31 1 0

Arizona: Why is everyone all about Arkansas' name should be being pronounced "Arkan-sis"? Why can't Kansas' name be pronounced "Kan-saw?!"

Arkansas: I don't think Kansas would be able to deal with it like I can.

Kansas: HEY!! Yes I can.

Arkansas: Then go 2 weeks with everyone calling you Kan-saw without flipping out.

Kansas: Challenge accepted!!

Arizona: 20 Bucks says he only makes it a week.

Arkansas: 20 bucks says under a week.

Kansas: 50 bucks says 2 weeks.

Less then a week later

Arizona/Kansas: Here's your 20/50 bucks.

Arkansas: Thank you. Soooo?

Kansas: Just say it.

Arkansas: I told you so!

Arizona: I'm surrounded by idiots.

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