XXXIII - He's Gone.

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Two and a half hours. That's all the rest that Anthony and Daniel had gotten before they heard weighted footsteps on the landing outside of Lockwood's door. Heavy and rushed. Great. 

Lockwood started to sit up, untangling his arms from around Daniel. Daniel groaned in response, rolling over against Lockwood's side to tuck her face into his chest, her arms wrapping tight around him to hold him down to the bed against him. "Do we have to?" She whispered, knowing that Anthony planned on leaving to go investigate. 

"Sadly." Lockwood sighed, running his hand through her soft hair and giving her a careful kiss on her forehead. "Come on then, love." He whispered, pulling away from her tight hold with ease and sitting up with a small stretch of his shoulders. Daniel grumbled something under her breath about never getting peace before sighing and sliding out from underneath the warm comfort of Anthony's duvet cover. Daniel took the hand that Lockwood had extended to her, yawning and rubbing softly at her eye as they left Lockwood's room. They immediately noticed George's door open, Daniel assumed he'd just gone down to make tea or get a mid night snack of some sorts. But deep in her gut she knew that wasn't it. Even George wasn't hungry enough to go all the way downstairs to get food at nearly two in the morning. Lockwood stepped in the room, looking around slightly. He took further steps in, double checking what he could already see. There were no signs of George; his shoes and jacket were missing and there were papers strewn across his desk. 

"Locks. . ?"

Without her having to say anything else, he responded softly. "I don't know." His tone was stern and hard, much more determined than it had been just a minute ago when they were warm in his bed. 

Daniel nodded softly, looking over the notes on George's desk. It must've been whatever code he'd said he found on the glass in the grave. Scrawled underneath it said 'the truth lies beyond'. "What does that-"

"Come on, Dani. We need to get Lucy." Lockwood stated more than suggested, tugging softly on her hand. 

"I-" Daniel stuttered, willingly being pulled along by Lockwood and up the stairs toward the attic Lucy called a room. "Anthony, where-" Daniel cut herself off as she started tripping on a step. She steadied herself and continued up the flight with him.

"I think I know. But I really hope I'm wrong." He sighed, pushing the door to Lucy's room open with a small, unnecessary knock. "Lucy, we've gotta go."

"What? You really think I'm gonna just do whatever you say after you were being a right dick?" Lucy scoffed. She was sitting on her bed with her back toward the steps.

"Lucy, it's important." Daniel said, her voice less calm than it usually was. 

"Yeah, right." Lucy rolled her eyes, keeping her back toward the duo.

"It's George. He's missing." Lockwood stated bluntly.

"Wait, what-" The girl's head finally snapped around to look at the pair. 

"We can't find him." Daniel agreed, talking fast and tripping over her own words. "He had this- this weird note on his desk, but we don't- we don't know where he went- Well- well. . .I- I don't uhm- don't know where he went, but- but Anthony said he might know-" 

"Dani, calm down please." Lockwood's tone was soft for the first time in this serious conversation, and he gently squeezed her hand. 

"Sorry. . .sorry. . ." She whispered softly, nodding and taking in a deep breath. 

"It's okay." Lockwood assured, "we'll find him." 

"Right. . ." Daniel nodded softly. 

At this point, Lucy was up and had already pulled her shoes on. She walked up to Daniel and Lockwood, looking between the two of them. "Well come on!"

"Sorry-" Daniel snapped out of it, blinking to look over at Lucy. 

"Dani and I need shoes."

"Then hurry up! George is gone, we need to find him." Lucy huffed before pushing between the two and parting their conjoined hands and walking toward the stairs. Daniel took a paused minute before taking in a breath and following Lucy down. She could feel Lockwood right behind her just until she turned toward her room in order to grab a jacket and her shoes.


Word Count - 717


Published - December 10, 2023


{Author's Note}


I apologize for writing such a short chapter! I've had a lot going on recently and had half of this one done already and figured giving you guys something instead of waiting for even longer was better. 

I hope you still enjoyed the chapter and hopefully I'll have a longer one next time.

I hope you're having a wonderful day, evening or night!

<3 - Ghosty

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