Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Xander worked extra long hours, meaning he worked 23 of 24, which was fine given he couldn't sleep without dreaming of her. In the last four years his security systems company had grown more quickly than he'd hoped it might. He needed to stabilize--fulfil the contracts he had, while yet pushing for more. He'd recruited new engineers, extra sales people. The fact he now had so many employees was something of a surprise for a guy who liked to do everything himself. But he could delegate--he'd been careful in recruiting and he was reaping the rewards now of having a team that was loyal and as determined as he. But at the end of the day no one cared about the company like he did--there was always more he could do.

Four days into that fierce and frustrating regime, he needed a break from computer screens and barking instructions into his phone. He left the office at lunchtime. He needed to refuel, refresh and give his staff a break from his presence. He'd work from home this afternoon. And to be this damn hot? He needed a swim.

He figured he'd be in the clear. She wouldn't be there at this hour, not when the likelihood of other pool patrons was so high. It was obvious she wanted to be alone to try to swim. But up at the roof he stopped at the door. Because she stood by the edge of the water.

Freaking fate. Sarcastic serendipity. Seems he was paying for some past misdemeanour in the grand old scheme of things, because he was screwed to the rack here and stretched out something painful.

She'd not looked up. Not seen him. He didn't move. Just watched. He'd never been a voyeur, preferring an all action approach. But he didn't want to disturb her yet. Plus, he'd gotten hard just from the sight of her and he needed to sort that out. Except he remembered the soft, smooth warmth of her skin, the sexy little sigh as he'd touched her, the passion she'd unleashed when he'd kissed her.

Temptation screamed. Pure want clawed at him, urging him to move closer. How could he not go for that again? Mercurial thoughts whispered--demand cloaked in desire. Maybe what she needed was a quick fling? Some fun to clear the cobwebs? He could so do that for her.

But then she turned slightly so he saw her profile more clearly. Even from this distance he saw the anxiety etched into her frozen features. It killed his lustful edge. Other instincts rose fast and sharp. He stepped nearer the glass,narrowing his gaze to watch her every movement.

Except she wasn't moving.

She was holding her breath and she wasn't even in the water. Her hands were fisted at her sides as she stared into the depths. Xander's lungs ached as he held his breath right along with her. It was a beautiful pool. Warm, clean, soothing. He couldn't wait to dive right in there. He'd take her in with him if she wanted. But it was pretty clear she didn't.

His head told him to back away and pretend he hadn't seen but his body, not listening, pushed forward. He couldn't walk away. What if she got into trouble? All his training insisted he stay. That he step right out.

Damn it, he couldn't bloody well resist.

Chelsea turned at the sound of the door to the stairwell opening. Her vision locked on to the guy now walking towards her. No way. He didn't look ready for a swim, not in those jeans and that damn ancient baby blue tee. She opted to go on the offensive--mainly to mask her own feelings from herself.

"Are you stalking me?" she asked.

He stopped walking, grinning at her from five paces away.

She felt the smile like a flame from the sun--scorching her nerves. How did he do that? "Every time I come to the pool now, you're here," she added, more defensively.

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