Chapter 32: Brotherhood of the damned

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A few hours later Klaus, Larisa, Maximo and Davina were at the church

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A few hours later Klaus, Larisa, Maximo and Davina were at the church.

Larisa and Davina were kneeling on the floor, setting up a magical circle with runes made out of salt on the floor in front of the first row of pews.

Klaus was pacing in frustration in front of the sacristy.

While Maximo was glaring at Klaus, the whole time.

"Haven't you found Finn yet?" Klaus asked them.

Larisa and Davina ignored him, continuing to work on setting up for their spell.

"I must say, for witches of your caliber, your spells are not particularly efficient."

Larisa glared at him furiously "Just shut up!"

"Finn is blocking our locator spell. So, we're trying something new. But we need to concentrate, and it would help a lot if you would stop standing over us like a stalker. Go stand next to Max or something." Davina snapped at him.

"No need to get testy, love," Klaus told her with a smirk "Relax, we all have the same goal."

Larisa stood up in frustration and marched towards him.

"Really?! Because my goal is to get my husband out of our house alive. Which seems to be about number ten on your list." She snapped at him.

Klaus smirked "Number nine, at least."

Larisa rolled her eyes and returned back to Davina.

"What is wrong with you?" Davina asked in exasperation "He is your brother."

"Yes and Rebekah is my sister." Klaus pointed out as he turned to looked at them "One who I happen to care about more. So until he tells me where she is, Kol can rot as far as I'm concerned. And you three might wanna get your villains straight."

Davina and Larisa gave him a look.

"Because Finn is the architect of this fiasco. So, pick up the pace, find out where he's getting his power from, so we can stop it."

Davina raised her eyebrows at him and made a face.

Maximo chuckled at his girlfriend.

Larisa and Davina held their hands over the circle, taking the others, starting the spell.

"We du le mon ennemi en temps. We du le I mon ennemi en temps."

As they chanted, Larisa got visions of Finn, using Davina as an anchor in reality.

They continued their spell while Klaus and Maximo watched.

Larisa opened her eyes "I saw glimpses of him."

Klaus looked at them anxiously.

"He's combining sacred objects. Totems. Representational magic."

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