Vampires Together (Part 1)

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Mark's POV

It was true, I wanted the taste of that boy's blood on my tongue so bad. I longed for when I could sink my razor sharp fangs into his delicate skin and break the barrier between my prey and I. My lips against his neck, sucking every ounce of life out of him until he was nothing. Yes, I wanted that. But there was a problem that would always stop me from doing just that; I loved him.

I crept into our hotel room ever so silently, trying my best not to wake him, Sean, my love; the human that I loved. My piercing red eyes scanned the suite until I saw him deeply engulfed in his slumber with the blankets of the bed wrapped all around him. Oh, how adorable he was. I smiled the tiniest bit and slid my shoes off as well as my shirt, ready to get comfortable.

I had just gotten back from my hunt this evening. I had found a good one; a young female, not wanting to be here in this world anymore. She was suffering from deep depression and though I had much rather preferred not, I helped her out of it. I did not want to rob her young life from her, but when she saw me roaming the streets, saw what I was and what I was looking for, she begged me to do it. I said no, she deserved a second chance. She could start over, I told her that, but she didn't listen. She begged, and begged, and begged, and it just became more annoying as seconds passed. Anger quickly tore through my ancient veins and all I could pay attention to anymore was her neck, open and ready for me to attack it. So I did just that; I bit into the soft skin in the nape of her neck easily. Her body became limp as I sucked her life away. I held her up and when I was finished feeding, I rid of her body in a ditch not far from town. I was tired and I couldn't wait to get some sleep with my love right next to me.

I walked into the bathroom with a sigh, slipped off my jeans, and put a pair of pajama pants on. I then cleaned the dried blood off of the corners of my mouth and other various places it had gotten on my skin. I cleaned my fangs carefully, seeing how they were very sensitive and fragile. As I was finishing up washing myself, I heard faint movement from the other room. Sean knows I'm back, I thought, and stepped out of the bathroom, turning out the light as I did. Sure enough, he was sitting up in bed with the blankets still wrapped around him, rubbing his eyes. He was an angel. I smiled again but this time, not trying to hide it. I couldn't hide my happiness when I was around him. He, in fact, was the one who brought me most of my happy feelings these days, and I thanked him for it everyday.

He pulled his hands away from his eyes and looked over until he could faintly see the dark silhouette of my body a little ways away from him. Since I had eyesight more like a cat, I could see him and everything else in the room in a night vision-type filter. I saw his sleepy smile and went over to the bed and crawled in. He opened up the cocoon of blankets he was wrapped in and I happily crawled into them. I immediately wrapped my arms around him, holding him close. He was so warm compared to forever cold body. I kissed his forehead multiple times because I loved to show my affection for him whenever I could, and however I could.

"I'm back, baby." I whispered, and he giggled quietly in response.

"I know you are, you're right next to me now." he whispered in his thick, Irish accent. God, how I loved his accent.

"Are you happy to see me?" I asked him, looking into his crystal blue eyes. He looked all around my face since he didn't have eyesight like mine, trying to see my expression. He smiled and nodded. I smiled again and brought him closer. I buried my face in his neck.

That was the first mistake I made.

I immediately caught his scent and it was strong. It was incredibly sweet, like- like cinnamon? Buttercream frosting? I wasn't sure but it was all I could focus on... and it was tempting.

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