Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Xander lifted his hand to knock on Chelsea's door. Work had been a washout today, he'd hardly thought of anything other than her since the bath incident the night before. She hadn't offered any explanation, but he needed to know. Okay, he already knew but he wished he didn't. Because he wanted, needed, her to tell him. That mightn't be part of their agreement, but too bad.

She was like the ultimate Groundhog Day present--getting to open her up night after night was a pleasure he anticipated from the moment he left her. Only now, heaven help him, he wanted to open up all  her secret compartments. He wantedto see her sleep easy. Smile easy. Speak easy.

He knocked. She answered almost immediately. Her wary eyes widened when she saw it was him. She licked her lips quick--nervously. Instinctively he smiled at her, open and warm and reassuring. And eventually, as she looked up at him, her pale face flushed with a more normal color. An answering smile dawned on her full lips. And then it came--that sparkle of devilish anticipation flickered in her eyes.

But she said nothing.

He knew she was waiting--wanting--his instruction. But he wasn't going there. Yet.

"Come out with me," he said.

Her eyes instantly narrowed. "Out?" she repeated. "Where?"

"It's a surprise," he drawled.

She folded her arms beneath her curvy breasts. "I don't like surprises."

"Sure you do." He grinned, happy she was making a stand. It meant she was more relaxed.

She glanced away and then back at him. He wondered if she was going to resist more seriously or, even better, come up with an alternative offer of her own. But he guessed she'd do neither.

It wasn't that she was totally passive. If he put his finger in her mouth she sucked on it hard. She spread for him to take her only to then clench hot and fast and lock him in place. Her hands skimmed, teased, caressed him as he moved over her. She was absolutely into it. And he could tell from the sparkle in her eyes that she was thinking all kinds of things. There was somuch going on in that brain of hers.

But she still didn't instigate. The only time she'd verbally expressed a preference was about the bath last night and that hadn't been a sensual request, that had come from fear. And though she was already generous, he knew she had more to give.

He wanted it--her secrets, her desires.

But for now, in bed and in this whole arrangement, she still needed him to take the lead. So he'd make it simple for her.

"If you want to come tonight," he said, casually resting a shoulder on her door frame. "You'll come with me now."

"And if I don't?"

Flames licked at his lower belly at the tiny hint of defiance in her tone. Yeah, he wanted to see her spirit finally come free. "No more fantasies. No more orgasms. Your choice."

"You can give it up that easy?" she asked, sceptically raising her brows. "After only a few nights?"

He grinned. She was calling him on it.

Her arms tightened beneath her breasts and he couldn't help noticing her nipples poking hard through her tank top. He glanced back up and encountered her stern look.

"You're that confident," she almost snarled.

"Let me show you why." He straightened and pulled her close, boldly sliding his fingers under her skirt and up to the crotch of her silky panties. "You're already wet for me," he whispered. "Just as I'm already hard for you. I only have to think of you to get like this. So seeing you? Getting this close to you?" He shook his head. "Just hurry the hell up."

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