Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Chelsea walked as quickly as she could to her door. The look on his face had her heating. Her body was thawing. She still couldn't believe he'd nearly gone down on her in public, in broad daylight. That she'd let him.

And now, would he block her exit with a heavy hand like he had at the pool the other night? She half hoped so. It was crazy, but she couldn't resist going with this. With him. She wanted to know what he'd try next--yet she couldn't admit to herself what she really hoped it would be. But instead of stopping her, he followed her out to the corridor.

"You have a favorite restaurant, or is this your first time in New York?" he asked.

Chelsea shook her head, feeling wired in the face of his focus, his acute attention. "I've been here lots, but you choose."

"Lots like ten trips, or lots like a hundred?"

She was from upstate New York but had stayed in Manhattan many times. She knew it pretty well. "Lots like fifty?" She hazarded a guess. "But this is my first time living here. Who doesn't want to live in the city, at least for a little while?"

"So you're not here to stay?"

She shook her head and led the way out of the building but then paused, waiting to follow his direction. "It's transitional. Like my work. Temporary installations."

"Why temporary?" He slowly drew her along the pavement.

"Why not?" She smiled. "Everything's temporary, right?"

"So you're an artist."

"I'm interested in urban design, yes. Challenging the environment we're in. Shaking it up a bit. And providing a talking point, preferably one that's a bit fun."

"But not fun enough to stick around?"

She shrugged. "The novelty wears off. Better to exit on a high."

"So what are you going to do once it's done?"

"Go to another city. Maybe a smaller town. Do some work there. Try a different project. See how it goes."

"It's all part of your study?"

She nodded. "Ultimately."

"Professor Greene sounds good."

She smiled. "Well Dr Lawson sounds good."

He grimaced. "It was my cousins who started calling me that. Even before I got the certificate. They like to tease."

"And it's stuck?"


She smiled. Her stomach rumbled again.

"Better get some food into you before you keel over." He put his hand on her back, measuring his pace to hers and guided her into the busy bistro on the corner.

Pride and embarrassment flooded her. "I don't need you to help me."

"I'm not helping you, I'm letting all the other guys in here know you're with me." He grinned wickedly.

"I'm not with you."

"Sure you are. This is a date. Didn't you realize?"

He said nothing as she stumbled, but his hand at the small of her back slid to tighten around her waist.

She was too busy swallowing the idea to pull away.

"This isn't a date. This is neighbors sharing lunch." She hadn't been on a date in so long.

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