Rescue Mission

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        The night was falling, and Klaumb was still awake as he looked out his window, out at the massive city before him. The moonlight glowed on all the windows, making it almost impossible to fall asleep. So, instead, he chose to sit on his bed and think. It had been almost a week since his talk with Ahsoka, and he had been training hard with his master in the day.

          In the night, however, he trained without him. Stealthily, he pulled on his boots and belt, then tip-toed over to the door. As it swooshed open, he felt an exhilarating feeling of rebellion, although he knew it really wasn't. But, hey, a guy can imagine.

       Walking down the hall, he ran silently, stopping to listening if he thought he heard something out of the ordinary. After a few minutes of this, he made it to the training room. Next to it, several doors down, was the youngling training room, which he walked to first. He pulled open the doors, then walked over to the training sabers along the wall.

     He chose one that fit his hand well enough, then hurried back out, closing the door behind him. Once he made it to the training room, he took a deep breathe and activated the saber. At the sound of it igniting, he closed his eyes and focused. It was going to be a long night.


        Nearly two weeks had passed since his first training session when Kalumb was informed he was needed in the jedi temple communication center (or the War Room) where missions and such were assigned to jedi and their padawans. He was very excited, sure he was getting to go on his first mission, for he had been training even harder at night and was improving greatly with the lightsaber.

      It honestly didn't take him very long to find the room, as he had taken to exploring the temple (when he wasn't training) at the late hours of the night. Reaching the room, he took a deep breathe before eventually entering. Inside, there was his master, Anakin, Ahsoka, Master Plo Koon, and Shaak-ti, who's image was being projected from the large Holo-communicator in the center of the room.

       As Kalumb entered, all the masters, and Ahsoka, turned. "You arrived just in time, Kalumb." Obi-wan said. "Master Ti was just informing us that the intel she received was correct, which poses a very grave problem." He went on. Kalumb glanced around the room as he took his place next to his master.

      "What intel?" He asked curiously. The image of master Ti flickered as she spoke up. "I was sent on a mission by the jedi council, on the whereabouts of some missing padawans. But as I dug deeper into this case, I found that all across this one system, many jedi padawans have been going missing."

    "I have managed to narrow down the area of where the Ring is, based on where the the children were being taken from, but I was unsure of how to continue on. The planet I suspect,Kooriva, is heavily guarded by separatists, and I do not wish to start another unnecessary battle. We could have taken it up with the senate, which I believe to be the better options, but if I am wrong, it would a devastating blow to the Jedi." Master Ti explained.

    "Fortunately, we've come up with a plan." Anakin said. "Unfortunately, I don't really agree with it."

      "Well, what's the plan?" Kalumb inquired. Plo Koon now took the conversation. "We've decided to send in a few trained padawans, with tracking devices on them, to purposefully get taken. Where ever they take the padawans will lead us right to their hide out. If they are even on Kooriva." He told Kalumb, who glanced curiously at Anakin.

   "I suppose it's a little risky, but I don't see the problem with it. Usually you love to take risks." He said simply. Anakin, a little taken aback, glanced sharply at Obi-wan, who was evidently suppressing his own chuckle. He quickly cleared his throat and explained it to his padawan.

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