Chapter 19

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The news of the kidnapping had spread like wildfire, dominating headlines and flooding social media feeds. Suddenly, I found myself thrust into the spotlight, my face plastered all over the news. People were eager to hear my story, wondering how I managed to survive the clutches of danger.

Amidst all the chaos, I attempted to maintain some semblance of normalcy. The news coverage only intensified the interest in the campaign. Suddenly, my face graced billboards and fashion magazines, turn me into a recognizable face in the industry. The opportunities seemed endless – offers poured in, promising fame and fortune.

Yet, amidst the dazzling allure of the newfound popularity, a sense of unease lingered within me. As I finished my last photoshoot, I could see Joon-Gi entering the studio with his fixated eyes on me. I could tell something was going to happen.

"Joon-Gi, what's wrong?" Not one bit could have prepared me for what he was going to say.

"Hae-Jung has been arrested"

I couldn't believe it. After months of fear and anxiety, my stalker, Hae-Jung, had finally been arrested. It all felt surreal as I made my way to the police station alongside Joon-Gi.

The news of his arrest felt like a weight being lifted off my shoulders. Finally, I could start to feel safe again.

Arriving at the police station, I saw Lomon, waiting anxiously in the hallway. His worried gaze met mine, and he rushed to my side, enveloping me in a tight and comforting embrace. His presence reassured me, reminding me that I wasn't alone in this battle.

We were guided to the interrogation room, where I could barely contain my nerves. As we stepped inside the cold, sterile room, Joon-Gi gestured for us to take a seat. Lomon held my hand tightly, giving me an encouraging smile as we anxiously awaited for Hae-Jung's arrival.

Minutes later, the door swung open, revealing Hae-Jung in handcuffs, flanked by two officers. The sight of him sent shivers down my spine, yet I refused to let fear overcome me any longer. I was determined to face him head on and demand answers.

As Hae-Jung sat across from us, his eyes locked with mine. There was a mixture of anger and desperation in his gaze. Finally, he spoke.

"I'm sorry" that was the first words he spoke, his voice filled with nothing but guilts. "You have got to understand Haejin"

I stay quiet surprised at what he said. This was nothing like the Hae-Jung I've met previously. It was as if this was his real personality.

Lomon's grip on my hand tightened, offering me strength and support.

Joon-Gi, always a composed presence in the room, spoke up. "Hae-Jung, you've been charged with stalking, harassment, and invasion of privacy. There will be a trial, and justice will be served."

The weight of his words hung heavily in the air, the room now suffocating with the stark reality of the situation. As the interrogation continued, I couldn't help but feel a sense of worried knowing this felt too easy.

With Lomon by my side and the support of Joon-Gi , I knew I could finally find peace and freedom from the clutches of Hae-Hung. However, there was something fishy that I could feel from my guts.

"I'm glad he has been caught. We could finally start our life together" Lomon spoke feeling relief from this ordeal. I stay quiet trying to digest what has happened. Hae-Jung might be a stalker but everything felt weird.

"Haejin what's wrong?" Lomon notice my sense of silent and wonder what went through my head.

"This whole thing feel off Lomon"

"Haejin you've been through a lot. You might think you are not safe but he's lock in prison now" Lomon thought I was being paranoid and it was not looking good as I thought.

"No! I could sense this isn't over Lomon. Please believe me!" I wailed, as if I was certain something big was still haunting my presence. Lomon sigh knowing he can't argue with the woman he loves.

"Fine, I'll try to dig more about Hae-Jung story" He wanted to finish this but I couldn't let go till every truth comes out.

The past few week past by like a blur, it felt like I was going back to my normal routine. Working and going back home to Lomon. However, I felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me. It seemed to be getting worse each day. I dragged myself out of bed, feeling a constant nausea lingering in my stomach.

As I walked into the bathroom, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My face looked paler than usual, and dark circles had formed under my eyes. I sighed, wondering why I was feeling this way. It seemed as if every little thing was taking a toll on my energy levels.

I couldn't deny the fact that my body had been going through some changes lately. My menstrual cycle had been irregular, and I had been experiencing frequent headaches. I couldn't help but wonder if these symptoms were related to something more significant.

I confided to Hemi about my worries, and she immediately suggested that I take a pregnancy test. Hemi has always been the voice of reason in my life, and I value her opinion more than anything. She's been there for me through thick and thin, and I trust her judgment completely.

The uncertainty was starting to get to me. I couldn't focus on anything else, my mind constantly wandering to the possibility of being pregnant. I decided that I needed to put an end to this confusion once and for all. It was time to take that test.

I hurriedly made my way to the nearest pharmacy, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness. As I reached for the box of pregnancy tests, my hands trembled slightly. This simple little stick would hold the answer to all my questions.

Back at home, I followed the instructions carefully, nervously waiting for the results. Every second felt like an eternity. Finally, the wait was over, and I peered at the test expectantly.


My heart skipped a beat. Emotions flooded over me - excitement, fear, joy, and uncertainty - all swirling together. Was I really going to be a mother?

As I sat on the bathroom floor, tears streamed down my face. My body was confirming what my heart had already known. I was pregnant with Lomon baby.

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