Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

"Someone's grumpy." Logan laughed at him from the other side of the pool table.

"Shut it."

"You not getting any lately?"

Xander didn't answer.

"Well, why don't you find someone else? Plenty of women around here who'd do anything you wanted them to," Logan said, bitterness rasping.

Xander didn't want any of them. Damn it. "Shut up."

"You're so pissy. Why don't you take your mood home and spare the rest of us who are ready to party?"

Xander rolled his eyes. The rest of 'us' was only Logan. Hunter was away, Rocco was here but technically working. Xander might as well leave. He'd been here for two hours already and not left the table once. Hadn't bothered to look anyone in the eye. "You're going to get in real trouble sometime, Logan."

Logan just laughed and kept assessing the women in the room.

Rocco's bar was pumping--the place filled with beauties who were up for it. But Xander was sitting in the far corner by the pool table, trying to swallow back the bitter irony. He'd told Chelsea this would end if she developed feelings for him. But more fool him, for he was the one getting all sappy just because they'd been having sex. Often.

And that was his problem tonight, right? She'd gone away and he was missing it. The sex that is. Not her.

Wrong. It was all her. Calling in to see her for five minutes when he had the chance wasn't for sex. It was to see her. His need to understand and help her out over her nightmares wasn't because he'd come over all good Samaritan. It was for her. Because he liked her.

But she was so at ease with the deal she was happy to just pack up and go away for who knew how long. She didn't miss him. Damn it. And she didn't seem at all troubled by her imminent departure from the city. Sure, it was another month away, but Xander felt it like the bomb was ticking and about to detonate. And the target about to be blown to bits?

His heart.

Exactly what he didn't want. He'd never wanted it. Hell, he had no clue about relationships--had never seen a decent example in all his life. He'd been all about play.

And Chelsea had liked make-believe. Except now Xander wanted it all to be real.

Yeah. That was the problem.

He knew what he had to do. When she got back, whenever that might be, he was ending it. No more games, no more getting off on the wicked laugh she let out too rarely. No more wishing she'd fully set free her spark of playfulness. No more wishing she'd open up and talk to him, trust him the way she had that night.

Because he hadn't said the right thing. He'd only upset her. He wasn't the guy to help her find that freedom again. He'd tried but he'd failed. He had to walk away because she had him wishing for things he'd always believed he never wanted. Things that were beyond his limited emotional ability.

The good deeds he did merely masked the anger that he felt deep inside. The rage he felt for his father. And the fear that it was all inside him too. That darkness. That ability to brutally hurt. He wanted no risk of that. Chelsea of all people didn't need to be hurt again. He had to walk away.

But he was fucking angry about it. Furious with himself for letting things get this far. He was a damned fool, falling for blue eyes and a swimsuit.

He slammed his glass down on the table. "I'm calling it a night."

"Good." Logan answered with an evil tone and took an easy swig of his beer. "Go home and be boring there."

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