A New Padawan

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         Kalumb Cylis stared out of the window, out at the same view he had seen for the past six days. That's how long he had been on this darn ship, trapped in light speed. Rolling his eyes, he sighed and turned away. "Don't you ever get tired of this, Rig?" He asked the pilot.

      Because he had been stuck in there so long, he made as much chit-chat as he could, with literally anything. His arm, his hands, the pilot, the window, the boxes of cargo in the back, and everything he packed from his room on Tython (which wasn't much, as jedi weren't supposed to have any attachments).

     "The only thing I get tired of is your constant chatter." Rig said, chuckling lightly. Kalumb gave him a playful glance and ignored his comment. He rubbed his hands together as he sat in the passenger seat, next to the pilot. Rig swallowed and sighed. 

    "Great, now I can hear you talk even more. Your Jedi-guy is gonna be ecstatic about that lil' trait of yours." He smiled, but it dropped from his face the moment he saw Kalumb's expression. 

    "Wow. Sorry, kid. Don't take it personally. I know plenty of good fellas who can't shut their traps." He went on, trying to make him feel better, but not doing such a good job. Kalumb brought his knees up to his chest and absently stared out the cockpit window. "It's fine, Rig. I'm just nervous about, well, everything. I've never been off Tython before..." His voice trailed off as he swallowed hard and continued to stare. 

    The pilot glanced at him sympathetically. "Don't worry, kid. It was scary my first time, too." He said. Kalumb looked at him in surprise. "It was? I thought pilots aren't afraid of anything, with all the traveling you do and things you've seen." 

   Rig laughed. "Ha! You think us pilots never been scared? I'm afraid every time I lift off, especially with this new war with the clone army and all." He smirked. "In fact, first time I flew, I crashed on landing. 'Bout scared the wits outta me."

                     "But," He added quickly, "I don't crash anymore." 

  Kalumb laughed, distracted from his thoughts. Rig laughed along with him, light and cheery. "Oh? You think that's funny, do you?" He shook his head slowly. 

  "Boy, kid, the galaxy's a big place. I'd bet there's more in store for you than you can imagine."


      Several days had passed since the council meeting, and Obi-wan appeared , to Anakin and Ahsoka at least, to be growing more anxious as the days went by. "Obi-wan, please. I'm sure everything will be fine." Anakin said one day as they walked together. Ahsoka trailed behind, careful not to intrude, but mindful to intercept her opinion at any moment. "For the padawan, however...." Anakin went on. 

    "Master!" Ahsoka reprimanded. He laughed good heartedly, but quickly sobered up with a glance at Obi-wan's face. "Come, now. Everything will be fine. I don't see why you're so uptight about it. You were pretty at ease when you thought Snips was going to your new apprentice." Anakin pointed out. 

     Obi-wan sighed. "That's true enough, but then I was prepared. I had been talking to Yoda about you or I getting a new Padawan, remember?" Anakin shrugged and shook his head. "Why does it matter? You weren't prepared with me." 

      "That's because it was Qui-Gon's dying wish!" Obi replied sharply. He didn't seem to notice the two stop walking as he continued on, deep in his own thoughts. "Perhaps you shouldn't have brought that up." Ahsoka suggested quietly. "I thought it might help him... well-" He started to say, but Ahsoka interrupted. "What, remember his dead master? Probably not the best thing to put into his mind right before he gets a new student."

   "You're right. As usual. Ugh, I just wish Obi would relax. It's not like anyone is asking him to be ten times better than anybody else." He said, watching his master's back as he kept walking. "He's so distracted lately...." Ahsoka looked at her master, then at Obi-wan.

         "Maybe you should try and be a little understanding. After all, when I was 'pushed' onto you, you weren't exactly happy or prepared." This was one of those rare moment when Anakin would look upon his padawan and truly appreciate her. For what she said was true, and not something many learned until they themselves were masters. He chuckled softly, then half-smiled at her. 

   "You're right, Snips. Sometimes I forget who's the master and who's the apprentice.." He said. Ahsoka smiled proudly. Anakin sighed, then stepped over to his master, who had stopped walking and was silently watching the city from the large windows in the hall. "Obi-wan..." He began.

       Obi-wan faced him. " Anakin. I was harsh with you. I shouldn't have said what I did, and I hope you'll forgive me." He said quietly. 

   Anakin smiled lightly. "No problem, master. I... understand what it's like to have an unexpected padawan thrown on you. You get confused, scared even. When Ahsoka arrived, announcing she was mine to teach, I couldn't have been more frightened. I had no idea what to do, how to act. I wasn't sure if I was good enough. But after that battle, everything just seemed to... click. Now I can't imagine not having a padawan." He turned to his former master. 

   "You were right before, about trusting the force. I'm sure your new padawan will be perfect for you."

    Obi-wan chuckled gratefully. " You know, sometimes I forget who's the master and who's the apprentice in these situations." He said, echoing Anakin's own previous words. 

    "I don't mean to interrupt." Ahsoka said, coming up from behind them, " But it looks like we have an incoming ship." She pointed at the window, and the two turned to look. Sure enough, a somewhat beat up G9 Rigger freighter was heading for the docking bay of the Jedi temple. "That must be them." She said.

      Anakin turned to Obi-wan. "Let's go meet your padawan."


             Obi-wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka watched as the old, slightly broken freighter ship landed in the docking bay of the jedi temple. It hovered for a second, then thumped to a landing. The engine still ran, indicating whoever was piloting it wasn't staying, even for a re-fill. Several moments went by before the entry ramp slowly came down and extended. 

      A figure, their features hidden in shadow, stood at the top, facing them. A voice, light and cheery, floated towards them. "See ya, Rig! Enjoy the cash, and Happy landings!"

The figure laughed in response to something Rig , whoever that was, said, then carefully walked down the cracked ramp. Now in the light, the three could see what this new padawan looked like.

       It was obviously a male, with deep black hair that fell almost half way to his shoulders. The traditional padawan style, a long braid in the back, did hang down to his shoulders. He smiled at them, almost looking sick with nerves, showing off white teeth, while his bright, piercing blue eyes looked completely different as they shone with glee.

   Dressed in a loose white under tunic with a brown belt, brownish-black pants, and long tan-colored boots that were slightly scuffed, the padawan was outfitted in traditional attire. A tattered, patched pack hung on his left shoulder, wavering back and forth as he stopped in front of the three. 

        After a moments hesitation, Obi-wan smiled in greeting and spoke up. "Hello there."

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