Chapter 9: Fire

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It had been a few months since Manny had died, and Boscha and Luz were at the playground, building sandcastles in the sandbox. Life without their father was unbearable at first, and not a moment in time they looked back on fondly. It was mostly through their bond and mutual support that they managed to adjust to a life they once thought impossible to live. The gifts he left them were also a big help. Luz in particular was enthralled by the world of Azura. In recent days, she would find branches to twirl and point at possums or foxes that she called "Gildersnakes." She'd also often indulge in recitations of her favorite book, with Boscha as her captive audience, not that she minded (too much.) The three-eyed girl was always amenable to supporting her sister however she could, which was why she was happy to build the nicest parapets of sand for a castle fit for a witch. Boscha had also been playing with her basketball, at only eight years and nine months, she was already making half court shots. She often had trouble finding someone to play basketball with. Luz wasn't very good at it, Tio Gabe wasn't always available, and Camila didn't quite know her own strength. Still, having Luz as her dedicated cheerleader provided more than enough motivation to keep practicing.

"Okay, Luz, how's this look?" Boscha asked, looking at the now finished sand castle.

"Oooooooooohhh!" Luz's reaction almost sounded like a choir rejoicing. "It's perfect!"

She pulled out a small Azura figure she got from the toy vending machine at the mall. She felt lucky to get it, especially after getting seven Hecates. The figure was delicately placed atop the castle.

"And perfect!" Luz said.

The sisters took a few minutes to marvel at their handiwork before resuming play. Suddenly, they heard the cackling of older kids.

"Look at the babies over here." One said, coming up with two others behind them.

Boscha glared at them, muttering obscenities under her breath.

"Boscha, no." Luz whispered as she held her sister's arm. "They're not worth the trouble."

The bully kicked the sandcastle, getting a bunch of sand in Luz's eyes. Boscha's whole body tensed up as she saw Luz try not to cry while she wiped away the sand with her sleeves. The younger sister was trying to keep the peace, and only got hurt for her trouble. Most kids knew she was too nice to retaliate, but Boscha wasn't.

"¡OIGAN, PUTAS!" She refused to give ground to the three bigger kids. "¡Deja en paz a mi hermana!"

"Speak English." One of them said, "My dad is right, you people should go back to your own country."

Boscha felt rage boiling in her, and she was going to let it all out. She suddenly felt a dull ache in her fingers, and without thinking, she traced a circle in the air with her index finger. To everyone's surprise, there was an actual glowing circle hovering in front of her.

"Go back to YOUR country, you colonizing douchebags!"

With that shout, Boscha shot a ball of fire from the strange circle that exploded at the feet of the bullies. Boscha let out demonic sounding growls as the fire began to scorch the ground. The bullies got scared, one even peed their pants. They ran away, while Camila ran over, seeing a fire, with her children near it. By the time she got there, Luz was looking at Boscha, in the way you look at a grizzly bear when it's charging at you. Despite the myriad of questions buzzing in her head, Camila grabbed the bucket the kids were playing with, scooped up some sand and threw it on the fire. A few pailfuls later, the flames were extinguished. Now she can figure out what the hell was going on.

"¿Mijas?" She tried to get her daughters' attention. "¿Están ustedes dos bien?¿Que pasó aquí?"

Luz was too terrified to speak. She could only point to her sister.

"Boscha, what happened?" Camila asked, "¿De dónde vino el fuego?"

Boscha, who calmed down, just looked at her finger.

"I... it came from... from me?" Boscha asked, before lifting her hand again and making another circle.

Camila was astonished that her little girl was creating a glowing circle. As Boscha was considerably less angry, only a small fireball plopped out of the circle and landed by her feet. Small or not, Camila was quick to stomp it out. She was a little overwhelmed by the situation, but seeing Boscha's sad expression helped her to regain her focus.

"Oh, mi Boschita..." Camila hugged her daughter. "...are you alright?"

Boscha just looked at Luz, who was still shaking in fear.

"No." Boscha said.

Camila looked at Luz, seeing the red sandy eyes.

"Come on, Mija, let's go get your eyes washed out." Camila said, "I think we've had enough fun for one day."

Just as they were about to leave, Boscha broke down crying. Both Luz and Camila looked at her with concern, though Luz was still slightly wary.

"M-Mami..." The sad, three-eyed girl uttered between sniffles. "Wha...what am I?"

Camila knelt down next to her. "I wish I could give you the answers you need. Just remember, whatever we find out, whatever your origin, you are and will always be a Noceda. You're still my daughter, and still Luz's big sister."

"An-and still Tio Gabe's niece?"

Her mom chuckled. "Of course, mija."

Luz meekly walked up to Boscha and nodded in agreement. They got in the car and went home. Elsewhere, the bullies finally ran out of steam after running for fifteen blocks. As they stopped to catch their breath, they looked back, still able to see the smoke from the playground fire.

"Wha... what the hell was that?!" One of them exclaimed.

The one who wet his pants was shaking like a leaf. "Aliens! It's aliens, man! I can't believe Old Man Hopkins was right! I don't wanna lose my teeth, I don't have any baby ones left!"

"Shut up, Piss-pants!" The third one berated. "She's probably just a mutant or something. Still, let's tell Hopkins anyway. He's dumb enough to believe she's an alien. Maybe he can get rid of the whole dumb family."

And so, they took off to the Gravesfield Historical Building.

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