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"Can you distribute that case of bottled water between the coolers outside?" I asked Raj as he helped me unload a few things we grabbed at the store this morning.  The back of my SUV was jammed full of drinks, recyclable plates and cups, and a Costco sheet cake that had "Happy First Birthday, Milo!" written on the top with an orange cat.

It was perfect.  I knew Sophie would be excited when she saw what I chose.

Raj nodded, "Sure, anything else?"

"I think we're pretty set.  Milo may not remember this day but we sure will."

I took a case of Gatorade and slid the bottles into coolers as well, thankful for the gorgeous October weather for Milo's first birthday party.

He turned 1 about a week ago but we decided this weekend was the perfect time to host a little get together.  We bought our house back in late March and were moved completely by the end of April.  Moving was a bigger hassle than I ever imagined with a semi mobile 5 month old baby.  Sophie is a genius and suggested we get the baby gates and safety latches put around before the power was even on in our names.  First thing Milo did when given free reign was head for the basement staircase so that gate was immediately worth its weight in gold.

Sophie came jogging outside with Milo on her heels, her green eyes flashing with excitement while she was chased by our Son.  He was giggling up a storm as he used a water gun to shoot Soph one tiny stream of water at a time while she squealed and made a valiant effort to hide behind her hands.

"Milo!  You're so silly!" she laughed while I ran forward and threw Sophie over my shoulder to get her away from the Dastardly Water Bandit.

Soph started laughing harder while Milo pouted, "Daddyyy.... My mommy..."

I froze and turned around, meeting my son's eyes.  "You are so right, little love!  This is your mommy..."

"No... Will... don't do it..." Sophie said between giggles.

I set her down on her feet and met her eyes with a grin before Milo sprayed her on the ass.  Sophie gasped and I cracked up laughing at her expression and the way our 1 year old cackled when he hit his target.

"Soph?"  Addy asked from the kitchen window.

"Come on out, Addison!" Sophie laughed, "Really, the coast is clear!"

"I don't believe you.  Milo is a good shot."

Milo sprayed the kitchen window, causing Addison to squeal and us to laugh harder.

"Okay, Milo, why don't we make sure all your water guns are full and ready to go for today." I suggested, reaching down to lift him to my hip.

He nodded, green eyes wide, "Yeah!"

Sophie followed us inside the house and helped Addison in the kitchen with prep work while Milo led me to his play room.  She was wearing a pale blue romper, chosen by our Son who thought they were called hoppers.  Milo would try to jump around when she wore them which was hysterical, mostly because he can't get both feet off the ground no matter how hard he tries.  First time it happened she placed an order online for 4 more in other colors. 

My eyes lingered on the gorgeous woman that I was so lucky to have in my life.  Her dark hair was longer and had defined waves today, while Addy kept her bangs trimmed how Sophie liked.  She had a great tan from spending hours every day outside all summer.  Our backyard became a safe haven, where picnics under our Oak tree and long talks beneath the stars happened constantly.

This summer was amazing.  We spent every day together, exploring the city and letting Milo experience everything possible. He still has his Mohawk thanks to Addy keeping his hair trimmed but now that it was thicker we knew would start laying flat soon. It would be the end of an era.

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