Chapter 1: Found

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Camila and Manny Noceda kneeled down and freed a rabbit from an illegal trap.

"What on earth is with all these traps lately?" Camila asked, "I'm afraid to let Luz play outside at this rate, I don't need her to get hurt. She's too adventurous for a four year old."

"I know, and don't worry, I'll make sure no one hurts our little girl." Manny said.

Camila let out a small chuckle.

"Oh, please, you're a teddy bear." Camila said, "You don't have a dangerous bone in your body. Come on, let's get home before Luz let's a raccoon in... again."

"What can I say, she takes after me." Manny said.

"And that is both a blessing and a curse." Camila said.

The two walked back home, passing the old abandoned cabin. The two stopped when they heard small sobs, barely audible.

"Someone is crying." Manny said, "We should go make sure the're okay."

"What if it's a trap?" Camila asked.

"Then I die doing the right thing." Manny said, "That's the only way I want to go."

Manny headed towards the cabin, with Camila following him. The two opened the door and saw a kid, no older than Luz, with their leg in a trap. The trap was digging into her leg, cutting and making blood fall from her leg. The girl also had a big black and blue mark on her head, roughly the size of a golf ball, indicating that she fell after getting stuck in the trap. Manny and Camila immediately went to help the girl.

"Sweetie, can you hear me?" Manny asked, kneeling in front of her.

The girl looked up, making the two parents surprised. The girl's skin was a light pink, her hair was a darker shade of pink, her ears were pointed, and most importantly, she had three eyes. The girl looked up and immediately got scared. She began pulling back from them, causing the trap to tighten and cause her more pain.

"G-g-get away!" The girl said.

"It's okay, it's okay." Camila said, "We're not going to hurt you. We can help you."

The girl let out a small sob and her lip quivered from pain.

"Y-y-you can?" The girl asked.

Camila held the girl and slowly ran a hand over her hair while Manny began to remove the trap. When the girl was free, he looked at her leg.

"It cut pretty deep, the best we can do is bring her back home with us and bandage it up." Manny said, "After we make sure she's fine, we'll start looking for her parents."

"Good idea." Camila said, "Can you tell us your name, Sweetie?"

"I... I don't remember." The girl said.

"Okay, do you know where your home is?"

The girl shook her head.

"What about what your parents look like?"

The girl shook her head.

"She must've fallen down and gotten amnesia." Manny said, looking over the girl, and seeing the tag sticking out of her shirt, "The name Boscha is written on it, I think it's safe to assume that's your name."

"She's clearly been through a lot." Camila said, "Let's get her back home and see what she remembers."

"Good idea." Manny said, "Well... Luz always wanted a playmate."

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