Chapter 13: The Demon Realm

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A door with an eye opened up and the owl went through, with Luz close behind.

"Stop adorably hopping away, you..." Luz stopped as she saw where she was.

Boscha was close behind her.

"Luz!" Boscha said, grabbing her sister by the arm, "What the hell!?"

Luz just pulled her arm away and picked up some of the junk in the tent they were in.

"Woah, I thought I had a lot of weird stuff." Luz picked up a baby doll with its head attached to clothes hanger and lizard limbs, "But this... this is impressive."

Boscha huffed, upset by some of Luz's stuff.

"I'm not allowed to have a puppy, but you get to have a God damn python." Boscha said.

"Hey, you also have a python." Luz said, "They're siblings, remember?"

"Finally, you're back!"

Luz ducked when she heard the mysterious voice, while Boscha assumed a defensive stance. Once they realized that nobody else was in the tent with them, they slowly crept towards the entrance and opened it slightly. They peeked through to see a strange, pale-looking old lady with a staff manning some kind of flea market stand.

"Now, let's see what we've got here."

The owl that stole Luz's book hopped atop the staff and turned to wood, much to the Nocedas' surprise. Meanwhile, the old lady sifted through the bag of the owl's spoils, tossing aside a smartphone, lavish diamond ring and what appeared to be the holy grail.

"Garbage... garbage... garbage... ahh, now THIS..." She pulled out a pair of eye-dropping glasses and put them on. "...this will make me rich!"

Luz and Boscha looked at each other in confusion. The old lady then pulled out the very book stolen from them.

"And this... eh, this'll make good kindling." She held the book over a burning candle, much to Luz's mortification.

Boscha, on the other hand, ran right out of the tent and tackled the lady to the ground, destroying the stand in the process.

"Don't you dare destroy this book!" Boscha yelled as she took her sister's property back.

The old lady struggled as she was pinned down. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"Shut up, you old bag!" Boscha sprinted back to the tent and took Luz by the arm. "Time to go!"

The two tried to make it back to the portal, but it slammed shut. They both looked at the tent flap and saw the woman standing there, key in hand.

"You aren't going anywhere." She said.

Boscha put Luz behind her and raised her fists, ready for a fight. "Don't worry, Luz, I won't let anyone hurt... Luz? Luz where'd you go?"

Boscha saw that Luz, who was standing behind her no more than half a second ago, was gone.

'Seriously?' Boscha thought.

She turned around, just in time to see a bright flash. Outside of the tent, Luz was running until she ended up making it to a cliff and being forced to stop. There she saw the world. Buildings that look straight out of a medieval painting, some of which were being held up by ARMS. In the sky, a dragon flew in the sky, before being pulled down and getting eaten by one of the houses. The people were also different, some of them looked like... monsters. Thankfully a small fairy flew towards her.

"Oh, hello little fairy, are you going to tell me this is all some kind of magical dream?" Luz asked.

"Give me your skin!" The fairy said, teeth sharp and exposed, causing Luz to swat it away.

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