Special Day

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Nick just lays there looking into Charlie's eyes,
C "I love you so much~"
Nick doesn't even speak he moves Charlie's hair out of his eyes, leaning forward to kiss Charlie's forehead, backing up and just staring into Charlie's brown eyes, the gold in the center twinkling slightly, The black dot in the top right corner on his left iris, His other eye sparkling perfectly in this light, the gold mixed with the light brown like dirt and gold in a mine, when Charlie blinks it brings him out of his somewhat trance.
N "I love you too~"
Nick moves his hand seemingly to forget what he was going to do with it and just placing his hand on charlie's cheek, rubbing his thumb against charlie's small eye bag,
N "I love you so much"

Woh! I think we need to back up to what lead to this,

Tori sits there patting a little makeup powder onto charlie's face,
T "Are you scared for today?"
C "Not as scared as you would expect"
Tori closes the powder opening a little powder blush, blending it into Charlie's cheek bones, Charlie's phone starts to buzz, he grabs it looking at who is calling, it's Sarha,
C "One sec- It's Nick's mom"
He gets up and walks away answering the call,
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S "Nick is literally freaking out"
C "Why would you tell me that! You know I can't come see him"
S "You can talk to him on the phone,"
There is some ruffling and movement on Sarha's end and then Charlie hears Nick's voice,
N "Char I'm freaking out right now"
C "In a good way? Or..."
N "Good way! Good way! I just can't wait to be you know,"
C "Married?~"
N "No shit dummy!"
Charlie hears Nick's mom yell at him for calling Charlie 'dummy' on their wedding day, Nick scoffs and keeps talking,
N "I love you so much"
C "Love you too dummy~"
N "I gotta get dressed,"
C "See you in 3 hours hubby~"
N "I'm not your hubby! Not yet!"
C "Bye hubby~"
N "Bye baby~"
Then the line goes dead,
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Charlie walks up to 13 year old Oliver,
C "Now you have the most important job-"
Charlie says in a slightly higher voice with his and his hands on his knees so he could be eye level with Oliver in his chair,
O "Please stop treating me like I'm five still, I know what I have to do hold the rings, I know,"
Oliver scrolls on his phone, charlie walks away slightly annoyed,
O "Hey! Wait dude!"
Charlie turns around and sees oliver walk up and hug him like he used to when Charlie just got together with Nick,
O "I'm proud of you two~"
Charlie feels himself remembering old times, like when Oliver almost told Nick that Charlie loved him, all of those moments playing Mario Kart with the both of them, Oliver walking in on them making out before anyone knew, when he walked in when they were in the the pillow fort, all of the moments with Oliver and Nick, all the piggy back rides, walks, games, films, everything.
C "Oliver, You have no clue how much that means,"
Charlie hug oliver back puffing up his hair,
O "Dude! I just had It styled!"
C "What! It looks good!"
Oliver rolls his eyes walking back to his seat taking out his phone once again,
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Charlie gets dressed into his tux. One thing he and Nick decided to do was matching tuxes thinking it was kinda symbolic, before they were different but now they're the same. They know how cringy it is so they aren't going to tell anyone why. Charlie sits back down infront of Tori,
C "Tori if I have a panic attack I don't care call Nick in here"
T "Do you feel like you will have one?"
C "I'm scared but excited and also sad cause I'm reminiscing on old times,  and-"
Tori nods putting her hands on Charlie's shoulders holding him firmly,
T "Maybe this will help~ You two are and have been so in love that at times it's sickening, everyone in this room and that will being in the wedding love you two and we've all know that you and Nick are a power couple, people post your two with the words underneath saying 'couple goals' we all care about you and Nick, and if he tries to pull anything me and Tao agreed 9 years ago we'd kill him,"
Charlie smiles calming down with Tori's words,
T "I love you dumbass we all do"
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Nick stands darcy behind him and Oliver at his side,
N "So you got ordained? Why?"
D "So I could technically marry Tara without her knowing, but marrying other people like you two is a benefit"
N "Darcy! No!"
D "What! I haven't done it yet!"
Nick looks down when Oliver taps on his shoulders,
O "Pst- your shirt is untucked, and your tie is tied wrong,"
N "Fuck- thanks Olly, I don't really know how to tie these things,"
Nick fixes his shirt and fumbles with his tie,
O "No prob big bro"
Nick starts to blush when the person he has always looked at like the little brother he never had calls him "Big bro" Not even caring if he meant it like "Big brother" or just like "bro" but it felt like a kick in the heart, in a good way.
D "Ok- Nick you just screwing it up more- let me"
N "You know how to tie a tie?"
D "You have to remember I'm a lesbo I wear these all the time at work, "
N "You work at walmart"
D "I still want to look professional"
Darcy redoes Nick's tie for him,
Seeing a few more friends walk into the room, Tao, Tara, Aled, Micheal, Sarah, Nick's mom, elle, david, tori, jane, and julio, they decided to do a small wedding just family and friends, Nick doesn't think of David as either of those but Nick's mom made him invite him.
D "Real quick y'all got vows?"
N "Mhm"
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Charlie walks into the hall, it feels like ever past mistake he made with Nick is disappearing all of the fights, anything he thought of as "Bad" leaving as he walks into the wedding hall seeing Nick. Now standing next to him hearing darcy babble on about this and that but all Charlie can do in this moment is get lost in Nick's eyes, his swirls of green and brown, gold and flecks of and a soft red, watching Nick's pupils grow even with no fluckution of the light, Charlie just wants to kiss him, kiss him all over, kiss him everywhere, Charlie shakes himself out of his trace and hears Darcy say,
D "Nick, would you like to say your vows first?"
Nick nods and clears his throat,
N "Charlie, from the moment our paths crossed, my world has been brighter, and my heart has danced to a melody only you compose. Today, surrounded by love, I stand before you, ready to embark on a journey of a lifetime. I promise to cherish and honor you, to be your confidant and your biggest supporter. I vow to laugh with you in joy, stand by you in challenges, and hold you in times of sorrow. With you, every day is an adventure, and I am grateful for the privilege to share this adventure as your partner. Today and always, I choose you, Charlie, my heart stopper, my love."
Nick watches Charlie start to tear up, Nick just wants to pull him in and kiss all of those tears away,
D "Charlie?"
C "Oh yeah- sorry,"
Charlie wipes the tears away trying his hardest not to cry to much,
C "Nick, from the first moment our eyes met, I knew my heart had found its home. Today, surrounded by the warmth of our love, I stand before you, ready to commit my life to you. I promise to support you in every dream, to hold you in times of uncertainty, and to celebrate every joy with you. I vow to be your confidant, your partner in laughter, and your solace in sorrow. With you, I've discovered a love that's deep and unwavering. Nick you are my anchor, and my forever. Today, tomorrow, and always, I choose you."
Darcy is about to speak as he sees Nick starting to cry,
D "Y'all good?"
Darcy says jokingly,
D "Anyways~ Nick do you take Charlie to be your husband?"
N "Always and forever~"
D "Charlie, do you take Nick to be your-"
C "Yes, Yes, a thousand times yes!"
D "With the power vested in me and all of the LGBTQ commuinty, I now pronounce you as husbands, Y'all may kiss"
Nick wraps his arms around Charlie's waist, pulling him into probably the best kiss they've ever shared. Nick pulls away for a minute to whisper "I love you~" and pulling him into a stronger and sweeter kiss. Hearing everyone cheer behind them, even david,
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The sweet song "More then a love song" by Mac Demarco, Nick's hands on charlie's waist like before just losser,
N "I love you~"
C "I love you too~"
Charlie presses his head into Nick's chest as they dance together, Nick kissing charlie in mutible places every chance he gets. Nick turns his head after hearing david call his name, watching him walk closer to them.
D "Nick, I'm sorry for being an absolute dick to you when we were younger I just wanted to say sorry and Charlie, I'm sorry for being a prick to you with everything, I am proud of you two,"
N "Thank you David, I appreciate that"
David pats Nick's shoulder,
D "Love ya bro, But I have to go, His sister is threatening me,"
Charlie turns and hears Tori yell
D "I have no clue what she is talking about,"
N "Love you David, And when that woman threatens you it's not an empty threat you should leave,"
David nods and pats Nick's shoulder once again, Once david leaves Charlie starts hugging Nick,
C "You fixed a homaphobe~"
N "I could make a business out of that,"
Charlie laughs into Nick's chest,
C "You could~ We'd make millions~"
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After the wedding, Nick holds Charlie's hand, walking to the hotel room,
C "I still don't understand why we couldn't go home~ "
N "I don't know~"
Once they get into the hotel room instantly falling onto the bed,
Nick just lays there looking into Charlie's eyes,
C "I love you so much~"
Nick doesn't even speak he moves Charlie's hair out of his eyes, leaning forward to kiss Charlie's forehead, backing up and just staring into Charlie's brown eyes, the gold in the center twinkling slightly, The black dot in the top right corner on his left iris, His other eye sparkling perfectly in this light, the gold mixed with the light brown like dirt and gold in a mine, when Charlie blinks it brings him out of his somewhat trance.
N "I love you too~"
Nick moves his hand seemingly to forget what he was going to do with it and just placing his hand on charlie's cheek, rubbing his thumb against charlie's small eye bag,
N "I love you so much"
Nick smiles and kisses Charlie cheek over and over again,
C "Can we conimate this thing tomorrow on the first day of our honeymoon"
N "If you wanna wait~ Mhm~"
Charlie cuddles into him giggling,
C "I love you"
N "I love you too Hubby~"
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