Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

After being busted by the night manager Chelsea wasn't stupid enough to try the pool on the weekend. With summer starting to sizzle, people were taking advantage of it and she didn't want anyone around when she tried. So she spent Saturday and Sunday focused on her project, determinedly forgetting about how it had felt when 'superman' had held her tight. 

Except forgetting wasn't quite as easy as she'd hoped. She found a spot in Central Park near a temporary art installation, armed with her camera to record people's reactions to the piece. Every so often she zoomed in on faces. Plenty of good-looking guys wandered through Central Park. None of them made her have any insane 'come-get-me' sex thoughts though.

Monday didn't come fast enough. Work occupied her, offering a tighter brain leash than her solo weekend attempt. Plus, she figured there'd be fewer interested in the pool later in the evening. The guy had said about half an hour before lock-up would be her best chance of catching it quiet. If he watched the security cameras, he'd know she'd never actually swam. He'd know she didn't need half an hour, only needed five or ten minutes. But she'd keep trying.

This time. She'd get back in this time.

If there was someone already at the pool, she'd leave. If someone arrived while she was there, she'd make an excuse and exit. No problem.

When she peeked through the window she saw no splashing in the water--no clothing or towels near by. Her nerves grew but she pushed herself through the door, crossed the decking area and put her towel on the recliner nearest the shallow end. She felt icy already.

I can do it.

As she turned back something massive reared out of the water with a splash. She jumped. Her lungs locked. What the hell?

She blinked, saw, finally understood. She released her breath in a harsh sigh. He'd surfaced at the shallowest end. She'd not noticed him before because he'd been underwater, apparently swimming length to length with the lungs of a blue whale. Now the water sheeted from his torso. The fairy-lights sent shimmering sparkles over his skin. All his muscles were on show. And he was a trunks man. Not longboard shorts, but not Speedos either. They were black, but there was no slimming effect on that bulge.

She really shouldn't be looking there. She really, really shouldn't. But oh man, sometimes she was all too human.

"I'm sorry," she finally said. "I didn't realize you were in the water."

"No problem." He briefly went under again then emerged to float on his back. He watched her from the center of the pool. A wicked gleam shone in his eyes--not a fairy-light reflection, this wasn't as innocent as that. "Don't let me put you off."

"No, it's fine." She turned away, her startled heart still pounding too quick. "I forgot something."

She scooped up her towel, not bothering to wrap it round her. She just needed to get out of there. She wasn't sure what unnerved her more now--the water, or the man. She heard no noise from the pool as she walked as quickly as she could. She got to the edge of the deck. Thought she'd made it. But an arm reached above her, firmly shutting the door she'd begun to open.

She glanced over her shoulder.

He was right behind her. Too close. His hand covered hers and too easily he pried her fingers from the door handle. He tugged gently but firmly, turning her to face him.

Definitely too close. His other arm was still braced on the door, blocking her exit. His body blocked any escape towards the pool. They were both too naked. He was too hot, too wet.

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