Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Chelsea had bailed on watching waterpolo tonight,promising to meet him in bed with some kind of surprise. Xander hadnearly bailed on waterpolo himself knowing that. But she'd shovedhim out the door with a laugh and told him to be sure to stay fordinner with Rocco and the guys afterwards. That he was going toneed the sustenance.

He had never been so happy in his life. Norhad he ever been so shit scared. He'd never had a girlfriend forthis long before and he'd no idea what course this thing was goingto take. But they'd travel it together-that he did know.

Now, with Hunter silently strolling at hisside, he walked back into the building, eager to get upstairs andinto whatever it was she had planned.

"See you Hunter," he said as they crossedthe lobby.

His buddy nodded.

"Xander?" Someone else called him.

He glanced at Terry. He so didn't wantanything to delay him right now. "What's up? You got aproblem?"

"I think you do."

He stopped striding towards the elevator andturned. "What is it?"

"Someone in the pool. After hours."

His eyes met those of the building securityman and he raced to the screen the guy was looking at.

She stood at the side of the pool. Thelights around the deck danced in the light breeze, casting patternsover her suit and skin. Her face was pale in the light thatemanated from the surrounding buildings. She glowed like astar-just about the only one visible in light-polluted New York. Ashe stared at the screen, she peeled one strap, then the other, fromher shoulders.

There was a hiss as Hunter-behind him-suckedin a breath. "Seems to me you're gonna have your hands full gettingher out of there."

Xander half smiled, half grimaced. "You haveno idea."

He reached forward and hit the button on themonitor to turn it black, knowing damn well that Terry was going toturn it straight back on the second he got out the door. Xanderdidn't give a shit how much Terry saw of him. And given Xanderwould be all over Chelsea, he'd hardly see her. Xander needed to bebeside her, supporting her. Needed to be with her every step of theway.

"I'll give you fifteen minutes." Huntergrabbed Terry by the arm and hauled him out of the swivel chair andinto the reception area.

"You're kidding me. I'm supposed to watchthe screens." Terry protested.

"I'll take full responsibility." Huntergrowled, easily blocking the guy from moving. "Xan, you havefifteen."

Hell, the way he was feeling he'd need lessthan two.

"I'll take care of the tape too," Huntercalled as Xander reached the door to the stairwell. "Goodluck."

"Gonna need it," Xander muttered beneath hisbreath as he ran. "Gonna need every damn inch of it."

She was going in the water?

Not without him.

Chelsea took one step. There. She wason the first step into the water. It was a notch cooler than thewarm air, both were sensual on her bare body. She was hyper awareof every tiny feeling. Every change. She took another step down anddeliberately drew air into her tight lungs.

Behind her the door to the stairwell openedand banged shut.

She smiled and stepped down to the thirdstep-out of arm's reach. Then she turned.

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