Chapter 21- Part I

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It was midnight when my eyes are still wide open. The mix of the coldness air hitting my skin as the window open and the cricket sounds has truly make the night peaceful. Lomon wanted me to stay for another night to ensure our baby would be healthy. Knowing he was caring for both of us, I was happy. Flipping through the page of the book, I could see that I was almost at the end. Before I could turn off the light to sleep, a knock on the door startled me thinking it was the nurse. However my face began to frown when I saw who it was.

"Yeji, what a surprise!" I said weakly

"Sorry I came this late, I've been busy all day and Lomon only mentioned just now of your situation" She spoke, causing me to nod at her excuse.

"How are you feeling Haejin?" Yeji close the door with a crooked grin etching across her lips.

"F-fine, how about you?" I asked, keeping my voice calm.

"I'm great! I can't believe what has happened to you! Gosh, being kidnapped and drag into the woods and now that stalker has been arrested. Aren't you a lucky thing?" I hold my breath at her admiration towards me.

"How did you know I was brought into the woods?"

"Oh! Lomon told me. You were taken into a shabby old house with a broken door that cause you to escape easily." I clench the bedsheet as I glance at her full of fear.

"Yeji, I've never told Lomon about the broken door" I could see Yeji let out a fake gasp as if she didn't meant to say that.

"Sorry Haejin, guess my tongue slip. If Hae-Jung wasn't a coward I would have not been here to settle this drama" she rolled her eyes revealing her truth. Biting my lip I finally found the missing piece that fits the whole situation.

"It was you... all along"

"Wow, great work detective Haejin" She applaude, faking her amazement.


"You took that one precious thing from my life" I raised my eyebrow trying to understand her words.

"Lomon is mine Haejin, till you came to his life. He could not stop talking about you." Yeji's eyes seemed to lose their spark, replaced with a chilling emptiness.

"I hired your old high school friend, Hae-Jung to act as your stalker. Foolish man, he couldn't do it till the end" I felt awful how Yeji force Hae-Jung to play along at her game. Hae-Jung didn't deserve any of this.

"Did you kill his brother?" I remembered the murder scene of Hae-Jong that still brings trauma to me.  Yeji grinned as a reply and that has me horrified. The woman was capable of killing and it shock me.

"You are next" It was a warning that was said nonchalantly. Slowly, and almost too casually, she pulled out a gleaming, sharp knife from the depths of her bag. My eyes widened in terror, struggling to comprehend the dark reality that was unfolding before me.

Yeji's expression hardened, her grip tightening around the knife. "I needed you out of the way. Out of the picture completely."

My mind raced, desperately searching for a way to survive this unthinkable situation. I had always been resourceful, but now my life depended on it. I knew I had to find a way to change Yeji's mind or, at the very least, buy myself some time until help arrived.

Summoning all of my courage, I spoke, my voice steady despite the trembling of my body. "Yeji, listen to me. You don't have to do this. We can find a way to fix whatever is wrong. Please, let's talk about it."

For a fleeting moment, doubt flickered in her eyes. I held my breath, hoping against all odds that my words had struck a chord within my friend's heart. But then, as quickly as it had appeared, the doubt vanished, replaced once again by cold determination.

"It's too late for that, Haejin," Yeji said, her voice filled with finality. With a swift movement, she lunged towards me, the knife poised to strike.

With every ounce of strength left in my trembling body, I swung my legs over the side of the bed, desperate to make a run for it. The room seemed to close in on me as I forced myself to stand upright, the monitors next to my bed blaring alarms in protest.

But I couldn't allow fear to consume me. I had to push through the pain, the dizziness, and the looming danger behind me. My legs wobbled, threatening to give way beneath me, but I clung onto the closest thing that resembled balance.

As I stumbled towards the door, Yeji's footsteps echoed behind me, growing louder and faster.

"You can run Yeji, but I will always find you!" Her threats floated through the air, taunting me, urging me to surrender. But I couldn't give in. I wouldn't.

My fingers fumbled in a desperate attempt to open the door. Time seemed to slow down, each second stretching into an eternity as I tugged at the handle. Finally, with a click, the door swung open, revealing the stark hallway beyond.

Without thinking, I propelled myself forward, my legs carrying me away from the danger. My hospital gown billowed around me, the fluorescent lights blurring into a disorienting haze. I could hear Yeji's footsteps gaining on me, her intent to harm growing ever clearer.

I dashed down the corridor, my breaths coming in ragged gasps. Panic fueled my speed, even as my body protested with every step. I was frantically searching for nurses and doctors however there was no one around that could help.

My mind raced, searching for a way out, a sanctuary from this nightmare. The chaos of the hospital became my shield, disorienting Yeji, momentarily slowing her down. But I couldn't count on luck alone. I needed a plan, a place to hide.

As I rounded a corner, my eyes caught sight of an open supply closet. Without hesitation, I darted inside, closing the door behind me as quietly as possible. My rapid breaths echoed in the confined space, the scent of sterilizing agents filling my nostrils. I prayed that Yeji wouldn't find me, that I could remain hidden until help arrived.

The sound of my own breath filled the small space, drowning out the chaos that was unfolding outside. Every minute I pray to God to end this haunting nightmare. I know that I have survive a few times but how far can luck save me?

As I crouched in the dark supply closet of the hospital, my heart pounded loudly in my chest. I could barely hear my own shallow breaths over the sound of my fear. Yeji, was out there somewhere, armed with a knife and searching for me.

The flickering fluorescent light above barely illuminated my surroundings. Boxes of medical supplies and equipment cluttered the small space, leaving little room for maneuvering. I clutched onto a broken mop handle, the only makeshift weapon I could find.

Suddenly, the door to the closet creaked open, spilling a beam of light into the darkness. My heart skipped a beat, and every muscle in my body tensed. Yeji's silhouette appeared in the doorway, her eyes shining with a deranged glimmer.

Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I lunged forward, swinging the mop handle at her. But my desperation made me sloppy, and Yeji easily sidestepped my attack. In one swift motion, she swiped her knife towards my leg, sinking it deep into my flesh.

A searing pain shot through my body, radiating from the wound. I let out a pained cry, stumbling back against the shelves. Blood seeped through my fingers as I desperately tried to apply pressure to the wound.

Yeji stood there, a twisted smile on her face, relishing in my suffering. "You thought you could hide from me?" she taunted, her voice filled with malice. "You were always weak, Haejin. It's time someone put you out of your misery."

My vision blurred with pain and tears, but I refused to give up. With every ounce of strength left in me, I managed to crawl towards a nearby metal tray. Gripping it tightly, I flung it towards Yeji, aiming for her head. It connected with a loud clang, momentarily stunning her.

Taking advantage of the distraction, I dragged myself towards the closet door, leaving a trail of blood behind me. Each movement was pure agony, but my will to survive outweighed the pain. With what little energy I had, I managed to crawl out into the deserted hallway, hoping to find help before it was too late.

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