Chapter 17

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As days passed, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude towards Bogum. He had taken me in, cared for me, and nursed me back to health when I had nothing and no one. He was an enigma, someone I knew nothing about, yet he had shown me kindness that I had never experienced before. I could never repay him for what he had done.

But now, everything was about to change.

I had been missing for a week, and I could only imagine the worry and concern that had consumed the people who care for me. It was evident that they were desperate to find me. More importantly Lomon and Joon-Gi arrived in the village with a small group of police officers and an ambulance.

As Lomon stepped out of the car, his eyes scan the surroundings, his expression a mix of relief and anxiety, I couldn't help but feel a lump form in my throat. I knew I had put them through hell, disappearing without a trace, leaving them to believe that I was gone forever.

Joon-Gi, always the level-headed one but his eyes weary and filled with concern. I could see that he had barely slept, his face marked with worry lines that had deepened over the past few days.

Lomon approached me, his eyes widened with disbelief.

"H-h-haejin" his voice shaky as he called out my name. I rushed towards him, enveloped in his embrace, feeling the warmth and safety of his arms wrapping around me. It was a moment of sheer bliss amidst the darkness we had endured.

The police officers, taking their cue from Lomon and Joon-Gi, hurried over, their expressions professional yet concerned. They examined me, checking for any signs of injury, asking a series of questions. I answered them as best as I could, my voice weak, my mind still foggy from the events that had unfolded.

As I recounted the last moments I remembered, the sight of my shoes on the cliff edge, their assumption that I was dead, everyone listened intently. It was a horrifying realization for them, one that had haunted them for days. But now, seeing me standing before them, a living, breathing testament, brought an overwhelming mix of emotions.

Bogum stood at a distance, watching the reunion unfold with an impassive expression. It was time to reveal the truth, to let them in on the mystery that surrounded him. I could see how thankful Lomon was towards Bogum, who had saved my life. As I stood next to Joon-Gi I knew I needed to talk to him.

"Haejin, everyone was in distraught when we couldn't find you. Especially Lomon" My eyes beckoned towards the man I love. He was talking to Bogum still with worried in his expression. I know this nightmare isn't over yet, I had escape from death twice and I might not if it happens again.

"Everyone told him to give up on you, as it was impossible for you to be alive. However, Lomon never stop searching, he didn't eat nor sleep, knowing it was his fault" I was feeling remorseful towards Lomon. I shouldn't have enter his life just to ruined him like this. I was putting him in danger by being beside of me. Glancing towards Joon-Gi, I look down towards his hand. It was shaking. He has dealt with murder victims before, but with me his emotion spirals thinking I was just like those cases. Taking his hand I tried to calm him down.

"Thank you Joon-Gi. For worrying about me" It was a gratitude that need to be said. Just because we ended, the care we had for each other would never stop. We were friends before a lover and that will continue onwards.

I thanked Bogum one last time before leaving the village. It was a short heaven for me, but I know it isn't my home.

"Come visit me in Seoul, I would love to see you" I spoke, with enthusiasm on my voice.

"Of course, I don't think staying in the village will be my long term future" He smiles, flashing his pearl white teeth. I know that it might not be now but our future will cross again and I can tell I will be the one repaying what he has done for me.

Lomon took me back to his apartment as he put me on a lockdown. Saying we need to be together. He had lost me before and was not going to leave my side. That's what his quotes was.

As I lay in bed, I couldn't help but admire Lomon, my heart soaring at the sight of him after being apart for what felt like an eternity. Circumstances had kept us apart, but now, with Lomon by my side, I was finally at peace.

I gazed at him, taking in every detail of his tired and dreary face. Dark circles hung beneath his eyes, a testament to the sleepless nights he had endured. Wrinkles lined his forehead, etched by the weight of worry and longing. Despite the weariness evident on his features, his warm brown eyes still sparkled with adoration and love.

Lomon sensed my gaze upon him and turned his head to meet my eyes. A gentle smile tugged at the corners of his lips, despite the evident fatigue. It was in moments like these that I realized just how lucky I was to have him in my life.

"I'm sorry Haejin" He always apologize thinking everything it's his fault.

"Don't blame yourself Lomon. When I was escaping Hae-Jung the only hope I had was to see you again. You were the one that thing the kept me breathing. You are my world" Remembering our last fight I needed to reassure him that he was the only man I look up to. I could see Lomon had understand my words and the doubt he has had been resolved.

With gentle hands, Lomon pulled me closer, his strong arms enveloping me in a comforting embrace. I nestled my head against his chest, finding solace in the steady thump-thump of his heartbeat. The scent of his cologne, a familiar blend of sandalwood, filled my senses, instantly calming any lingering worries.

We lay there in silence, finding solace in the presence of one another. The room was filled with a sense of warmth and contentment, as if all the worries and troubles of the world were momentarily forgotten. In this moment, it was just Lomon and I, together, embracing the love that bound us.

I could feel the tension slowly melt away from Lomon's tired body as we cuddled on the bed. His breathing became deep and steady, a sign that he was finally finding some peace in the comfort of my arms. It was in these quiet moments that I cherished the most, where words were unnecessary, and our love spoke volumes.

As I watched Lomon's eyes flutter closed, a sense of overwhelming gratitude washed over me. Gratitude for the love we shared, for the strength that brought us back together after the trials we faced. With a soft sigh, I closed my own eyes, content in the knowledge that Lomon was finally finding the rest he so desperately needed.

In that embrace, we found solace, comfort, and an unbreakable bond. And as we lay there, entwined in each other's arms, I knew that no matter what obstacles we faced, we would always find our way back to one another. For in the embrace of love, we were home.

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