Chapter 12: Dance back from the grave

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A few days after the Harvest, Larisa received a text from Caroline about Katherine's death

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A few days after the Harvest, Larisa received a text from Caroline about Katherine's death.

As soon as Klaus heard the news, he immediately arranged a trip back to the small town with his sister-in-law.

But the truth was, Larisa didn't really cared that her whore of a sister was dead.

After Davina's death, she closed herself from everyone.

But she wasn't the only one grieving, Maximo wasn't doing any better, nor was Marcel.

Right now Larisa and Maximo, both were standing on the stairwell watching the vampires.

From the corner of the courtyard, she watched as vampires swarmed the place.

She saw Marcel coming down with a bottle of bourbon, reminding her a lot of how Damon used to grieve.

"Hey, Marcel, maybe you know what's going on?" she heard Diego ask "Klaus ordered us to meet here, and now he's a no-show."

"What do you want from me? It's a new regime. Get used to it," Marcel answered in a tone that lacked emotion.

"Dearest brethren, your attention, please," Klaus announced as he entered with another vampire, making Larisa scoff "No doubt, you're all surprised to see Thierry Vanchure, who's supposed to be rotting in the Garden for the crime of killing one of our own, and I personally decided to issue him with a pardon. I hope you'll all welcome home Thierry."

Marcel looked at Elijah, Larisa and Maximo, before he looked back at Klaus.

"You're in a good mood," Marcel commented "You should visit Mystic Falls more often."

"Well as much as I might like to, I have pressing responsibilities here." Klaus told him as he leaned his hand on the chair, in front of Marcel "Now, as you all know, the witch Davina is no longer with us."

Larisa's eyes watered as she heard that, while Maximo glared furiously at Klaus.

"Without Davina, we can no longer monitor the activity of our witch neighbors. However, since their Harvest failed, their magic will soon be gone forever. Until then, I say we keep them on their toes."

Klaus then turned towards Diego and walked towards him.

"Diego, I wonder if you might lead a rousting in the cauldron."

Diego clapped his hands happily.

Marcel grabbed the botle and stood up from the chair he was sitting.

He tried to walk away, but Klaus stopped him.

"Marcel, I'd hoped you would join Diego."

"Nah. I'm gonna take a personal day."

He then walked away.

Klaus looked up towards Larisa and Maximo, they looked at him with blank expressions, before they turned around and left.

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