Chapter 59: Alone with Everybody

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"Risa, sweetheart, I need to you to wake up

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"Risa, sweetheart, I need to you to wake up." Kol shook her gently, waking her from her slumber.

He went over to her drawers, picking out various items of clothing before placing them on the bed.

She rubbed her eyes "Kol, what's going on?"

He sighed, pausing at the foot of her bed "It seems that when Davina bought me back, I wasn't alone."


Larisa didn't fail to notice the dried blood that resided on Kol's chin, wondering where he had been.


Larisa was instantly alert, Finn was the reason she and her daughters went through so much hurt- he murdered Kol.

Larisa was instantly alert, Finn was the reason she and her daughters went through so much hurt- he murdered Kol

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A frantic Kol, a pissed off Larisa and a nervous looking Maximo were at Elijah's study telling him about Finn.

"Are you quite sure?" A consern looking Elijah asked his youngest brother.

"I saw him with my own eyes. Finn must have come back when Davina resurrected me. The spell was tied to the blood of the Mikaelson line. Either it worked on him, or he found a way to hijack it. Either way, the only 'how'  I care about right now is how long I'm going to make him suffer before I kill him!" Kol told him in a pissed off look.

Kol begin to anxiously pace around the room while Elijah tried to calm him down.

"Restraint, brother. For now."

Larisa scoffed and glared at the noble Original.

"Why Eijah? Why?" She asked him in a equily pissed off tone.

"Finn is clearly the one spreading rumors about missing white oak. He's luring Nik's enemies out of the woodwork. It's all part of his tedious revenge fantasy." Kol explained to him further.

Just then, Freya walked into the room and joined them "You're wrong. Those rumors began before either of you returned. Finn's innocent." She told them.

"Innocent?" Kol asked her incredulously with wide eyes, before he shared a look with his wife and Maximo, and then he looked back at his older sister.

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