Chapter 14: The Quest

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Luz was the first to wake up... mostly because Boscha was snoring in her ear, but partially because she was so excited about today. Today was their first official day in the demon realm, today was their first day of learning to become witches, and today was the first official day of them trying to find Boscha's birth parents.

"Woo!" Luz said, "Wake up, Boscha!"

Boscha turned over and clenched her sleeping bag.

"Mmm... fuck off." She said, not even opening her eyes.

"Nope! I shall do no such thing!" Luz sprang from her sleeping bag. "This is the beginning of our grand adventure, my entry into witchdom, and the discovery of my sister's mysterious past!"

Boscha groaned at hearing that. "Of course you're still a junkie for backstories."

Luz excitedly leaned out the window. "GOOD MORNING, TERRIFYING FANTASY WORLD!"

"Good morning!" A giant, misshapen, tentacled monstrosity politely waved at her before swimming away.


She retreated from the window, then spotted King asleep at the foot of Boscha's sleeping bag. She wasted no time picking him up and smothering him with cuddles and kisses. "Good morning, King, my little cuddle buddy."

"GAH! I am no one's "cuddle buddy!" Now unhand me at once!" King squirmed to get out of her grip.

"Yes you aaarrrre." Luz set him down and skipped out of the room, giggling all the way.

"This assault will not go unavenged-WEH!"

King's tirade was cut off as he learned, to his horror, that he was placed within arm's reach of Boscha, who snatched him without opening an eye. King struggled to escape her hug, giving up after a few seconds and falling asleep in her arms. Luz kept skipping down the hall to the bathroom, filled with pure excitement about this.

"Oh, I can't wait for this!" Luz said, looking in the bathroom mirror, "I can learn magic, I can achieve my dream, I can... I can help Boscha... after everything she's done for me."

Luz's mind raced with memories of the times she and Boscha shared. Their first meeting, the outings to the playground, digging around the backyard, the intense video game tournaments, the trips to the library, Boscha watching Luz's recitations of the Azura series, defending her from bullies, making her feel not so small...

"No te preocupes, hermana, I'll be here for you no matter what."

"Aww, that is so sweet."


One swift hand chop to the head and Hooty backed off.


When Hooty backed off, Luz went back to looking in the mirror. She was happy, and then the door opened, revealing a half awake Boscha, carrying King and her toothbrush.

"Morning, sleeping beauty, ready to learn about your witchy side?" Luz asked.

"Stop talking... too early." Boscha said, brushing her teeth.

"Guess we know where your fangs came from." Luz said, "I remember the dentists were so scared to do your teeth because when they started coming in, you ended up biting one of them."

Boscha kept brushing her teeth, but gave Luz the side eye. Luz just looked down at King, being carried around like a teddy bear, sleeping.

"Aw, guess he knocks right out when he's weightless."

"Yeah..." Boscha gave a weak smile. "...his limbs are so dangly."

She swung him back and forth to demonstrate that fact to her sister.

Boscha Noceda Where stories live. Discover now