Chapter 15

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It was no use waiting for Lomon to come a round. Therefore, I made it a mission to show up in front of him. I stumbled through the entrance of Lomon's workplace, my heart pounding inside my chest. I scanned the room, searching for any sign of him amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces. Spotting Lomon across the room, I couldn't contain my emotions any longer.

"Lomon!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the otherwise silent office. Several heads turned in my direction, surprised by the sudden outburst. Lomon's eyes widened as he locked onto my distraught figure.

But before I could reach him, a chilling voice whispered from behind. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Haejin. What a perfect opportunity for a little playtime."

I turned around, my heart seizing in fear as I recognized the face of Hae-Jung, my relentless stalker. The sense of danger washed over me, but it was too late. Hae-Jung lunged at me, overpowering me with ease. Panic set in as I fought against my assailant's grip, screaming for help.

Hae-Jung dragged me towards a van parked outside, his movements swift and determined. I desperately clung to anything within reach, trying to break free from Hae-Jung's iron grip. Fear and adrenaline coursed through my veins, clouding my thoughts.

As I struggled, I caught a glimpse of Lomon running towards me, his face etched with concern and anger. His eyes met mine, and a mixture of relief and determination flickered within them, promising that he wouldn't let me go without a fight.

But before Lomon could intervene, Hae-Jung shoved me into the van, slamming the door shut. Trapped in darkness, my heart raced as I realized the dire situation I was in.

As the van sped away, I mustered all my courage, vowing to fight my way back to Lomon and find safety once more. No matter what Hae-Jung had planned, I would face it head-on and do whatever it took to come out victorious.

When my eyes fluttered open, I found myself in a dimly lit room, my hands tightly bound together with rope. Panic rushed through my veins as I tried to make sense of my surroundings. It was then that I caught a glimpse of Hae-Jung, a familiar face twisted with an unsettling determination.

The abandoned place was a dilapidated house hidden among a sprawling forest. Its peeling walls and broken windows mirrored the dark and tortured soul of its occupant. My heart sank as I realized the extent of danger I was in. But amidst the fear, I knew I had to keep my wits.

Hae-Jung approached me cautiously, a sinister grin spreading across his face. "Haejin, this has become your faith" he sneered.

"No! Let me go," I pleaded, my voice trembling.

I knew I had to escape if I wanted to survive this ordeal. I scanned the room, desperate for any way to break free. The flickering lightbulbs and the cracked walls seemed to mock me, reminding myself of the desperate situation I found myself in.

Summoning every ounce of strength and courage, I began to subtly work at the ropes binding my wrists. Though my hands were numb and bruised, I was determined to pushed forward. The rope burned against my skin as I loosened it inch by inch.

Outside, thunder crashed and rain lashed against the windows. The elements had joined forces with me, lending the a sense of urgency and secrecy. Just as the knot started to loosen, Hae-Jung turned away, momentarily distracted by his ringing phone.

Now or never, I thought. With my hands nearly free, I mustered every ounce of endurance left within me and tore through the final threads holding me captive.

The moment my hands were free, I sprang into action, my heart pounding with adrenaline. I darted past Hae-Jung, who was taken by surprise, and raced towards the nearest exit. The creaking floorboards below my feet seemed to echo my desperate escape.

As I burst through the front door, rain washed over my face like a cleansing baptism. My lungs filled with the fresh scent of freedom.

My heart thumped wildly as I sprinted through the dense woods, my breathing ragged. I could hear Hae-Jung's heavy footsteps behind me, closing in every second. Fear coursed through my veins, urging myself to run faster.

With adrenaline fuelling my desperate escape, i scanned my surroundings hoping for a way out. As I dashed past towering trees and stumbled over fallen branches, my eyes caught sight of a cliff up ahead. A shiver ran my spine as I realized the risky yet potentially life-saving opportunity it presented.

Hesitation gripped my mind, weighing the option of jumping into the unknown against the impending danger of Hae-Jung's grasp. Thoughts of the cold river below tugged at my consciousness, but I knew deep down that it was now or never. Without second-guessing myself, I made up my mind.

Summoning all the courage, I surged forward, my legs propelling toward the edge of the cliff. Panic mingled with determination as I neared the precipice. With a fierce battle cry, I leaped off the edge, hurtling through the open air.

Time seemed to stand still as I descended towards the rushing river below. The wind whipped at my face, drowning the sound of my own screams. Fear and uncertainty consumed my thoughts, but I had taken the leap, believing that escape was within my reach.

The cold shock of the water enveloped my body upon impact, stealing my breath away. Underneath the surface, I fought against the swift current, struggling to resurface. My lungs burned, my strength waned, but the will to survive propelled me forward. I could feel my lung filled with water and my vision getting blurry each second. I knew I was closed to the end of time. But just as I felt myself surrendering to the darkness, a strong arm wrapped around me, pulling me towards the surface.

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