"Yes Mark, just give me a second and I'll be down." I called back at him. I gave myself one more look over and decided I looked decent enough. I left the bathroom and went downstairs to greet Mark. He looked nice, as always, and came up to me.

"You look amazing, baby." he complemented me sweetly, as he intertwined his hand with mine. Well, that was new. Usually we didn't show our love for each other out in public. I looked down at our hands and looked back up at him with wide eyes. I didn't say anything because I hoped he would get the memo. But with Mark being Mark, he didn't.

"What?" he gave me a confused look. I blinked and looked back down at our hands. He looked down at them, too.

"Is this okay with you?" he asked and he brought our hands up and looked over at me. I didn't want to disappoint him.

"Yeah- yeah, it's okay Mark." my voice was shaky, but he smiled in response. Almost like he didn't notice my nervous feeling.

"Great." he responded, and just like that, we were out the door.

Walking down the street with us holding hands made me nervous.

What were people going to think?

Were people going to judge us?

I was so afraid of what people were thinking about us that I didn't even notice Mark was talking to me.

"Sean? Sean, are you okay?" he asked. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over at him. I gulped and responded.

"I want say I am, I really do, but I don't think I am." I was pushed up against Mark closely and I was squeezing his hand very tightly. You could tell I was afraid to be out here like this. He gave me a worried look.

"Why aren't you okay? Is something bothering you?" he asked worriedly.

"Well..." I trailed off as I gazed back down at our hands. He looked down at them as well and looked back up at me. He stopped walking which caused me to stop walking too.

"Sean, is us holding hands the thing that's bothering you?" he asked as he held up our intertwined hands.

"Y-Yes..." I stuttered. I didn't want to make him upset. He put our hands down and squeezed my hand tightly.

"Everything's going be fine. If people judge us because of our sexuality, then let them do that. That shouldn't bother us, though. We're being who we are and everyone is just going to have to deal with it." he explained to me. I immediately felt better after he said that. Mark's words always calmed me down. I smiled at him and nodded. He smiled too.

"Now, lets go to dinner, shall we?" he asked and I laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. Lets go to dinner." I grinned widely.

We both walked to dinner, hand in hand, not caring about what anyone thought of us.

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