Chapter 14

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My heart pounded as I faced Joon-Gi outside my apartment. The darkness of the night enveloped us, amplifying the sense of unease. 

"Haejin, I needed to talk to you."

I took a step back, keeping a safe distance between us. My gaze never left his face as I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart. "Talk? About what, Joon-Gi?"

He ran his fingers through his disheveled hair, his frustration evident. "About us, Haejin. About the love we once shared. I've missed you, and I can't deny these unresolved feelings any longer."

My eyes widened in disbelief. How could he be so oblivious to the turmoil I had gone through in the past months? "Joon-Gi, do you have any idea what I've been through at the moment? The sleepless nights? The constant fear? And now you come here, reopening wounds I've tried so hard to heal."

Joon-Gi's face turned pale as he finally understood the gravity of his actions. "Haejin, I... I didn't realize. I thought I could help you by being here. I never meant to hurt you further."

Tears welled up around my eyes, my voice choked with emotion. "You don't understand, Joon-Gi. You don't know what it's like to be stalked, to constantly feel someone's presence even in the silence of the night. This is my reality now, and I'm finally finding the strength to fight back."

Joon-Gi reached out again, but this time, he stopped himself before making contact. "Haejin, I'm sorry. I never wanted things to turn out this way. I'll do anything to make it right, to help you."

Despite the pain, I realized that his intentions were pure. I took a deep breath and nodded, my voice softer now. "Joon-Gi, I know you mean well, but right now is not the time for this. Not when everything is already over"

Suddenly, without warning, Joon-Gi reached out to touch my arm, hoping to comfort me. However, I recoiled, taking a step back and shaking my furiously. "No!" I exclaimed, tears streaming down my face. "Please, don't touch me."

"What are you doing to her?!" From the other line I saw Lomon who has been watching us. He clench his fist as he came towards Joon-Gi. Not even a second, I saw his fist landed on my ex-boyfriend cheek. I gasp when I saw the scene.

"Lomon!" I couldn't help but to scream his name as I saw blood trickle down from Joon-Gi mouth.

"Don't touch her. She's mine" It was obvious Lomon was trying to claimed me proudly in front of him. Joon-Gi look between both us before sighing, acknowledging his defeat.

"I'm sorry Joon-Gi, let's talk another time" I explained before his figure left us. Lomon went inside my apartment to prevent our neighbor talking about us.

"Lomon, please calm down," I pleaded, my voice filled with concern. "This is not what it looks like. Joon-Gi was just trying to talk, that's all."

Lomon's fists clenched, his anger barely contained. "Talk? Is that what he calls it? I saw him trying to touch you, Haejin. No one should touch you without your consent. More importantly you're my girlfriend" It feels odd hearing the new title we had establish. Like a little kid, butterfly erupted in my stomach.

"I'm going to get you another detective. This guy can't be trustable" He spoke, I knew it was easy to replace Joon-Gi especially with Lomon help but this isn't what I want.

"No, let's leave it Lomon. The guy admitted his mistake and I doubt he would do this again" I could tell my boyfriend was angry and jealous at the thought of my ex-boyfriend roaming around my life. He couldn't contain his annoyance towards Joon-Gi.

"Why is that Haejin? Are you still in love with him?"

I couldn't believe that Lomon accused me of still being in love with Joon-Gi. I denied it vehemently, unable to comprehend why Lomon would harbor such doubts.

"Lomon, I promise you, I am not in love with Joon-Gi," I insisted, my voice tinged with hurt. "He's a part of my past, and I have moved on. You're the one I love now."

Lomon seemed unconvinced, his face clouded with anger and uncertainty. "I don't know, Haejin. I've noticed how you sometimes mention Joon-Gi, or how nostalgic you get when talking about the past. It makes me wonder if your feelings for him have truly vanished."

I felt frustration bubbling up within me. How could Lomon doubt my feelings like this? "Yes, I may mention him occasionally, but that's because he was a significant part of my life for some time. It doesn't mean I'm still in love with him! I thought you trusted me, Lomon."

"Lomon, please listen to me!" I pleaded, desperation etching my voice. But he was already storming off, not even bothering to look back.

Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I stood there, stunned and hurt. How could Lomon not trust me after everything we had been through? I had given my heart to him, and I thought he had given his as well.

Feeling a mix of frustration and sadness, I decided to give Lomon some space. I needed time to gather my thoughts and figure out how to make Lomon understand the truth.

Over the next few days, I tried to reach out to Lomon, sending him heartfelt messages, pouring my emotions onto the screen. I explained how much I loved him and tried to assure him that my past with Joon-Gi was over. But with every message left unanswered, my doubts began to grow.

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